Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Just Saw This Posted On YouTube...Enjoy


I posted this video this morning before I came to work.  I really wanted everyone to see Derrick Robinson, one of the foremost experts on electronic harassment victims.  He was one of the fathers of the Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance group that started talking about this phenomenon well before I did.  Lori has a story about him being the son of one of our teachers from this area of 29 Palms.  It could be true, there were some teachers named Robinson who worked with my family in this school district and they were black.  Lori also uses the yearbook to exclude or include bullshit whenever she can so a grain of salt with this one.  When I can verify I will, since Derrick and I have met before and worked on a news story together.   He is on the news story to the right...

What is notable about Derrick is that he would also be living out in our area but came from back east.  Was he drawn here for a reason or does he have family in the area with past connections to the trial of this system with the military?  We aren't sure.  What I am sure of is that he has a golden heart and a pure desire to help the afflicted.  I know him and I will vouch for him.

It is notable that both suspected victims of electronic harassment that included V2K were Myron May and Aaron Alexis, both shooters in heinous crimes, contacted Derrick Robinson before their episodes.  What most people wrote off as craziness were, what I believe, at the end of their road with being harassed mentally.  It's hard.  People don't know how hard it is to maintain your present self with your inner voice while they scream and yell at you.   The Navy Shipyard shooter and the Florida State shooter were victims of extreme torture, like mine, but their solution for the crime against them was to get attention for their own affliction.  The truth is that if these people who drove them to their breaking point were watching what each was thinking, then these same operators could have stopped it before they killed or wounded them.  They didn't.  Their goal was the chaos that ensued.  How many more mass shooters were under this influence?  I know who my torturer is, they didn't seem to.  It seems hopeless when that happens, I will vouch for each of them on that.  I have other friends who killed themselves because of Lori's mental games.

Nothing excuses taking a life or terrorizing innocent people.  The families of the victims should also be mad at the people who pushed Aaron and Myron's state of mind to the point of illogical action.  It's harder than you know.  I have a good support system...I work at it.

Derrick Robinson was the victim advocate that I contacted and both of these men contacted.  They could not explain the voices in their heads as far as recognizing them.  They knew they were being effed with.

We need to celebrate the efforts of Derrick Robinson and my other friend Dr. John Hall.  These two had their shit together and it allowed me to believe there was a solution beyond what other investigations tried.  We have a specific group of a minority community with a huge disproportion of these chips inside of them.  It stands out that their oppressor is a mean nasty girl who hates gays.  I only know one of those, and she is the one with a past of homophobia and violent behavior.

Not writing well today...sorry...lots on my mind.  I have an excited feeling inside of me about Lori's capture and incarceration.  She needs help or she will's not my place to keep her from getting that help.