It's really creepy the way Lori Jean LaFond thinks of Jeffrey Katzenberg and that she could have some kind of "close familial" relationship with him. I'm not all that surprised though.
For as long as I have known Lori she has always denied her own family, unless she thought it would do her some adding them to a restraining order or by telling some enlisted families in the military that her father outranked them. I clearly remember as early as the seventh grade that Lori was already pissed off at my sister for something to do with the man she eventually married. Some event at one of their properties when Lori was in the seventh grade pissed her off. It has to do with Lori being to young to be where she was and being sent home. I'm sure that there are plenty of witnesses to that event, but there is one that will be brother in law.
Nobody holds a grudge like Lori. She gets over absolutely nothing. If she's imagined a slight, then she will hold the person in the fantasy responsible even if they had nothing to do with it. If you don't play along with her fantasy, that's a good enough reason for her to hate you. I was not her typical "younger brother" of a female that she was attracted to. Lori was used to her own gay brother being someone she could blackmail and order around. When she saw how easy that was, she then targeted me as the object of her bullying, but she had used my sister before too.
From what I have learned over the years, it wasn't just me, the younger sibling of one of the girls she was attracted to, that Lori plotted against. Apparently she thought that if she was mean to us, our sisters would join in with her. That's Lori's opinion of brother and sister relationships. The sister should be anointed and the brother should do everything to support the sister. Of course, running around bad mouthing the sister doesn't help her cause either. I'm sure that my sister, like myself, has heard about Lori talking shit about my entire family for years. Lori just loves to go to high school reunions to talk shit about my father, sister, and me.
There is a real problem with Lori thinking that if one of her family members is a friend of ours that makes her a friend too. It doesn't work that way at all. My friends are people that I take time to get to know and develop. I treat friendships as important...if I see a sign of trouble, I'll try to work it out but I don't hang on to obvious problems. Lori was hideous to me from day one and she is the person responsible for causing my dad all kinds of problems during my childhood development. My family was in the newspaper every week for three years. We tried not to read that stuff, but Lori made sure that she cut out every article and highlighted things like "sodomy of a minor" and "oral copulation". It was a hideous thing to do, but I tried to get to the mail before anyone got home.
Lori was always in search of "a new family" because she never felt like a member of her own family...or at least that's what she told everyone. She says she felt like she was more "special" than the family she got. The truth is that Lori caused her very large family a lot of problems. It's not a surprise that she felt alienated, she alienated them herself. Lori always thought she was more mature than what she was, but her actions were always sub-mature for her age level. What Lori thinks is adult is really hard to believe. Accusing another person's father of child molestation is a sick thing to do...she's done it more than four times all the way into the courtroom. At least four adults and four kids and their families had to struggle through false allegations that Lori simply made up. That's a whole lot of messed up lives. Her last attempt was the first male teacher and female student...the other ones were homosexual allegations. This hits at the heart of marriage and families. Every gay person comes from heterosexuals in those days so someone like my mom was confronted with allegations that were completely out of her realm of understanding.
It's no surprise that the last attempt with Coach Fabian happened either. He was friendly with Lori's father and the football coach of all of her brothers. He coached with my father at my high school so when he went to Palm Springs and so did Lori, so did Lori's fantasies. It was a way to tell her family that she knew something about another coach that they knew well. Lori just loves to make up and spread bad news. It's like sticking it in her father's face or her mother's. He was represented by my father's lawyer and again that attorney was faced with false allegations without the victim's support. It's all just because Lori likes to hurt people.
I can offer up a whole lot of people that Lori lied to about my father. She would tell people that he was a convicted child molester even though she knew he was fully acquitted. She also knew that the alleged victim was not on board with the allegations...I don't even think he testified, but Lori gave the police all the evidence she could manufacture. When he was acquitted, Lori was furious, and set her sights on me. I only had two weeks between his acquittal and the first day of high school before Lori screamed at me for being a "flaming faggot that everyone knew about." I chalked it up to my father's situation but I could tell she was way more angry about me than anyone that doesn't know you should be. Personally, I think she planned the verbal attack that was witnessed by my friend Kim and others. That was followed by several more attacks on campus and off. Then she started trading drugs with boys if they would fight was a nightmare.
