Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

"You Will Respect Her Family Or Else" Huh? Or Else What? Lori Is Going Crazy Again And She's Making Demands


I remember when Lori LaFond took the microphone and started talking to me over this brain link system.  One of the first things she said was, "You will respect my family!"  I thought to myself, "The fuck I will respect your family, I don't even know who you are!"  Lori loves to demand respect from the very people that she has raped.  What rapist gets to do that?  What rapist gets to control the thoughts and emotions of her own rape victims?   Lori Jean LaFond has always been a bully and she still is.

I heard that Lori sent out a bunch of text messages again today trying to usurp her control over the families of the people that live with her.  Has anyone ever noticed that Lori has to have people around her so that she has families to put in danger or terror?  If you fear for the safety of your loved ones because of these types of text messages, I suggest that you contact your local law enforcement and show them these non-sensical demands.  Lori has clearly manufactured some kind of fantasy where she is the head of the household for her new "family".  The same "family" that she has been trying to manufacture all her life.  She did this in high school too, but when her "family" members wouldn't do exactly what she wanted, she pushed one of them under a moving vehicle.  Clearly she is not as family oriented as she says she is or she thinks that it is normal to push someone under a car when they don't do what she wants.  She is clearly a malignant narcissist willing to go to the extreme of extremes to get what she wants accomplished.  Even kill.

Lori's fantasies aren't normal or healthy.  RIght now she has collected up some of her greatest mean team members and magically turned them into her relatives but to do that, she has to get rid of the old family that they are really from.  She does this by blackmailing her own friends and by brainwashing them with statements like, "Your mother doesn't even love you anymore," or "I'm your new mother now."  Behind their backs, Lori is sending those same friends' families text messages that announce Lori's new family and deleting them from their blood families.  She actually thinks she has the power to do something like that.  She's getting worse.

Lori just loves to keep someone from a group of friends inside her zone of control that way she has two things, a bargaining chip and a hostage.   By keeping a person near her, she can always use that person against their own family emotionally and otherwise.  My group of friends use to have Jonathan Mendenhall inside her concentration camp like home.  We couldn't do as much as we wanted out of fear that Lori would do something to Jonathan if we made too much noise.  When Jonathan had enough of Lori's bullshit demands, he finally left and vowed to never return again.  This freed up our team to work without putting Jonathan's life in danger.  Lori couldn't put a gun to his head, literally, if we did something that she didn't like.

No is suspected that one person was shot and killed out here that was once in Lori's presence just the night before.  Lori gets this idea in her head that she's some kind of executioner and that's when she is too dangerous.  It's not too difficult to imagine that someone that goes around threatening people with death could kill someone that was in her presence just the night before.  Lori loves to tell stories about how her brother will do anything she says and that he is some kind of hitman for the Lesbian Mafia.  This is simply an overbearing sister and a brother that has been abused his whole life by her.  She's threatened to blackmail him or report him if he doesn't do what she says.  She's even blamed her brother for things that she's done when the police get word of it.  "It must be one of my brother's people doing this," she tells the police when someone reports a crime, but in her restraining order she says she doesn't know anything about this technology.  Lori has a problem with people finding out who she is and what she has done, but for anyone that attended high school with us, it's definitely on the table.  She's a thief, a liar, a homophobic homosexual, and mostly she's a sexual sadist, anyone that has spent any time with Lori knows that she is all of this and more.

Lori just loves to tell everyone around her that Missy Erickson is her sister.  The truth is that Lori isn't her sister, she just got a fake id with the name "Jessica Christine EK" on it.  This way it looks like the two are sisters, because Missy's real sister's name is Jessica Christine...but isn't that kind of weird?  Lori even got a very close to matching tattoo on her foot that Missy got to represent her own family.  Why someone would duplicate a tattoo for someone else's family, I have no idea?  I've heard that the real Jessica also has this tattoo, so Lori simply added herself to Missy Erickson's family by placing a tattoo on her foot.  That's strange since Lori has never met the Erickson's and I am certain that they don't consider her a family member at all.

