There is an unwillingness to try to help an already cloudy area between who does and does not constitute a victim of this crime. My team has tried to make sure not to snag anyone in this investigation with a role that may have seemed criminal but was due to some kind of extraneous circumstance...for instance they were helping Lori because she owed them money that was stolen, they were keeping an eye out for their family...but what I am finding out is that decent people do not really exist when it comes to the LaFond Family behind the microphone.
I think that Jeffrey once had this problem with David and Missy. Now I know why. There isn't anyone that I've seen that isn't willing to hurt an innocent person that helps Lori's family. Yesterday I was willing to look at Leah Fauntleroy and Missy Erickson, and I thought maybe they were in some kind of pickle, but the truth is that they all would rather do drugs and play around than do the serious work it takes to protect this country and our children. I tried to wrap my head around what it takes to do something for someone so evil.
Take Christian Johnson, Lori's sidekick, he's the idiot that never stops doing whatever Lori tells him, yet his sister is involved, allegedly, in an attempted murder where Lori bashed her face in and basically put her in a coma. Christian and Tracy's father, Joe, is also a victim of this crime. So the brother of the victim, is working with Lori LaFond, in what appears to be some kind of mental extortion of father and sister. This is what these fence walker people do. They put their own families in danger in some kind of trophy role for Lori. The message, I almost killed your daughter, and if your son doesn't do what I tell him, I'll kill him too. Christian, on the other hand, is more than willing to do this. So is he a victim or a criminal?
My experience has shown me that someone like Christian has no concern for his sister or father and the murder attempt charge remains unsolved. If you look at Tracy's face, this shouldn't happen. Christian is unwilling to share what he knows and Tracy and Joe are left to fear for his life. I'm not into this whole, holding someone hostage bullshit. Someone should have taken Christian off the microphone, but they didn't.
I'm not willing to help people that aren't being held at gunpoint to help Lori, but aren't. You either are for the good guys or you are not.
I'm hearing Lori cutting off all communications tonight on a system that she has lost control of but wants to give the appearance of. My team, on the other hand, hasn't made the effort to keep this from happening.
My recommendation is that we have enough people already to stop this crime, we don't need to put all of us through deciphering who deserves this kind of break and who doesn't. If you can't stand up to Lori and take a side now, you shouldn't be rewarded by my team's recommendations to the U.S. Attorney. That's a big no for Missy Erickson and a big no for Leah Fauntleroy and anyone that is willing to hurt innocent people for no reason at all.
No more fence walking. I wanted someone to help Mrs. LaFond with her daughter's mental and physical problems, not turn it into some kind of recruitment for more terrorist members. Enough games have been played while people like Tracy still have to live in fear of Lori hunting them down and killing them. I should know, I am one of those people too. This is the second time in two weeks that people have tried to help this murderous bitch out, I see no reason to bother with them any longer.
Putting the public at risk is not on the right side. Lori has already shown a propensity to infect people with her untreated diseases; anyone that would help her continue by lying about Lori's real mother and her desire to seek medical and mental attention isn't helping anyone but a killer. I doubt that Mrs. LaFond would want people to help her daughter hurt more people, in fact I know it. If you are truly trying to stop this, you wouldn't be playing more games with Lori tonight.
Tracy is a true victim of this crime having to watch Lori turn him into another monster. Playing off the family ties between father, daughter, and son, is what this killer does. So if Christian is willing to do this for Lori is he a victim of this crime or one of the criminals? He is hiding the truth on an attempted murder charge of his sister and looking to find more people to help Lori. This is for a prosecutor to decide, but my vote is thumbs down for someone that would obstruct justice.