Morally Conscious

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Monday, August 23, 2021

Who Is Trevor? That Trevor Project Tells Everyone "Hang In There, It Gets Better": It Doesn't Always Get Better, Sometimes It Lasts A Lifetime


You know that old Nancy Reagan slogan that every single drug addict looks at and says, "That's such bullshit," the one that goes, "If someone offers you drugs, Just Say No!"   That's the way I feel about everyone's favorite charity, "The Trevor Project".  They tout this slogan about every bullied gay child needs to hang in there because, "It gets better."  To hear some stars tell you about it, "It gets sooooo much better!"  I'm here to tell you all that it doesn't always get better, sometimes it just gets worse and worse.  It's not true and it isn't my experience at all.

My childhood bullying started at the age of about 9 years old at the hands of Lori Jean LaFond.  I didn't know her but her work was visible from the second she started it, until tonight...I'm 53 years old and I have the same exact cunt of a bully that I had all through my childhood.   Literally she went from being a childhood cunt to and adult cunt and kept me on her radar her entire life.  It definitely did not get better because everyone kept their mouths shut about her utter hatred for me.  Her parents said nothing, my friends said nothing, the school said nothing, and the only people that did say something said it to her parents who again, did nothing at all to keep this monster away from me.

My boyfriend did nothing.  My friends did nothing.  My fraternity brothers did nothing.  My sister did nothing.  Nobody did anything but allow this little fucking bitch into my life over and over and over and over and over and over again.  It definitely did not get better.  So many people committed suicide because of Lori Jean LaFond and I'll just bet that things didn't get better for them either.

Then I joined A/A and that also did not fulfill any of the promises that it said would happen.  There was no miracle.  There was no truthfullness, Hell even some of my best friends were stalked and went to Lori's house where they believed her instead of me.  Then it became another thing.  This whole bullshit about life getting better for a gay man, is bullshit.  Some people get better and others get shit on their entire lives.  I ended up right back where I started with the help of Bessie Smith who continued to make life worse for me and my family.  Why should life get better for her when all she did was weasel her way into my family again after a thirty year absence?  She doesn't deserve a better life, neither does Missy Erickson.  In fact, I'm hard pressed to find anyone who considered more people than I did, and everyone else's life got better.  Hell, even Ricky, Jeff and Brown, and other people's lives got better than mine and I had nothing to do with Lori.

For eleven years, I've had the ammunition that I needed to stop Lori Jean LaFond dead in her tracks and rather than see that as the best option for the longest victim of her crimes, the decision was to make it worse for me while everyone else's lives got better...and they did.  By leaps and bounds their lives got better.  You can't imagine how much better Jonathan, Anthony, Barbara, and Christopher's lives got.  You would think they won the California and New York lotteries.  That is great for them, but they didn't have Jeffrey Katzenberg stealing their hard earned savings accounts, they didn't have one.  That's because they didn't work through this torture like I had to.  They didn't get the same kind of attention from Jeffrey that my family did.  What I got was a lie.  What I got was more Lori than ever before.  What I got was the simple message, "Don't try to stop Lori or we will help her destroy you."  That's the message that I got.

All I needed was an attorney.  I didn't need any of my friends to put Lori in jail.  Not one.  Instead of that being a milestone in my bullying, the parents of my friends decided that I should endure more.  More pain, more suffering, more poverty, more hate, than anyone else.  I guess that's the kind of people they are.

I worked eight full years at a minimum wage job, overnights with my mom and I saving every single nickel we could.  When it became obvious to me that this crime was not being investigated properly, I wanted to withdraw some of the $37,000 that I'd saved.  Jeffrey beat me to it.  He had his three friends rob my sister and mother of MY BANK ACCOUNT.  Jonathan, Anthony, and Christopher have moved justice to a very very low priority on their list and that's fine for them, but I have not gotten one tiny lick of justice since Jeffrey got here.  His need to control my sister, my father, my mother and my family resulted in the loss of about a decade's worth of saving, simply because if I hired an attorney Lori would be in prison with all of her friends.  So tell Trevor or whoever runs his project that what he's telling people is absolutely not true.  It doesn't get better, it gets much worse too.

