All posts on this blog should be considered allegations. They represent my experiences and opinions alone. The information contained is for the victims of illegal remote neural monitoring. I seek a peaceful and non-violent solution to this crime. DO NOT commit any illegal acts because of this blog. This is for public safety and for warning about the crime that the police won't. Be SAFE, Be Aware...Law&Order only
Some Nights...Couldn't Be Better Worded...So, You Sold Your Souls For This? Was It Worth It? Guess So.
"My heart is breaking for my sister
and the con that she calls "Love"
Then I look into my nieces eyes
Man you won't believe
the most amazing things
that can come from
Some terrible lies..."
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, you realize it did. There are so many people involved in the covering up of Lori Jean LaFond's crime spree in Palm Springs and 29 Palms that it's almost impossible to write about them all. So many stories that nobody is ever going to hear because one man decided that he had to rearrange who was important and who wasn't. Guess where I ended up?
I look at the damage done to my family now and all I can see are three tired and overworked family members trying to survive a billionaire and a serial killer. I say all the time that Jeffrey did to me what Lori never could. Lori could never keep my friends away from me. Lori also couldn't have stolen my savings with my mother. My sister and mother lied to me, that could never have happened without Jeffrey adding his "power" into the equation. It's odd to hand over someone's life savings, right? Not when you are handing it to a man that would have no reason to keep it. Until he did. My sister has no idea what that money was for, but Jeffrey did. So did his wife. Come to think of it, so did Christopher. They all knew what I saved it for...they destroyed my mother for it. They destroyed my relationship with my sister. Something that Lori couldn't do her whole life...Jeffrey did it.
My sister doesn't realize she just handed my money over to the same group of drug dealers that stole my nieces' life insurance money...she just handed it over. It was the culmination of months of planning and arranging Jeffrey's employees to get closer and closer to her, so they could steal my life and chance at freedom.
The same goes for Jonathan, Anthony, and Christopher. FIrst they blame Jeffrey for pork bellying his own family into an offer to help, then they took his side to keep me tortured so that they could enjoy their own lives. Nice huh? Not good to have Jeffrey involved in their lives, but good enough to throw my family's life to him to eat alive.
Literally his plan, rearrange all of my work and friendships to suit Missy Erickson's needs. Same work, new heroine. The problem is that to get to the point where she could take over my role, he had to get rid of me, my friendships, my credibility, and my money. Why else would a billionaire need $32,000? He doesn't. To him...pennies, to me, my life. His wife knew it. His son knew it. Neither spoke up, stopped him, or even attempted to tell the truth. No, you don't do that with him...or is it HIM? Depends on who you are asking. This wasn't what I agreed to. It wasn't the deal I made with his son. No this is the exact opposite.
I've watched some of my closest friends go by the wayside after decades of me protecting them from her, Lori Jean LaFond. Yeah, I know that police informants are supposed to be protected by the police, but my police contact is the criminal's four year former relationship and his work with the PSPD has been lengthy and connected to Lori's crime. It's not difficult to see what side he chose. He's never spoken to my family, father, sister or anyone that trusted him, instead he chose a drug dealer and Hollywood producer to do what Lori did to hundreds of men in Palm Springs; eliminate them.
I did stuff for all of these people who sleep better, eat better, dream better, and live better than I do, and I worked the whole time. Not one of them even had a job. I even bought them an apartment for a year so Alice and Barbara can't even say that they did more than I did...I did the same thing. This is a targeted destruction of a person's life. Sometimes I wish the bullet Lori ordered shot at me had hit it's mark. Long slow death is much worse than flipping the switch. You can't imagine how that feels after all this work. I can tell you I wish I had never trusted any of these individuals with anything...especially my life. It was a bad choice, I regret every word of it.
Then there are the others. The people that really know how homicidal Lori is. The people that she killed and the families that were left behind wondering just what did happen in Palm Springs. Some of them never got to talk to their families again because of Lori's communication's terror. Using the Verizon network and a stolen military computer she kept her homicides secret...while propping herself up as some kind of "friend of the victim". How much money did she steal from her dead fantasies? Lori is notorious for pretending to be someone she isn't. I've seen judges, lawyers, cops, and all kinds of parents that actually thought that she was some kind of law enforcement officer and that Jeffrey was leading this investigation. There is no way he could have ever done what I he wants it all to be Missy Ericson's. The same girl that assisted in my brother in law's death, my rape, my attempted murder...the one that "couldn't get involved" but showed up at my sister's home more times than the mailman. She's such a lying whore.
