Morally Conscious

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Thursday, August 5, 2021

We Are Finished With The Katzenberg's And Their Illegal Gathering of Evidence!!!

Yes, folks, they are fired!

After nearly fifteen years of stalking me and using some kind of excuse that they were working with me, it has come to my attention that Jeffrey Katzenberg along with Missy Erickson and her family have obstructed justice in the name of drug dealing and serial rape.  The information that has been gathered inside of Benjamin's home for the last fifteen years under the lie that it was for our investigation is all unusable.  I will not allow any of that information to be used under any circumstances.

I had the occasion to see my father today and he looks like he is nearly dead.  He's already made comments about killing himself and now he looks like he's dying.  Jeffrey caused all of this stress to happen with Missy Erickson and her family.  This obstruction is killing my family.  My sister is a wreck, my mother is leaning into her Alzheimer's disease, and Jeffrey is still in receipt of more that $37,000 that he and his girlfriend Bessie Smith stole from my sister and my elderly mother.  The elderly abuse is obvious and my family is not to be played with.  Mrs. LaFond, you and your daughter Jacquie are to blame along with the Katzenberg's.  How dare you put my family through something else...haven't you and Gene done enough to us???

From this day forward if anyone needs to get information to my team, they need to talk to Jonathan Mendenhall or Christopher Monti.  I have absolutely no association with Martin, Benjamin, or Leah, from this day forward.  Pastor Mendenhall, I am voting down anyone that was on that team for any future arrangement with San Diego and that opportunity.  My vote is a solid and forever NO!!!

Furthermore, Martin's mother and father, I now will be considering you suspects in the obstruction case where you failed to report Lori Jean LaFond to the authorities in a timely manner after you knew that she had been in your home illegally.  I will press charges on you because obviously your friendship with Jeffrey Katzenberg and his lousy wife is more important than your own son's rape and the rape of hundreds of others.

Missy Erickson you can expect the death penalty if this case goes to the State of California, along with your friend Bessie Smith, David, Lori LaFond and Leah Fauntleroy.  Jeffrey has sat and reveled in the pain that he has caused my mother, father, and sister for the very last time.  He's listened while my mom cried on the living room floor after Jeffrey and his girlfriends, along with his wife, stole my money to keep me from hiring an attorney.

I want everyone to know one very important thing, I will never be friends with Benjamin Katzenberg ever again.  I will see him go to prison before I will ever accept his little boy apology. You were the worst decision that was ever made in this investigation.  Your immaturity and unprofessional standards of hiring people is obvious.  Your friends aren't good enough for the government to use as witnesses as long as you still have one of the thieves living with you.  There is nothing professional about that.

As for Jeffrey, you may for the time being think that you and Missy will use your son's work to provide her the avenue that you stole from me, but I assure you, if you even breathe in that direction, I will have every single victim of this crime file a class action law suit against you, your wife, your brother, your father, your son, and the rest of your selfish and self destructive family.  May you die a lonely solitary death.  Today would be too soon for me.

My sister and I will be talking to a lawyer as soon as possible and as soon as I do, I will take you down as the King of Hollywood.  I will never forgive you ever again.  This is done.

Attornies representing my friends, Jonathan, Christopher, Anthony, I want you to get Jeffrey's attorney's SBN...I want him or her, disbarred for his lack of representation for this investigation and for putting the public in danger while Jeffrey obstructed justice with his wife and child.  This case should have been solved in the days after Sedona, Arizona, in March of 2010.  Jeffrey has stalled justice while other members of the gay community and the brain link system were implanted and infected.  Two people died because of his negligence.  These families deserved better.  Jeffrey refuses to talk to my sister about stealing my money and he refuses to give it back. It has been six very long years without the ability to hire an attorney.  I will be looking into other options.

Do not direct any more conversations to the Katzenberg's about this investigation, they are considered prime suspects along with Lori Jean LaFond.

I intend to show that the money posted for bail in Lori LaFond's case in Arizona was given to her by Jeffrey Katzenberg and his father.  She used an assumed name and skipped bail to come back here to torture me and my sister.  Jeffrey aided and abetted this crime.  He's forced everyone to not talk while giving some "boo hoo hoo" story about his poor wife and family.  In the meantime he abused my elderly father and mother....

May his own father find peace in the decision to ruin someone else's life.  I'm sure his deceased wife is turning over in her grave for this poor choice. The rumor is that Jeffrey took Missy Erickson to see his dying mother and her dying wish was to have Missy leave us alone....that's the opposite of what Jeffrey did.  Instead he inserted Missy into every aspect of our lives until she could steal the monies I saved for an attorney for Christopher and myself.  I knew that we would need one because of the lack of effort of Bryan Anderson and the PSPD.  I saved every single penny and Jeffrey sent his roommate Bessie Smith over to steal it from my mother so that this terrorist organization could terrorize my family.

Jeffrey tells us not to be emotional about these decisions, yet he's the one that took fifteen years (and counting) to do absolutely nothing.  It is now my opinion that Jeffrey only used his son to stalk me.   This investigation is not over, but it has now grown to include the members of this team that lived in Benjamin's home.  They very well could be helping Lori to get away with the murder of my brother in law and the attempted murder of myself, Anthony, Jonathan, and Christopher.

It would appear that Lori's "family business" may have some truth to it.  It appears that Jacquie Palmer, wife of Carson Palmer, may be laundering drug money through the housing complex where they are allowing Lori to live and terrorize people for free.  It is well known that both Lori and Brian do not work; can't work because of their tuberculosis and other contagious diseases, but they sell drugs and steal from police informants like myself and the Nichols' family.  I can already prove that Jacquie filed a false affidavit using her sister in law's job on behalf of her own sister that used her sister in law's name.  It's not only fraud, it is part of the murder investigation cover up.  The statements made by Jacquie Palmer are false and lies...she did not even work for the City of 29 Palms as she stated and what she said was a complete lie.  There will be no phone records of me ever contacting Jacquie Palmer.

Jeffrey has sought to nullify witnesses in this case. Dispose of drug evidence.  Threaten and extort witnesses.  He's even characterized the theft of my money as "protection".  I will not be bullied by any man or woman no matter how much money they have.

I would suggest we begin looking into a class action lawsuit for all the victims based on their denial of civil rights because of the major obstruction of Jeffrey Katzenberg and his wife.  Jeffrey has kept this country in the dark about this crime for over fifteen years...and he's done nothing but break the law ever since.  Several President's of the United States were personal friends of his...Obama, Clinton, and Biden, yet Jeffrey's desire to keep them from finding out about this terrorist network shows that he is more interested in committing the crime than stopping it.  Even Secretary of State Clinton wasn't told.  He's simply a traitor to this country and to his own family.

The final decision is up to Christopher Monti.  He knows more about what has transpired with Jeffrey than I do.  What I will say is that the money Jeffrey planned and stole was half Christopher's.  His wife knows that. Bessie Smith stole this money from my mother and Jeffrey tried to implicate my sister.  Whether Benjamin stays on this case or not is completely up to Christopher.  Benjamin's team is at his mercy.  I'm sorry to have to do that, but Christopher is better situated than I am.  I would caution him from hurting me and further with this silent treatment.

Do not mistake this for any kind of threat, I simply do not have any desire to work with a team that has done virtually nothing for the victims of this crime but help the criminals.