Lori has been desperate to meld herself into another person's family, especially Missy Erickson's family, so badly that she was willing to permanently tattoo them on to her body. I don't know how Jessica feels about it, but I know that Missy wasn't too happy that Lori had this done.  Lori and Missy are not sisters in any sense of the word, but Lori is willing to force this onto Missy without her consent or permission.  All of a sudden a one of a kind family tattoo, has become something that Lori identifies herself with.

Everyone knows the stories about Jessica from the famous "Jessica and MIkey" years.  Jessica, played by Lori Jean LaFond, has a hideous reputation as a drug dealing, psychopath, thief that pretended that Mikey was her boyfriend for years and years. I've got news for you all.  Mikey is gay.  He has a boyfriend.  He isn't her boyfriend, and all of that was just Lori fantasizing about her "heterosexual romance" with yet another gay man.  Mikey, I've heard, can not stand Lori Jean LaFond and when she would lie about their alleged romance, he would get furious with her.  Mikey was essentially a beard for Lori to wear outside so that nobody would suspect her of being a lesbian.  What's wrong with being a lesbian?

Lori does this her entire life with others too.  If you read her application for a restraining order against me, the very first thing she mentions isn't about the merits of her application, no, it's about her "four year relationship" with Bryan Anderson that ended amicably.  Another beard.  She even told a police officer friend of mine that she was "married to" Bryan Anderson and still others that she has kids with him.  None of that is true.  The truth is that Lori once lived across the street from Bryan Anderson and Lori lusted after him while she sat across the street watching him with his girlfriend Deanne.  Lori makes shit up all the time.  She isn't even close to knowing these people like she says she is either.  She looks people up in high school yearbooks and stalks them at reunions.  Her whole life is one big fantasy...and a lot of it has to do with hiding her true sexual identity.

Personally I could care less if she is a lesbian or if she is straight.  Makes no difference to me at all.  I wouldn't want to know her either way.  She is a very dangerous predator that continues to live her life in a reckless manner that continues to hurt people all along the way.  She doesn't give a fuck about what this would sound like to Bryan's wife or kids that have absolutely nothing to do with her.  It just makes her sound straight in that restraining order and it does one more thing, it makes it seem like my police contact and family friend has something more to do with her than a former neighbor.  Bryan is the officer that signed Christopher and myself up as informants, and Lori knew that.  Why else would she start something like a restraining order off like that?  What is she trying to prove?

Lori is overreacting because she is the person behind this crime and she doesn't want to get caught.  Compensating for her sexuality shows that she has trepidation about being homosexual...but that isn't news to me.  She's been hating on gay men since I was in 6th grade with false allegations against my father.  Lori has a very difficult time disseminating between what is real and what is fantasy.  She even told Christopher that I was once her boyfriend.  OH MY GOD THAT'S NOT TRUE! I would rather cut my dick off myself than be her boyfriend.  There isn't a chance in Hell that ever was the truth because from the very first time I saw her, I though she had mental problems.  She was so angry and hateful towards me and everyone...she wasn't on the list of my potential friends ever.  I'd rather be friends with someone that is friendly, not someone outing me to the whole high school campus on the first day of school.  I didn't even know who she was, but she clearly knew me.

So if you have been getting a whole lot of strange text messages that kind of look like Lori is trying to control you or your loved one, you might want to consider contacting law enforcement.  She's in another one of her episodes and it doesn't look like she'll be leaving soon.  She's definitely off the deepest end right now, if I had a loved one living with her, I'd get them out of there.  Lori has never lived with a single person that didn't end up getting HIV from her or worse.  Never.  They all get HIV and other diseases because Lori loves to experiment on them.  She went through a period where she would pierce men's testicles with a syringe full of staph infections.  I've heard from several men and Jonathan was in the hospital once with what can only be described as a very swollen testicle that looked like a potato.  Lori even photographed herself injecting him while he was knocked out.