Rather than get angry at my three friends that handed my life over to a man that thinks he's God, I am learning to accept that they did this and that's the way it is. I will never trust another person again. That's kinda obvious. They can't even say that they trusted him, just that he insisted even though they all knew what he did to me in Sedona, Arizona with his wife and kid. It's all pretty sickening to me now but I will eventually get over it or I will die hating them for what they did. I pick getting over moves them out of my head and life that way.
The struggle was always to save as many people as I could from my high school bully that grew up to be a serial killer drug dealer. It was simple really, people inside and people outside working together to stop a monster that accesses US Department of Defense servers to create domestic terror and steal millions of dollars from places like the Desert AIDS Project which really should be called The Anti-Lori LaFond Project. There really is no winner here besides Missy Erickson, Bessie Smith, David, Lori and all of her friends...that was the opposite of my agreement with Jeffrey's son. Completely the opposite.
What I've learned is to offer up a better opportunity than your opponent because doing the right thing, for the sake of the law and justice, isn't enough for some. It's not enough to try to stop a child pornographer and her friends, you have to offer the children she raped a future and money. This seems odd to me for a parent to do. Why would you teach your kid to go for the money no matter who it hurts. Sounds to me like Lori's plan to make everyone think like she does, is working better than "Our community is being eliminated by a woman that hates men and loves to torture them to death." I will remind all of you that it was Jonathan's boyfriend Jared that found this out the hard way. His own boyfriend did nothing to put the right polish on his reputation....he just let him die without a word about what Lori did to him. It's a sad world we live in now. People aren't friendly, they're opportunist. It's like stealing Covid relief checks and buying a car with them. The point is completely missed.
Right now if you looked at the complaining Jeffrey's statements about "how much money he's spent on this investigation" you might just be misled. The question isn't how much money he's spent, it's who he spent it on and why? He'll act like he bought a house for Missy, Bessie, and David to live in, but in actuality, what he did was take advantage of my sister so that she would move into that home after they left to live with him and Lori. It wasn't about solving this crime, it was about perpetuating it. He wanted a home that Lori could get inside of so she could rape my sister. You can't believe how close this was to her work and former's almost like it was planned.
Then you have David, a next door neighbor of the Katzenberg's, and someone that once tried to have Benjamin molested. How in the Hell is he inside of my nieces' home talking to my sister and her kids? For that matter how are Bessie and Missy there when their motto prior to my brother in law's death was, "Don't get involved!" I will remind you that Missy was a huge catalyst in the problems with Steven Frey before Christopher Monti came along...she's the one that called all the parents about "Jeffrey's new plan". Is that, "Don't get involved?" I don't think so. I think what you are seeing is the person that sets up all the drama to follow hoping her old Playboy ass doesn't get caught. Remember, after Lori had my brother in law set up and killed, a year and months later, they shot at me. "Don't get involved." They didn't mention Lori's murderous plan to have me killed, no that would make me look like a victim. Instead, what they did was return a stolen item to my father that Lori took one night when Jeffrey closed his eyes. This wasn't a gesture of honesty or friendship, it was to make Lori look like she was backfired.
You see if you look at the forest for the trees you see that there isn't anything like what Jeffrey is telling all of you that he's done, in fact, he broke every single promise he made. For Missy Erickson. For Bessie Smith. For David. Reports that I got was that he thought it humorous what Lori was doing to my family...that's disappointing. You learn to cope with these kinds of lies all different ways, but the truth is, they sit there like a huge boulder inside your body eating away at your life.
Lori has already lived off of my brother in law's death through insurance money left for his kids, after all, she caused the death, shouldn't she get the money? That's Lori's philosophy. If she wasn't involved then how did she manage to steal that money from Bank of America? Rest assured, she did just that. When she stole my parent's mail, Lori found out that I have a life insurance policy on me was then that she decided to have me killed too. He missed. Sometimes I wish that he hadn't.
