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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

We Can't Blame Everything On The Russians When Lori Jean LaFond is Behind These Attacks in Palm Springs, California!!!


Please watch this interview and ask yourself, "Isn't the government asking for our help to figure this out?"  I am screaming the name... 

Lori Jean LaFond...

Read this ===>  Food for thought

Okay, so we know this isn't just happening in other countries, at embassies, we know it is happening in 29 Palms after years and years of Lori LaFond living in Palm Springs where this crime was taking place.   I have a theory.  

I'm thinking that a lot of people that work in embassies and in Washington D.C. are former military or from military families.  Lori was implanted in the mid to late 1970's because her father Sgt. Maj. Eugene C. LaFond was involved with the experimental tech for the 29 Palms MGACC.  Lots of kid and their families were implanted, Lori told me this herself on this system, so much for it being a top military secret.  Who is to say that some of the people that are being attacked at these embassies aren't kids of dependents or military themselves?  Remember, most of these gay men and women in Palm Springs were not military, the devices used to commit these crimes were stolen from 29 Palms and illegally implanted into our bodies.

What people don't seem to understand is that our own Police Chief, Bryan Reyes, is implanted with one of these devices and he isn't talking.  Why?  Shouldn't he be informing the government about Lori Jean LaFond and this type of terrorism that the U.S. Government is looking into?  Bryan Anderson?

We all know what has happened to these people, whether it is through a microchip or a ray beam set up in a location close to the embassies, we are also sure that it isn't Russian where we are concerned.  Lori has shared this system and website with so many people over 35 years that there is no doubt why this has spread all over the world...she spread it.  Just like HIV.

This is a military communications system for the Department of the Navy.  I want to be certain that our current Commander in Chief knows that we don't want our military to be blamed for our implantation like the military is spying on us.  It's the inclusion to their database that is the problem as well as Verizon poor security of these phone lines opened on Lori's stolen computers.  We have pictures of the computers, we know where they came from.  Directing microwaves at innocent civilians is not something that the Navy did to us, it was their lack of security for this system that I have a problem with.  She shouldn't be able to access this system from home.  No civilian should.  This is a problem that we all need to solve asap.  I get attention all over the world for this many RFID chips from 29 Palms have made it around the world.  I know that her cousin's microchip is in the Phillipines and Lori has watched him from Joshua Tree, California.  This system was made for monitor U.S. Military personnel and their families overseas.

Lori LaFond was kicked off the military base and her military dependent status was removed.  She isn't military and they don't let her near their bases, but here she is, back again!  In essence, someone that the military already deemed as dangerous and violent, has been accessing this system that they know she took way back before junior high school with her brother Brian LaFond.

This is an act of domestic terrorism, I want to be the one to help stop it for good.

She needs the world to know she has lost her mind reading system.