Jeffrey isn't the only parent that did this either, there are about three or four parents that agreed that taking my life was more important than stopping the girl that gave their children HIV.  What I did was give them a fighting chance against Lori, and they took complete advantage of it.  Jeffrey has not made one single thing happen since he got here that wasn't against my family or against me personally.  He's ruined my relationship.  He's ruined his son's relationship.  He's done nothing but piss off everyone so that he could take center stage, like always.  His help wasn't necessary until he stole my money.  He still has it.  I'm still living in a garage at my family's place.  11 years later, I'm doing worse than when he got here.  At least then I had my own home, my own cat, my own space.  Now I don't even have that.  I have my very valuable sobriety and that's about it.  Whoo hooo!  I'm sober enough to have Lori torture me while I'm straight.  The sexual cleansing of my life was completed about 13 years ago when Jeffrey decided not to let any of my friends talk to me.

I love my family but even they don't know what they did to me.

Jeffrey took my justice from me.  He stole my investigation with his wife and hid every single piece of evidence he could get his hands on.  You don't see this in the paper or on the news simply because he chose not to let anyone know about it outside of his Hollywood friends.  It's sad to think that these kinds of billionaires decide for the public who gets justice and who doesn't, isn't it?  I've never thought of myself as an angry person, but the truth is that the world didn't get any easier, in fact it got harder by a thousand, but I got tougher!  I got to where I am with Lori's freedom because I survived without anyone helping me.  They said nothing when Lori falsified evidence or stalked me out of state, instead, I just kept taking it until I had enough evidence to prove what my entire life taught me...nobody is going to stop Lori but me.  My friends won't help, my family won't help, my community won't help, but I have to do it alone, and now I have to do it without any money to pay an attorney.

Is this what you and Missy wanted Jeff?  This is highly illegal and it won't go unpunished.  He knows that so he kept me from having an attorney and continues to lie to my sister about getting that money back.  I am sure she doesn't know what she did cost me everything...because that's the was Bessie Smith did this to her.  She set her up to look like a thief, then Lori told my sister to lie about the money she stole, then Jeffrey sweet talked himself into some kind of arrangement where someday (without being specific about anything) he would do something with my money.  I don't want him doing anything with my money.  He's the guy that ran a 2 billion dollar company into the ground within six months.  Everyone lost.
Shouldn't I have had a say in where my money went and who it went to?  It was supposed to be for Christopher and me, but he's already in a better place now for almost four plus years.  This whole situations is some alternate universe where Jeffrey or Lori plays God with my life.  I think that they should both be punished equally under the law.  My life sucks big fat ugly dick...and Jeffrey thinks it's wonderful.

God forbid Christopher take Bryan to court....for informant misconduct.  God forbid he do anything to help my family understand the problems that Jeffrey and Bessie intentionally caused.  God forbid that Jonathan's father do anything to help the only person that never lied to him.  God forbid Marie Monti pay back the life I saved for her.  This whole, "It gets better bullshit is just that, it only gets better when the bullies go to jail."

Oh, by the way, Trevor isn't even a real person.  He's just a character in some play or the fuck would he know if it gets better? He's not even a real human being.  The lie that Hollywood is perpetuating is that it gets better if we get involved, but the truth is when Hollywood got involved it got so much worse for me, you can't imagine.  Hollywood, did nothing.

Bryan Anderson and his father, completely worthless.  Oh he can have his son taken off this system or even have these implants removed, but do you think either one of them thought about the homosexuals that are on this fucking thing that have nothing to do with the military?  Nope, just Bryan should be off.  Fuck you worthless cop.  You've got a lot of nerve putting me in this position and telling me to do it all alone for this long.  I should have known, when you fuck Lori LaFond as a boyfriend, you showed the worst taste of anyone I know other than Missy Erickson.

Missy and Leah now have a gym absolutely ridiculous that they would even think that something like that is going to make them not guilty.  I guarantee you that when I have a lawyer Jeffrey, Missy, David, Bessie and Lori are all going to prison.  There is nothing I want more than to see how "Life Gets Better When Jeffrey Goes to Prison".  That's what I'm praying for.  Another summer where this was "going to be ended" is now over again x's 11 years.  He's lying to all of you and you know it.

Jeffrey and his girls committed elderly abuse and fraud...I won't ever forget what these last 11 years have been like.  Never.  His ass is going to prison as soon as I get an attorney.

I want a fucking attorney that I pay for with my money that Jeffrey and his wife stole from me.  I want this to be clear, it's my god damn money and it is what I saved it for.  If he doesn't return it, I will sue him and his son for everything I can get.  Understand Benjamin?