There isn't any reason why this had to get so convoluted. There was a clear and justifiable rape case against Lori and her brother Brian. There was a rape report with crime lab results. There were enough suspects on that report to justify their DNA be taken. How could they eliminate them if there wasn't something to compare them to? There was a broken skull. There were lab reports. There was even a photograph from the rape showing Lori's brother's hand punching my face that Lori, herself, took with her camera. In fact there was so much evidence that I honestly believed that this would solve the thirty five years of torture that the gay community went through, but that was an illusion. A criminal case is only as good as the cops that investigate it and the district attorney that prosecutes it. In my case, a rookie detective implanted by Lori, her four year boyfriend, and the Chief of Police all implanted with RFID chips that allowed Lori to spin and twist up some kind of lie that only bad crime authors could dream of.
It would be one thing if there were conflicting stories about that morning of my rape, but there aren't. There is my side, Steven's side, and Lori's version, but of course, Lori has nothing to do with either of us right? Wrong. Steven was her drug supplier unbeknownst to me. Lori has told so many "secret" versions of that story that it is clear she either lied under oath for a restraining order about what she knows about me or she lied to the police with her usual stories of drugs, rough sex, and homosexuals. You know what story they believed. There were no drugs in my system. There was frozen female blood, but to the Palm Springs Police, "Oh, that's just Lori again." It's sick. She gets away with murder and rape because the police are indebted to her years of service? Craziness.
She even used a city lawyer like she was some kind of "secret cop" that should be represented by the tax payers of the State of California. She, Lori, doesn't even pay taxes or work. That didn't stand out to anyone...especially Jeffrey. The City of La Quinta owe him a great big sarcastic "Thank you" don't they?
Still, I have to survive until I die burning up in the desert sun. Dodging bullets. Tweekers sent to hurt me. The constant threat of another senseless killing of a family member. All because Lori Jean LaFond made up some more lies in an already lie filled life. A life she lies about constantly, that not even she can prove. There isn't enough real law enforcement in this area to do anything legal. What do you do when the Police Chief is crooked? His department said I had "mental issues" on television. He said, "There was no rape investigation." That was clearly the truth because they never went to the crime scene. They didn't send my clothes in for a full five months; they were covered in blood. They didn't assign a district attorney. They virtually did nothing, because Lori runs that police department, not Chief Reyes. She's been running it since before he was even hired.
A police department run by a murderous drug dealer and rapist. How convenient is that?
I used to trust cops, I don't any more. What I've seen is the most unprofessional and most corrupt police department ever. I know there are situations in Chicago and New York, but I've never heard of a police chief with such bad morals and vision for his department. He's literally outsourcing intelligence gathering through a drug dealer that has to rape to find out the information. Along with the rape comes HIV and other deadly diseases because none of the victims can live so long that they can cause Lori's a holocaust that never ends.
So where to go from here?
Honestly, I don't know. I have lots of other victims that aren't related to Jeffrey yet, but as soon as I find them, he jumps in with his Hollywood rich guy routine and makes it impossible to keep them as friends. He even tells them not to be friendly with me. That's dangerous and deceitful.
I've given up trying to understand parents that do what these parents did. I've given up trying to understand how all this evidence that they gathered all these years isn't just the same thing that Lori did to us already. I've given up any hopes for a relationship. I've given up all hope for a solution. It doesn't matter how much evidence you have, if the cops and Jeffrey work together. It's really one of those double edged swords that cuts your neck one way and stabs you in the back the other.
There may be hope somewhere out there, but I am certain that it doesn't lie with Jeffrey Katzenberg. I am certain that the evidence is there if someone looks. Don't ask Jonathan for it though, he's using it to leverage his freedom for my jail cell. It's not a pretty situation. What is good is that there is an awareness despite Jeffrey and Missy's efforts to bury it. There is a great deal of research being done to find out what this is and how it affects people, Even today the U.S. Government wants to know what is going on with foreign diplomats and government workers. This was just today:
They "mystery illness" that they are seeking is from homes, like the one owned by Carson Palmer, here in Joshua Tree, California. The brother in law of Lori Jean LaFond, whose sister is Jacquie Palmer, the woman that supported her own sister's bogus claims of working for the City of La Quinta, and who lied about working for the City of 29 Palms, California. These kinds of people need to be questioned and they need to be held responsible for their actions. I know that both women lied, then one sister, Lori, ended up in Sedona, Arizona with all kinds of wild stories about Jeffrey Katzenberg and porn movie making. It's sick and it is the truth.
