Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Face Of Hate In The Gay Community of Palm Springs, California


Just in case any of you was wondering, this folks is Bryan Anderson.  This is the face of hate in Palm Springs for the LGBTQ+ community.  Not only is he the four year boyfriend of Lori Jean LaFond (he must have been looking for an easy piece of ass), he's also the police officer that allowed Jeffrey Katzenberg to stalk my sister and family before Jeffrey and Bessie Smith stole my life savings.

I have a very long history with this killer cop.  He's been someone I've known since I was a little kid.  He used to be a person that I looked up to, but I have had way too many years of experience with him to know that he isn't any kind of police officer that the community can trust.  He's sitting in this picture as the cop who was held responsible for the Warm Sands sting operation that called the suspects, "Cocksuckers".

He was once a close friend of my brother-in-law.  They played baseball together and he was the husband of to my sister, so Bryan was once a trusted member of my own family.  I've never been more disappointed in the kind of decision making that this cop has made.  To leave me in this desert without any kind of protection from the girl that he once told me was his "friend".  Lori, on the other hand, said that this was her husband with whom she has three children.  That's what my best friend told me.

I've never been anything but 100% honest with him and he's been, well, less than candid with me.  He's the cop that was in charge of my rape case that helped to bury the RIverside Crime Lab that showed that his ex-girlfriend broke into my boyfriend's home and shoved like a gallon of her frozen blood into my ass.  This guy actually got the report and didn't even assign a district attorney to the case.  It was his responsibility to make sure that happened.  He blew it.   He also is the same cop that told my sister to have me report the rape from my home after two trips to the emergency room weren't able to get a police officer to stop by to take my report.

This guy is also the person that allowed all the drugs that are inside of Lori's home to be purchased when he was given all the information about who was buying them and who was selling them to her.  That's the amount that has lasted her for over 14 years...and she uses a ton of crystal meth.  I guess he likes the way she uses the drugs to entrap homosexuals in his area.

I don't know of a single cop that I've ever been more let down by than this guy and I'm not the only one.  I personally know of two other gay informants besides Christopher and myself that share the same feelings about him.  He's not kind.  He's not nice.  He's not a person that I would ever call a friend ever again.  What he has done is sickening.  He even brought Lori LaFond to the scene of my brother in law's murder after she set the whole thing up.  He's heard Lori talk shit about me for decades...and still let her get away with my attempted murder.

There is no excuse for the thin blue line that he walked after knowing what Lori did to my father and to Coach Fabian; setting both men up for sexual molestation of students.  He's probably the cop that arrested Steve Fabian after his girlfriend set him up.  

Lori says that the two are in contact with one another and that Jeffrey Katzenberg and he have some kind of agreement about what Jeffrey is doing to my family.  He is friendly with Bessie Smith, the fake friend of my sister, that robbed my mother and me of my life savings.  Bryan used to love my mother, now the only mother he loves is Lori, the mother of his children.  (Note, she really is a lesbian and he isn't the father of any children with's just the story Lori tells everyone.)

What he didn't tell anyone is that he allowed Lori to use M. Katherine Jensen, Esq. as a City of La Quinta employee, which she is not.  Then she stalked me to Arizona even though Bryan was made aware that she was there with a restraining order against me.  Lori then proceeded to bring drug precursors and manufactured more child pornography there.  It was Jeffrey and his wife that didn't dare tell him what really happened there, but the fact that he knows she raped me and then stalked me to Arizona should be the reason that he ends up in prison.

I used to think of him like a big brother, now he's the big brother that turned into a shit head cop that hates fags.  Personally, I don't like dirty cops as much as he hates I guess we're even.

In the end this cop is the person that put my entire family in danger for the last 14 years because of his inept leadership skills and his willingness to "look the other way" when it came to his ex-girlfriend.  He was once the target of her hate in high school too but once she became a drug dealer that could inform him about drugs in the gay community, the two became close alliances in the hate crime from which all these victims suffer.  He's not to be trusted and anyone that thinks he's on the up and up should really have their heads examined.

There isn't any cop at that department that is clean...they all seem to have one agenda.  Protecting the thin blue line at any cost.

In the end, when I am gone, you can all look at Jeffrey Katzenberg, Bryan Anderson, Christopher Monti, Marie Monti, and Bessie Smith and tell yourselves, these people are responsible for the tragedy that my life has become.  I never did anything to any of them, but they did their very best to hurt me more than anyone ever has, even Lori LaFond.

I would also like to add that Bryan knows damn well that Lori LaFond is responsible for the police informant Nichols Family's financial losses, he's ignored that and the elderly abuse of my mother that allowed Bessie and Jeffrey to steal my life savings.  He's a coward.  His own mother would be horribly ashamed of him if she was still alive.