Morally Conscious

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Monday, September 11, 2023

Allow Me To Demonstrate Just Why Lori LaFond and Her Friends Should Be Concerned!!! The Numbers Don't Lie, Lori Jean!


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So what are all of you eating out there???  Something has gotten into you and I couldn't be happier!  I am so proud of everyone who has taken the time to learn about electronic harassment and Lori Jean Marie LaFond's connection.  Most victims of this crime never know who is behind it.  They hear stories from the perpetrators that they can neither record nor prove in court, but we can! 

We have insiders who were sick and tired of Lori LaFond ordering them around like slaves under the fear of being arrested by the Palm Springs Police.  I was arrested five or six times without any convictions simply because I reported my rape with bloody clothing to the PSPD.  The day after I reported it, I began getting arrested for the next 8 months.  My harassment was a direct result of reporting the crime which the Chief of Police refused to investigate.  He's heard all of the stories of people being stalked in Palm Springs for years.  He's heard of Lori Jean LaFond too.  He's even met her in person to have his own microchips installed, allegedly.  Illegal as that may be, it still didn't give him enough reason to stop her.  

Since then we have decided that one life is too many....hundreds are unacceptable.  Our friends died in that hospital in Palm Springs all the time from a bacterial staph that Lori carries in her lungs then spreads through various means to her victims who are knocked out and helpless.   "The Kiss of Death" is Lori's calling card.  I've even heard that the Desert Regional Memorial Hospital is aware that someone is still spreading this deadly disease.  I've had it twice and let me tell you it is excruciating.

All I've ever asked is that someone in law enforcement pull Lori's military records and look to see that she was and still is the main suspect in the theft of this military system that was boxed up and ready to be taken elsewhere because the tests in our area were a failure due to Lori's spying on people and causing problems.  She has had a lifetime history of misusing this technology for evil purposes.  She needs to be in a psych hospital or prison or both.  One thing is for sure, she has the AIDS virus and many other diseases and isn't getting any treatment from a doctor.  If she is a danger to society and herself she should be stopped.  Anyone who has heard her screaming at me or others knows that she is proud of what she has done.  "Her family" as she calls her still enslaved friends, are unable to get treatment either, because Lori's rule is that her friends "must be the same as her" in every way.  If they got hospital care, they would have to quarantine Lori too.  Lori is not about to have that happen so in that tiny home they rot in squaller. 

This is the worst case of a serial killer going under the radar in our country's history.  Someone needs to talk with her mother in person to get the means to stop Lori for good.  Lori's mother loves her but I doubt that even she wants to see Lori in this scenario.  This is where she began her life of crime, this is where she wants her final showdown.

Thanks for all of your support.  If you know of someone willing to help us, please have them get in touch with Martin or Benjamin.  We want to have lives that help people, not hurt them.  One tiny woman is standing between us and happiness.  It's time she got out of our way.