Morally Conscious

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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Lori Tried To Find Out Where I Lived Today...By Complaining About Our Dogs! She Must Have Called Every Apartment Complex In Town...


You can see above the kind of person that stalks to the point of contact and death.  Lori LaFond is not one tiny bit different.  Lori breaks into a home, in the middle of the morning, and rapes/beats her victims nearly to death.   Brian Kohberger, an Idaho defendant in a quad homicide, also stalked his victims.  He tried to use their internet illegally (just like Lori) and then convinced himself that he could enter a home filled with people and murder four of the six.  Something upset him that he couldn't wait for the girls to get home so he could hurt them.  After all, you don't bring a knife to a conversation that only one party knows will happen.  This is Lori LaFond's type of person.

There is no rhyme or reason as to why Lori LaFond decided to latch on to my family, as she has her whole life, but it is going to be stopped.  I've grown tired of constantly having to hear from my rapist and the girl that intentionally gave me HIV.  This monster got HIV by using dirty needles in high school, in 1982 or earlier, then blamed the gay community for her status.  We know that maintaining her health means nothing to Lori as these antiviral therapies have been around for almost twenty years now.  Lori won't take them.  She refuses and wants her poisonous blood to use as a weapon of death.  If you think I'm lying, then ask yourself, "Why did Lori freeze her own blood for years then bring it to the rape where Kevin was the victim?"  Her frozen blood was brought to the crime scene and put into my body.  The ONLY reason is to promote death.

Lori LaFond needs to stop running around 29 Palms trying to find family members to hurt.  The family I belong to isn't to blame for any of her problems and that also includes my sister's husband's family.  Lori seems to have a thing for them...she better not try to hurt anyone any longer.  If she does, I will go to the police with them.