Another situation that gives me hope is Pete Buttigieg, he is a member of the Presidential Cabinet, and our community. I have friends that have met him and his husband that know about this tragedy. The Human Rights Campaign here knows about the woman torturing gay men as does the American Civil Liberties Union who once was kind enough to support me when the officer that took my rape report told me something like, "So you are saying they fucked your ass with a Coke bottle," after I told him that someone bashed my head in and sodomized me. The most egregious of the offenses was how horrible he treated me for simply reporting a rape. He was horrible and intimidating. I would suggest that anyone that has a rape to report never speak to this guy. He's a nightmare with a serious cop attitude...Officer Kelley Fieux. I told him the truth, he turned it into something sexual when it was something horribly violent.
There is no amount of money or friendship that is worth what I've been put through. Lori started with my family when I was 10 years old. She implanted me at 19 but tried the entire time I was in high school. She is the most dangerous and seriously threatening kind of serial. She has no off switch. Even tonight she is begging her friends to go "just a bit farther." She's brought up my sister numerous times but in the past talked about raping my father, my mother, my sister and my nieces. Seriously, this is what she did. Her fantasies about raping an entire family are notorious. One of her own housemate tweekers has a father, a sister, and a brother that are all implanted, infected, and controlled....she's been practicing for my family since she was 11 years old. This is the kind of mind that the U.S. Marine Corp let escape with their technology and still allow her into their computer database. She is still pretending to have some kind of military clearance...and the cycle continues on and on. There may be a way to have that all shut down in the future.
Lastly, if you have comments about Christopher, Jonathan, or Anthony, please keep them to yourselves. I don't want to be reminded any longer about their lives, their accomplishments, or their happiness. They deserve to be happy, but the cost wasn't something that I could afford. I've been paying for their friendships for far too long and the rent due to my head, isn't being paid like the apartment I paid for them to stay safe in while they robbed me. It's not worth it to help them any longer.
Clearly, for me, the best option is to not work with Jeffrey Katzenberg. I didn't want to. I didn't even know who Benjamin's father was. Didn't care. Still don't. What I do believe in is the federal court system. Always have. There will be a future with an Assistant U.S. Attorney that I already know that can stop Lori cold. How to get to that situation isn't impossible, it's just not going to be known to Jeffrey or his family or Lori LaFond. I can still do everything that I need to do, but it cost me more than I could afford. I just need some time to use what I have in a way that neither Jeff nor Lori can tamper with. No more secret behind the back conversations or hiding behind this technology and lies. You can't trust someone that lies, why should I?
Lastly, there isn't a single victim out there that won't either recognize her face or just needed a name to have her prosecuted. I told you that when Jeff wanted to keep all of this a secret. I didn't. I know that the truth hurts but secrets kill. Right now if you are a victim of this crime, I know you needed this information. If you have a case use it. I will support you with Lori's history and with the evidence from my rape too. I will also support you with monies stolen from my savings account...I know the story, it's disgusting. Please be careful.
In the meantime, I'm getting over some really horrible feelings and I would appreciate it if everyone would just ignore Christopher. I have to reimagine my future, without him. it's not easy. 9100 posts of nothing but pure loyalty was met with nothing but a choice to take money over a relationship...I didn't expect that. So I'm working out my resentment for that whole situation. Note to self: Don't make decisions for other people's personal lives; it doesn't ever work out well.
On a personal note, I'm depressed. Still taking anti depressants, but met with Lori's hateful negativity at every waking moment. That was what Jeffrey thought I should be able to handle for 14 I said, sometimes I wish the bullet would have hit my temple. It would have been less painful and a whole lot easier.
Finally, remember, Jeffrey made my life immeasurably harder than it already was. He's not someone that I would recommend as a witness since he just lies about what he's doing anyway. Why I wasn't good enough to handle my own investigation and team members instead of Missy Erickson, I will never understand. She's not a good person and never was. Even her high school friends say she was was Lori LaFond.