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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Why The "Howard's Circle" Domestic Terrorist Need To Be Worried...Hint: She's From Palm Springs and Everyone On Here Hates Her!!!


Okay "Howard's Circle stalkers", listen up.  If you are really as good at this as you think, I wanted to show you why it is you should be concerned and leaving this man, Kevin Christian, alone!  Here we go.

Kevin here, is one of hundreds of people that I've heard from that has an opinion of what is going on in his life.  I've watched him and I know that a lot of what he has to say is pertinent.  He's also a really nice guy for trying so hard to teach people about this crime.  Some of you may have seen his YouTube channel "Targeted Individual";  some of you may think what he is saying makes no sense or he's crazy.  Do you Howard's Circle people understand something...we have 800 plus victims in tiny little Palm Springs, California, almost all of whom are gay men?  First of all, that's fishy, but it gets much better.

When Lori Jean LaFond implanted all of these 800 men with her brother, she gave us a little gift that went along with it.  The gift was HIV!  Some of these men were implanted and infected as young as 11 years old...not all were gay.  An 11 year old with HIV gets investigated by the police, but more over, as time has gone by, the HIV virus now can be traced back to the person that gave it to you.  Did you swamp billy's understand that?  These 800 gay men were all infected by ONE WOMAN, right before they started hearing voices.  This started over 35 years ago!!!

Let me hillbilly this down for y'all.  Gay men DO NOT GET INFECTED BY WOMEN VERY OFTEN OR AT ALL...but in our town, children and adult gay men all started hearing voices right after a woman, ALL THE SAME WOMAN BY THE WAY, infected them with HIV.  We know it's the same one because of genotyping the HIV virus.  So all these HIV patients have several things in common.  They are "hearing voices", the voice is female, she uses one name, all of these men that don't know each other are hearing the same woman usning the name "Lisa", and we know that they were all infected by ONE WOMAN, that woman is LORI JEAN LAFOND!!!

While most of these men have never met her...I have the dubious honor of having grown up with her in a tiny military town of 29 Palms (the largest Marine Corp base in the world...).  

This is called "brain linking" back when it was used on our military base.  I know because almost all of our friends are military dependents and were implanted by the military when they were stationed here and traveling over seas.  This was once used to track military dependents for their security if they got deployed elsewhere in the world.  Lori was implanted as a child but her father was in charge of personnel on our base and this tech fell into his care.  Lori, a psychopath, stole these computers when the base no longer used them.  She then ran to Palm Springs and started knocking out, implanting and infecting gay men with HIV.  She didn't think anyone would notice...and for 35 years they didn't but OUR COMMUNITY SAW THE BEGINNING OF THE URBAN LEGEND THAT IS LORI LAFOND!!!

Unfortunately, Lori left us with her HIV that for many years wasn't backtracable...but now it is.  All of the men that she's implanted are getting genotyped to see who infected them and wouldn't you know it....time after time it was exactly the same woman from the military base way back when I was a kid.  She's a bully. 

So now, Howard's Circle stalkers, she's giving up her secrets...because she has to save her ass!!!  She knows that I worked for the U.S. Justice Department and I have all the connections to throw her ass in jail forever.  Federal death penalty cases are stayed these days...

So while Kevin Christian is doing the best job with the tech side, we went biological with our investigation and the net caught Lori Jean LaFond.  She even implanted police officers that will now testify against her as the person that hooked them into the system...without INFORMED consent.  

I think Kevin Christian is a nice dude.  He's doing the best he can with what he can figure out...but since I've been doing advocacy for a decade, am friends with Dr. John Hall, and I'm well connected with the U.S. Attorney's Offices in San Diego...we are trying to help as many people out there as we can.  We have other operators that worked with Lori on MY TEAM!!!  So as hard as Kev is working to stay alive, which I understand very well, I wanted to send you idiots a message.  Stop now...I'm not joking...stop now.  You are messing with his head about "having a baby" and zapping his butthole...and that shit is an assault.  This stuff is all recorded in the translation database through his chip serial number... Kev may not get that, but you stalkers do, dontcha?  It's right there on the screen in front of you.

