Morally Conscious

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Sunday, August 27, 2023

Hey, I Appreciate All The Attention...8,000 Hits In A Few Days...You Must All Have Heard Something! Good!


There has been another resurgence of attention on this blog.  I hope that it is doing some good for someone that didn't know what this was or how it was being misused.  I have had a hellacious last few days with Lori becoming all powerful again.  She gets on these kicks where she just goes off on me for weeks at a time.  It takes a toll.  

I just want you to know that I really am grateful for the attention to the LGBTQ community of Palm Springs, California.  We have suffered a horrible loss at the hands of some very bad people.  I want you all to know that I am always going to be able to give you what I can, but sometimes, life is so hard I have to hide away in my apartment alone and pray for justice.

Lori has been horrendous for the last three months.

She needs medical and mental attention.  She hasn't had a crystal meth free day in decades...she needs the same forced sobriety she uses against all of her victims that used drugs.  Why should we have all the fun?