Morally Conscious

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Friday, August 4, 2023

Following Dr. Frey's Advice: Naphazoline, Does It Work?


So is it as good as the research tells us?

If you are an electronic harassment victim that suffers, like I do, from massive migraines, Dr. Allen Frey, the namesake of the phenomenon called "The Frey Effect", wants you to know that his research has gone far beyond the discovery of microwave hearing.  I don't suppose that anyone that has discovered something and studied it at Cornell would want people to be hurt by what he found.  In fact, it has been his life's work to show the dangers of electro-pollution to humanity.  

In his early work, "The Microwave Auditory Effect" Dr. Frey does his best to explain how microwave hearing works and where it works in the body of a human being.  It is a really dry read by a scientist, but the account is really important to what electronic harassment victims go through.  It quantifies that people can hear without the use of their ears.  Even people with cochlear implants know that is true, but most don't know that someone, even a drug dealer like Lori Jean LaFond can implant something a hundredth of the size of a cochlear implant just under the skin at the temple near the audio cortex.  How would a misfit like Lori know something like that?  Simple, the military upbringing and her father's contact with this system gave Lori, a future serial rapist, an idea!  This idea would start in the 1970's but run all the way through 2023 and beyond.  Lori has fantasies about an entire society where everyone is mind implanted so that she can tell them what to do from her living room.

Dr. Frey has also studied what alleviates the worst part of this crime for me physically is...the migraines!  They are artificial migraines but they can trigger real ones.  So he suggested, after testing, that victims of this crime use Naphazoline.  They are in various types of nasal sprays (mine is shown up top) and vasoconstrictors that shrink the nasal tissue and lessen the severity of the headache.  Does it work?

This is my first week using the product.  I have a very clear nose to breathe through and I am now experiencing a few days without headaches.  I still have trouble sleeping with Christian and Lori using so much crystal meth that they can't sleep so they yell at me all night.  Threats and more threats have been given because, as most of Lori's victims know, she NEVER SLEEPS OR SHUTS HER MOUTH!  She calls any and everyone to try to lie her way into some kind of career that people will believe she has.  Of course, that means a model, a movie star, a police officer, a City of La Quinta employee...not the drug dealer that she really is.  She tells us she is a professional scam artist and serial rapist.

As most of you may not know, when you are a serial or a pedophile, that is really your job, in your mind.  Everything else does not matter.  You could say that Lori's vagina does all the thinking for her.  You can tell that it is her sexual sadism that rules every single decision she makes.  She won't stop either.  She can't, she says.  She likes to produce a fake id and pretend she is someone else.  She has always wanted to be anyone but who she is because she's already been in trouble for misusing this system when she was on a military base.  Then she stole it.  Left the area.  Became a serial killer.  Now she is back.

Hold on to your keys and lock your doors (car doors too), because when Lori wants to "look like" someone else, she goes ballistic!  I know her so it is no good to me.  I know who she is!  She is my high school bully and I have friends that have suffered because of her mental illness and this stolen system.  It's time to take it away from her like a child with a toy.  She's not mature enough to handle responsibility.  It's a huge crime anyway and terrorism needs to be stopped all over the world because of this system that is relatively easy to spot if you have the authority.