Lori just loves to document herself in lots of pictures doing the most horrific things.  One picture, I've heard shows her mother, sister, and father knocked out on the ground while Lori spits in their mouths....I know that is so sickening, but it is important to note that this is how she spreads disease.  Her father had so many problems when he passed away that my team is wondering if Lori biologically poisoned him with her own blood.  She refuses to go to the hospital and she doesn't take HIV medications and I know what I tested positive for after she put her frozen blood in my body during the last rape.  Lori has problems and they are communicable but instead of seeking treatment she embraces her blood as a poison that causes death in the right amounts.

Lori has this fantasy about completing the job that she's tried so many times with kill me.  If she can just keep her new found "family" together long enough, she thinks she can convince them to attempt another murder.  Man, this girl needs to get some serious help.

Right now she is calling her brother, Junior/Brian, by the name Jeffrey.  This is yet another attempt by Lori to try to annoy Jeffrey Katzenberg.  Jeffrey allegedly has forbidden Lori from threatening him again and I can't blame him for it.  Lori has made some pretty awful comments against his wife and son.  She thinks that if they were out of the way, that she would somehow magically become his new daughter....huh?  Seriously that's the way she is acting.  She's mad that Jeffrey won't consider that, like it is some kind of option for real.  This woman raped his son and his son's best friend, robbed his wife's home, shit on his floor and tried to poison Marilyn by putting ant spray in food and other places.

Lori is always trying to get rid of one of the spouses in a relationship.  She's tried it with my mom and dad, my best friend's mom and dad, he own mom and dad and many others.  She plays this game of what would it be like if Marilyn wasn't there anymore, then she goes way too far with it.  She's rude to Marilyn.  She sends hateful texts.  She is constantly trying to test how much Jeffrey pays attention to her and not Lori.  It's an all day all night thing.  You see, since Missy Erickson once got Jeffrey's attention and screwed it all up, Lori thinks it is her turn to make a stab at a "friendship" with Jeffrey.  Huh?  It's simply not realistic or any kind of a possibility.  So now she's mad at him and she takes it out on me all day and night, hoping to get his attention without directly contacting his family.  It is still a nightmare.

Lori thinks she is some kind of Missy Erickson and that if Missy had the opportunity to work with Jeffrey, she should get one now too.  Um, that's weird.  FIrst of all the home that Jeffrey is at here in the area is his son Benjamin's.  Jeffrey has no say as to who lives there and there is no fucking way he is going to let Lori move in.  She raped him.  Lori has this weird thing about living where the people live that she has raped.  She used to have her brother break into our homes and apartment to take pictures so that Lori can see what it looks like.  Lori has this picture thing she does where she stares at them until a fantasy appears in her head...whether or not it's true, it doesn't matter, the picture has now become her reality.  Seriously, she has fantasies about people's pictures that she stares at endlessly.  She tells people stories about how she is somehow connected to these pictures and she has no idea where they are from.  It's all pure fantasy.

I guess what I am trying to say is that she is getting so much worse right now with her friend Christian that they have both crossed the lines into an area of psychotic cat and mouse that they almost never sleep.  They are up all night and day for weeks at a time.  Christian is now asking and answering questions so that Lori won't get mad at him.  I just hear them, I don't usually comment.  Lori is always mad at Missy Erickson and vice versa.  As usual, when these bitches start, Lori immediately begins to take it out on me.  She basically takes everything out on me.

We need help stopping her.  It's as plain as that.  I've seen her turn irate and rage-like before, but now she on testosterone and the lack of sleep combined with her needle use has turned her into a nuclear bitch meltdown.  She's an atomic bomb waiting to go off and I am always the person she is landing on.

I have every right to tell people to be wary of her since the police let her go.  I have the obligation of warning the public.  After all I went on a vacation to Arizona, six and a half hours away, and guess who showed up?  Well of course it was Lori the girl that just filed a restraining order against me, the girl the just filed a new crime lab report to replace the real one, the girl that doesn't know anything about me since high school according to her court paperwork.  It didn't happen by chance happened because Lori is a stalker that uses brain linking to follow me around