Morally Conscious

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Thursday, August 31, 2023

People Wanted To Know So I Think This Could Help Someone!!! Use IT!!! A Conversation Can Change The Result!


Have you ever wondered why it is that I can successfully communicate to people the most absurd claim of my high school bully reading my mind?  I know.  I wouldn't have believed my own self.  I am now a much different person because of my experience.  Though a 20-year-old Kevin would have written me off as a nutcase, the 33-year-old version of me knows that it is TRUE.  Someone can use a microchip to implant you and then read your mind.  The reason I believe has to do with Lori's own past and mine as well. 

I am a good communicator.  I have the hard conversations.  I am not in denial.  I have already seen and been evaluated by mental health professionals that I sought out on my own.  I know that I am not crazy, I know that what I am experiencing is a real thing.  It's something Lori was exposed to in the USMC and something that she stole to use on her own.

I do not have a history of mental illness.  I also do not have a family history of mental illness.  I made sure that what I was experiencing was not a mental illness, but a real scientific thing called "The Frey Effect" at least as far as hearing Lori talk to me over this system.  I know she reads my mind because she answers my thoughts.  I know this is real because there are uses for it in outer space with astronauts or with pilots that fly faster than the speed of sound.

I want you to learn how to have a difficult conversation that you aren't having with someone.  So I saw this site and wanted to share it with you.  Can you believe someone has an app for that?

Be the friend that listens, not the one that judges.