Just because this woman did a great job of making herself look like Pee Wee Herman, doesn't mean she is him. That's what people need to understand when they encounter Lori Jean LaFond. She isn't some master of disguises, she's really just a crazy bitch in a wig. She does this shit over the telephone too. All she ever does is pretend. Well, life isn't pretending, it's real, with real life consequences for the woman that terrorized a city for more than four decades. Spying on people and stealing their personal information is a huge part of what Lori does. She can always give just a piece of the truth to sell the performance, but when someone digs any deeper than the surface, they find out that she isn't the person she says she is.
Just ask M. Katherine Jensen, Esq. who falsely represented Lori and the City of La Quinta in a restraining order against me. Ms. Jensen was illegally representing a serial rapist and killer who then followed me on vacation to Sedona, Arizona right after this was filed. You see, Lori didn't need to pretend to be an executive assistant for the Mayor of La Quinta after she got me restrained, so she thought she could stalk me and my friends on vacation. Unfortunately for Lori, she took pictures and the information contained in the application proves that the woman that filed the restraining order and the woman that stalked me to Arizona are one and the same.
She can't change her DNA. She can put on a wig. She can pretend to be someone on the phone. She can lie her ass off, but the truth is in her DNA. She is the daughter of a military officer that once was in charge of the remote neural monitoring system in 29 Palms. All of the equipment she is using was stolen from that very military base. She has the ability with that stolen equipment to change cell phone numbers to look like anyone else's, but it's still her. Most of the victims know this too. We got the craziest text messages from our friends that weren't really from them. You can tell because they don't make any sense to us. They don't send texts sometimes and all of a sudden they're sending hundreds of texts using language they never used before. Our conversations with our friends are something we are used to, but when Lori starts using their numbers, it's a whole different feel to them.
For example, Steven Frey never text messaged me when we were boyfriends. All of a sudden when Lori raped me, he started sending texts that were horrible and using language he never used before. "U r a deadman" was one. Another was "Peter is taking me on vacation"; Steven and Peter didn't know each other according to both men, I asked them. On the night I told Bryan Anderson that I would come in to do informant work with regards to Steven, I got a text that I gave to Bryan that said, "Now I know why there is a bullethole in ur cardoor. Too bad they missed." That came out of the blue in the middle of the night and I hadn't spoken to Steven in months. This is all about spoofing phone numbers and Lori pretending to be someone she isn't.
The last text was in reference to the shooting where I was a victim in San Diego as a deputy clerk for a U.S. Magistrate Judge for the Department of Justice. Her brother has already admitted to the shooting and he knows it was his sister, Lori, that forced him to do it...or else. Lori has a problem with her identity. She's never worked in her whole life. Her Social Security number has never been used. She's never paid taxes. She is trying to pretend that she and her father used this system as some kind of police communications system for the PSPD, but that is illegal. The problems that we have with Lori all come from her need to pretend someone into jail, prison, or a grave. She's a psychopath...and she isn't stopping.
Just tonight she said, "I'm trying to survive." I completely disagree. A woman with her diseases that uses them in a manner to infect and destroy others lives isn't trying to survive, she's trying not to be accused of killing or attempted killing. Smashing my skull while knocked out and putting her own frozen blood in my body was #1 an attempt to murder me and #2 her way of not using a needle to infect me because she is a drug addict. (Lori wouldn't waste a fresh needle on anyone, she needs them for herself.) She's not here to survive, she's here to kill.
All I have ever said is that I don't want to be anywhere near her. She has nothing to fear from me, I don't want her near my family, but she insists on putting her friends near my sister and family. Even when there was a restraining order, she still disrespected the law and followed me six hours away on vacation. She's a lunatic and she isn't backing off with her friend Christian Johnson helping her.
What she is doing is playing a game of "I'm a victim, but I'm a killer" which is basically the biggest lie of all. I'm the person with the bullet hole in my car door. I'm the person with the broken skull. I'm the person whose face is on that postcard. I'm the person that takes care of his physical health. She isn't. This is a case of a serial killer that loves to threaten people, and sometimes follows through, acting out against her victims. I've always been someone that she's threatened, it's even in her application for that restraining order. She went to my best friend and he wrote an affidavit (why? who knows?) that says that Lori used homophobic slurs against me in high school. Others will tell you that it was way more than name calling....she shoved me, she screamed out all those hateful words, and she had some of her druggie friends ready to be violent with me. She went so far as to plan parties at my friend's home and when I wasn't there, she got violent. Threw rocks through windows and even pushed one of her friends under a moving vehicle.
His hip and femur were broken and even though I wasn't there...she still tried to blame me. Ridiculous! I was nowhere near that party for good reason....I knew it would turn violent. That's who Lori is.
She then continued into college.
She then continued into San Diego.
She then continued into Palm Springs.
Now she's here in 29 Palms doing the exact same thing. She threatens me and my family and if I say something, she acts like a victim. That isn't a victim, that's a predator.
Lori acts like when I say she has HIV that it's a crime. Remember, she drugged me and gave me this disease when it wasn't treatable in 1987. She then ran around telling everyone I had it and that I didn't tell people I did. If I didn't tell anyone then how would she have known or been right? The ONLY reason I would say it, and do, is because the police let her get away and I have a community to protect as an informant and as a human being. If they are going to destroy evidence, then I am going to have to get her into a courtroom for an order to draw her blood for proof. Someone is going to have to stand right there with her while it is drawn and accompany it with witnesses to the lab. Then they have to protect the lab too now. Lori has way too much information because she spies on the police, but there were lots of things that they didn't do that they would normally for say a woman that was raped. So it isn't just Lori pretending it the police that cover for her.
Pee Wee's Big Adventure is the name of one of Lori's self made kiddie porn movies. It is real. It is sickening. Lori is all the way involved in it. It is time people focus on her and stop focusing on the red herrings that she makes as she misleads police on a wild goose chase.
She also just today threatened to put drugs and paraphernalia in my vehicle. I don't use drugs. I have no paraphernalia. Lori loves to break into cars and frame people. She has the drugs to do it too. I want this on here so that if she should try it again, I want the police to know that I am an informant for Bryan Anderson on a drug case and that Lori Jean LaFond is the suspect. Her friends are too. This is for my own safety. I work. I don't use drugs. I have never tested positive for them on any case that Lori set up either. All negative tests and I still spent weekends in jail with no reason at all.
One thing for sure is going to happen now, Lori will have to stop raping children and giving them HIV. The second is that anyone from now on in the vicinity of Lori LaFond that is raped and infected has the right to suspect her. Especially now that these rape victims hear voices in their heads following their rapes. This is what Lori loves the most about her system, she can rape and harass her victims for as long as she wants...until someone takes her stolen computers away and shuts down the website that allows Lori access to their thinking. NO MORE UNSOLVED RAPES.