Portable cell numbers and relay stations, satellites and gas lighting, all just bullshit to hurt an innocent man like Kevin, but there was one other thing I needed to address.  Don't play that "tranny" game with my guy Kev over there.  It's offensive to me!!!  I am part of the LGBTQ+ community and we aren't really very happy about you boys using our community to fuck with Kevin.  I know this whole game seems exciting to you, but Kevin is clearly a straight man so playing with his sexuality this way is just another way you want to offend and control him.  Don't use our community to do that ever again.  

And as for this "Ricky Patton", man, I know that isn't your aren't fooling any of us.  You've made up some story that Kevin is going with, but eventually he is going to understand that all that shit you are doing is just bullshit.  You guys are, for some reason, into him! Man, you are talking about sex with his lady friend and having his baby....all that shit we've seen out here before.  Leave Kevin the fuck alone and grow up.  Stop using meth and fantasizing about this cool guy.  Clearly he isn't into you.

I don't know if some of you are gay, but if you are, stop now.  Kevin is a person, he doesn't need you to make up stories to hurt him.  If you are using his passwords and screennames to fuck with his tech, know that it is going to end.  I've been able to keep Lori out of my accounts for years...and I know that's what you do!  If you are stealing money from Kevin, stop.  I know how that is also done.  

We have celebrity kids here in Palm Springs whose parents are on my coalition, that's why we've been so successful in finding this information.  Lori's probably mentioned Jeffrey Katzenberg a billion times on your screens...he isn't your friend!!! He's definitely not the guy that she wants him to be...and he will be one of the reasons that this crime doesn't just end will end everywhere using this system.  Not just Palm Springs, but Howard's Circle too.  You idiots don't really think I can't stop you do you???

No matter how Kevin Christian feels about the LGBTQ+ community (I don't really know btw, or care), he needs to know that we care about him and his freedom.  We are for ALL AMERICANS, not just the ones that support us.  Kevin is a good example of what someone does to stop someone from stalking him.  Gay or not, I want to be the one that helps him. Our community is offended to think that anyone would do this to another person then play the "Tranny" game to point a finger at us.

Stop fucking with this guy.

Here is Lori's father's obituary so y'all boys understand why we know she was military and her father was a 30 year Sgt Major?  That's a long time not to climb the ranks...isn't it?  When Lori Jean LaFond stole this equipment from her father's unit in 1981 or abouts, he was reprimanded and could not acquire a new rank.  Lori was kicked off of his dependent's list and is barred from all military installations because of what y'all boys do.  In other words, her use of this system and the sale of it to you and your likes, is domestic terrorism through a military site with military equipment.  It's all bad for you guys in Georgia.

Lori used this tech way back in high school to fuck with the military dependent's kids and when she did, they all had to go and see her father to stop her.  Then she stole the computers, the chips and ran to Palm Springs where she became the urban legend she is.  Like Bigfoot and the bloody hook on the handle at Lover's lane, Lori became the girl that infects men with HIV and harasses them.  I'm the person that identified her because I've known her since back then.  So if you guys over there in Atlanta want to stay out of federal need to log off and leave Kevin Christian alone.  We know what you do and we aren't going to allow it any longer.

Our investigation is complete and factual...we don't play those mind games out here any longer.

You Howard's Circle people, may call this remote neural monitoring, Brain Computer Interfacing, or whatever, but when the 1970's military had it, it was called BRAIN LINKING.  It's how pilots could hear when they flew faster than sound.  It's how astronauts hear in outer space where there is no air.    I call it remote neural monitoring because it can be done from anywhere with an internet connection.  If you are in Howard's Circle, that's an awfully small place to commit such an obvious crime.  If you are in Atlanta, you know that military in that area will find you with our help.  Don't be stupid, almost all the operators on this system know Lori Jean LaFond from Palm Springs, California, so don't front like you don't.

Finally I want to say that it's Pride Month which means that American's from the LGBTQ+ community want to help stop this crime for EVERYONE.  It's one contribution that we can make that defies sexuality discrimination...gaycism.  Our country needs us to fill in the blanks of electronic harassment and gang stalking for our citizens.  I'm here to fill that need with our team.  Let's all realize that we are the minority majority and help one another.

Kevin Christian and I may not agree on stuff, maybe we do, but in the end, it's just one bro helping out another.  Who he sleeps with, who I sleep with, doesn't matter.  It's entertainment for you voyeurs and it isn't the point.  Just one bro in California helping one bro in Atlanta, suffering from the same thing!

God bless Kevin Christian and keep him safe!