Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Lori Has Weaponized A Military Communication System and I Can't Figure Out How To Talk To The Right People To Stop Her! Any Suggestions?


What is it with Lori LaFond and her need to keep torturing people when everyone knows she's a complete psychopath?  Most criminals would run away or try to look innocent, but not Lori.  Despite a long history of using this tech when she shouldn't have been, back in junior high school and earlier, she still thinks it is some kind of mystery as to who is doing this to gay men and women in our area.  Literally saying that nobody can catch her and she'll get away with it...puhleeez!

I can still remember that awful voice of hers screaming and yelling back in high school saying the same slurs that we hear all day and night on our recording devices.  She thinks that she doesn't present some kind of image of drugs and torture, but there is a major obstacle in her way.  She's already been investigated for this crime way back when she was a minor and they know she is behind what has happened in Palm Springs, California.
From what I've seen, Lori has an obsession complex that doesn't ever seem to end with any of the people from her past, but I seem to be her favorite person to be brutal to.  I don't know why?  I've never spoken about her until I came back to Palm Springs and left because of her.  She's relentless in her pursuit of hurting me and my sister.  I want someone to figure out that this little monster is loose and she needs to be put some place where she can't hurt anyone ever again.  She also needs to be off drugs and medicated for her mental illness.  She literally looks at the diseases that she has accumulated as some kind of biological weapon of mass infection.  She refuses to get life saving treatment.

Now I am really hoping that someone, hopefully some of my friends from the past that have dealt with her through the military will get in touch with General Etnyre and let him know that she is here, looking for revenge, and dangerously close to the military base and his own private home.

The U.S. Government needs to know that she has weaponized a stolen computer system and is using it against innocent people in the public by putting us into their brain link system as military dependents or personnel.  It's a really dangerous system of microwaving people into submission.

This girl is every bit as sinister as any serial killer from the past and my friends know it.  Somebody please get ahold of the Commander in Chief and have him talk with General Etnyre (ret.) so that the President of the United States knows how innocent Americans are being treated here, across the U.S., and all around the world.

Please help me/us...I want to be free.