My opinion is that Jeffrey Katzenberg represents the kind of father that she thinks is worthy of her. Wealthy, connected, famous, and with a certain concern for a damsel in distress, which Lori plays to the hilt. Lori uses her gender as both an excuse and as a weapon. Attacking me on campus was her way of challenging me in front of everyone knowing that I would never hurt a female. She could look tough and not get into a physical altercation but remember, I didn't know her. So an attack like this wasn't just embarrassing, it was like watching a mental patient going off the rails. I always had to ask people who she was after the confrontations. I'm not sure if she thought I was the weakest of my family herd so she targeted me like a predator, but I am also the smart one in my family. She also has this thing about being my sister's friend.
There is no way my sister would ever be her friend. Think about it. Lori's the girl that accused her father of being a homosexual pedophile. Lori's the person that told lies about my sister revealing secrets about her teammates because some of them were military and implanted. My sister's friends and teammates are my sister's best friends. She would never do that to anyone. Lori is suspected in my brother in law's death by setting up the confrontation knowing that her uncle was armed. Lori is the person that was selling my brother in law drugs and at the same time calling my sister to tell her that I was using them. It' s been confrontation after confrontation...and that's only the smallest part of what she's done to my big sister.
Jeffrey was probably someone that she thought she could isolate with her friend Missy then weasel her way into his life. Missy is kind of known for her status as a homewrecker starting with a family's kids. Her shelf life doesn't last long though with close families. Eventually Lori's demands of Missy become so outrageous that Missy can't stay in touch with the target family. I wasn't happy when she met my sister either and that was when my bank account was stolen. So the girls definitely worked a scam, but Lori can't understand why Jeffrey won't give her a chance to live with Jeffrey's son that Lori raped? It just doesn't compute. That Lori thinks it is a viable situation for her only proves that she thinks she can fool anyone.
Jeffrey may have offered them an easy mark, but in the end he's never going to take Lori's side over his wife's. Lori knows that too but she still has nothing good to say about Marilyn. It's sad. Lori's own family was a perfectly nice one, it is just because she caused so many problems with brain linking that her own father couldn't live on the military base any longer. He should have been moving way up in the ranks but when your kid steals the brain link system and tortures other officer's kids, they tend not to be able to trust him...even though he would have had nothing to do with it.
Lori's problems began long before Palm Springs and will last the rest of her life. All anyone has to do is check her military dependent record and they will see that Lori was one of the biggest problems that this Marine Corp base has ever had. She sexually fantasizes about people she's oddly attracted to even when they make it clear that they are in no way interested; Bryan Anderson is a great example. She's a homophobic homosexual and she resents her own self; it manifests itself in having gay men arrested and tortured. She hates that her brother is gay but he's become a perfect excuse for what's happened in Palm Springs. He's gay and so are the victims so he must be the rapist. Genotyping the HIV virus says otherwise. Lori is the controlling youngest sister of many kids.
I just want everyone to understand that I speak from lots of experience with her. She's going to cause every problem she can, so it's not a good idea to give her time to vomit another lie to someone that doesn't have the full picture. It's time to show and tell, Jeffrey, believe me it is just as much for you as it is for the rest of us. She's locked in on your life, that's a bad thing for Marilyn and Benjamin, but everyone will suffer.
I've heard that Lori even told Christopher that my father was some kind of convicted child molester and that I was her girlfriend way back in the day. Seems odd coming from the girl that was bent on outing me to the entire school and anyone that would listen. Nothing could be further from the truth. I wasn't her boyfriend, I was the person she bullied. That she would turn into a homophobic rapist isn't a surprise in the least. Lori's been trading drugs for favors for decades; violent favors.
My brother in law warned me about Lori a long time ago. He said she had nothing good to say about me, my father or my sister. He knew, at the time, that I had used drugs, and he wanted to make sure to steer clear of his drug dealer; Lori Jean LaFond. No problem there, I can assure you. It doesn't surprise me in the least that Lori would be behind all of this stuff, when you consider the problems that she caused for the kids in high school. Some of them were implanted and she likes to spy on them. She'd then go around spreading rumors or talking shit about them. Of course, the military kids also knew Lori's father worked with the "brain link" system and Lori was suspected of stealing it with lots of microchips a long time before. Lori has always been a Little Miss Know It's about time people know why.
It was a big mistake meeting up with Christopher after we became informants to lie about who she was and who she worked for. She made a big mistake showing herself to Christopher and Martin's mother too. They didn't know her real name then, but now they can put a real name to the face that they can't forget; and that big fat mouth that disrespects everyone. You never forget Freddy Krueger's face...Lori's isn't much different the way she talks to people.