Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Marilyn's Manson Isn't Jeffrey, It's Lori Jean LaFond; Stop Insulting and Abusing My Friends You Little Twat


Oops, she did it again.

I fucking can't believe that grown women had something to do with kids half their age and ruined part of their graduation from a high school that neither went to.  Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond, stalked the Katzenberg kids.  There is no doubt about it.  Benjamin was abused sexually, implanted, and infected with the AIDS virus, while his brother and sister, twins, had their high school graduation ceremony ruined, and their favorite high school teacher, put in jail for the exact same thing that Lori did to my father.

This is an abusive, child molesting, sexual predator with some kind of high school slasher film fantasies.  I've had to listen to Lori talk all day about how she did something to Jeffrey's kids while they were still in high school.  This sounds eerily familiar to me, a guy whose high school experience was completely ruined by this thing that was growing into a serial killer.

Marilyn, who spent much of their high school years and prior with the kids while Jeffrey worked in Hollywood, is the apparent target of all of Lori's hate and rage.  How else could you possibly explain the things that Lori's done to them.  It makes me so angry that the Police Chief, cut her loose on what should have been rape and attempted murder charges.  Her DNA was in my body in clumps of frozen blood.  My skull was smashed to pieces.  She is the person that would move on to terrorize more children in the LaPalme apartment complex.  She also helped to kill my brother in law then ruined my sister's next marriage.  

You can see that if you don't put her where she belongs, she holds onto your life like some kind of virus that you can't get rid of because the police won't do their jobs.  It stinks in the City of Palm Springs and the City of 29 Palms of the girl with the horrible hygiene and the drug habit that never ends.

Marilyn, I am so upset with this monster who is trying to kill your kids.  You know I'm not lying.  You know what she's done.  I've heard her threaten you, your husband, your kids, my boyfriend, his family, and so many others.  We know she's trying to blame so many others for what is clearly an obsession with nice people.  She doesn't deserve any conversations with us...and even more important, she doesn't deserve one more minute of our happiness.

Let's put this bitch in jail.  Let's put her friends in jail.  Let's put an end to the pain and suffering that the police helped her cause.

I am ready to show this female impersonator what a real person does to someone like her in a court of law.  Are you?

Lori, you are going to pay with your life and freedom....I wouldn't touch you with a million mile pole.  I feel kind of bad for the parents that wouldn't have a problem with it though.  There are some people that don't believe like I do.  I believe in justice, and a peaceful non-violent and legal prosecution of your sick ass.  I apologize to the parents that don't feel that way.  Your feelings are valid too.  I will do my best to help you tell your stories as well.