Morally Conscious

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Saturday, August 28, 2021

Every Dream Sequence Is About Missy Erickson and Lori's Need To Contol Her

The Dynamic Dyke Duo strikes again.  Every single time I fall asleep, I get a long drawn out dream sequence that involves Christian trying to get Lori pissed off enough at me so that Lori can take pot shots at Missy Erickson.  Tonight, Lori did what she always does...she pretended that Missy was Christopher and I was her....It's nothing like what him and I are like.

Lori has been doing this for so long now that she has a schedule that she follows and, of course, Missy is no closer to getting her shit together than before.  I spent all day listening to Lori's bullshit while I was trying to get my physical health better.  I want everyone to know that this whole thing could have been avoided if Jeffrey would take one stand against BOTH GIRLS!

Whenever this happens its all day all night and then Jeffrey acts mad at me for saying anything about it.  The truth is that he hasn't come down nearly hard enough on either of the girls.  I want him to do something about this crime NOW!!!!

This whole group thinks that I have to do everything to stop Lori and they can just sit and wait for the money to roll in.  It don't work that way for me guys.  Someone once said that this isn't a master/slave relationship.  This is a sadist/victim relationship.  In the former only the person inflicting the pain can remove it.  In the real relationship the inflictor of sadism has to be met with the same amount of pain inflictions as she gives her rape victim.  I'm not saying to commit a crime, I'm talking about choices and consequences.  Jeffrey has not implemented any kind of consequence since he got here.  Where are the consequences for the pain Lori is inflicting???  Make a decision Jeff.