Morally Conscious

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Sunday, May 30, 2021

So What Do You Think Should Be The Punishment For Someone That Aids and Abets A Murderer and Child Rapist? Does Anyone Have A Lightning Rod I Can Borrow?

If anyone out there has a lightning rod, let me know.  I know exactly where I want to shove it...

You know I started this post tonight feeling pretty good that my family has survived Lori LaFond...well, some of us didn't, but...wait a minute, why should anyone feel good because they were able to survive a drug dealing, child molesting, scam artist with homicidal tendencies.  I guess it's because I've been dealing with her problem causing for longer than anyone else and I'm lucky to be alive, no thanks to Bryan Anderson, Bessie Smith, Christopher Monti, Jonathan Mendenhall, Chief Reyes, and of course, our lords and saviors, Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg.  You can't imagine how much their indecent backstabbing caused more problems than at any other time during this journey.  Can you actually believe that these people helped Lori LaFond on her way to killing and infecting so many long as it wasn't one of them?

There isn't a single person above mentioned that I didn't help with this crime, not one.  I spent a fortune for me on trying to stop the police from committing this crime, Jeffrey spent more to continue to commit it.  There is a basic difference between myself and the people listed above, that is, I actually took this seriously and tried to help them, they, on the other hand took advantage of everything that I did and made themselves happy at any cost to my family.

There was so much back stabbing and lying going on between all of them and myself that I am just now realizing how little my life meant to any of them.  After all, once Lori lied about my life and my family's, why wouldn't they just go with the old, "Well he used drugs so he's a bad person" bullshit that they always use.  Can you imagine any of these people casting those kind of aspersions on me after what they did?  I was warned by my other friends not to help Christopher because, "He uses people," is what my AA friends told me.  They were completely right, he does.

Remember all the people in Palm Springs that Jonathan ripped off or caused problems for that now think he's dead?  Wonder what they will have to say about his death lie in the future when they find out that he helped to move this torture system right next to my family.  A family that he knew that Lori had targeted for decades even before he knew about this crime.  The choice to help her set this network up here with my sister and family close enough for Lori to rape was a bad one.  He knew that Brian and Lori had broken into our homes before, he saw the loot, he knew that Lori had a hand in having me shot and my brother in law's killing, just like Bessie Smith knew.  Oh they rushed to my team here, but it wasn't to stop Lori, it was to help Jeffrey stop me.  He did this openly and with malice.  For some reason, helping his son made him mad at me.  Unforeseeable?  For me, yes.  I couldn't have cared less about what his mother and father did for a living.  Didn't know, didn't care, still don't.

Others, including his own mother, knew he was about to hurt me and my family worse than Lori ever could.  He even helped her by telling these criminals, "I won't call the police if you go to their home to steal."  What kind of father says something like that?  There was a plan, even then.  Steal his keys to his car so we can either steal it, fill it full of drugs, ruin it, or so we can follow him out of state and do all three.  Jeffrey was behind that...and everyone sat and watched.  Everyone that got rich or a home watched.

His plan as everyone knows, was to destroy my investigation and begin his own, using the permission I gave to his son for this investigation.  Why didn't his son stop him?  Ask him...I'll never understand that one.

I spent my entire life being stalked by a woman that killed my brother in law and ruined every single relationship that I ever had and every relationship that my sister ever had.  Why didn't your sister's best friend Bessie say something?  Ask her...I'll never understand that one either.  Instead it was more important to rob my mother and sister while my father was in the hospital...than it was to tell her that Lori was involved in my brother in law's killing and my shooting in San Diego, California.  For that matter, Jonathan knew all of that too.  Instead of doing something to help that situation...they let Jeffrey execute his plan to execute me and my sister.  He tried both.   He made my sister responsible for the stolen money, and you know what he did to me.  Every single avenue that I prepared for my own attorney and investigation he took...and he made it my sister's fault.  Ingenious isn't it?

They all watched and said nothing about it.  Every last one of them.  The people whose lives I tried to save, he told them to stop caring...and they did.  Not that they ever cared in the first place.  I've made bad choices so I moved away from Palm Springs so that I could spend time with my mother.  Together we came up with a plan to save money so that nobody knew about it and it was something we did together.  Bessie Smith seized on the idea that this wasn't something I wanted anyone in my family involved with...especially my sister.  So what did she do?  She went, played "best friend", took advantage of all my father's medical problems, gave advice about my mother's impending Alzheimer's, didn't visit with my mom or dad even once...and then they stole this money because of what it symbolized.  Jeffrey reveled in it!  He did it again.  Just like he did with his own mother's wishes. He stole the love and replaced it with hate, lying, deception, and worst of all, at the  cost of my relationship with my own family.  A family that saw me working harder than ever to save for my life.  He took that from me at a time when I needed it the most and said, "Struggle asshole...for not going along with Missy Erickson and me."  Of course, I had no idea that he was stabbing me in the back over and over again, but that doesn't really matter now.

His plan was to use everything I did, but replace me with Lori's co-rapist.  Isn't that a plan?  How many of you heard from Jeffrey touting all the qualities of Missy Erickson?  Do any of you have those still?  Keep them, the court will love to hear about how he supported the woman that helped target his family for decades until she finally got his son raped, brutally, and infected.  Then she shows up on his doorstep with Bessie, crying about how "Bessie is Kevin's sister's friend and so close to his family."  BULLSHIT!   I haven't seen this cunt since 1990, and here she is as soon as money shows up in my bank account.  Here to steal, not to help.  Still lives with Jeffrey and Marilyn in Benjamin's home, isn't that cute.  Not one bit of the agreement I made with his son was followed, his father was here and he was going to hurt me no matter what.  He did too.

A lot of people think that I should move on.  I happen to be one of them.  How do you move on when someone like Jeffrey has sunk his teeth into someone like my sister who is basically clueless even after six years since the money was stolen.  She acts like it never existed after she handed it to Jeffrey's roommate who is still living with his family.  Friend of Bryan Anderson's and a liar the size of Lori LaFond.  Giggle and hair flip, she really is a cunt.  My brother in law was one of her best friends...she watched as Lori murdered him.  Then she watched as Lori plotted my murder in San Diego, California.   How was she even involved?  Oh, that one is easy, Babara told her so that she could warn my family years before his death and my shooting...Bessie did nothing.  Less than nothing, she ended up stealing from my mother and me like some kind of evil step sister.  To this day she doesn't show any remorse for what she did to keep herself out of jail.  She's still pretending to be my sister's friend and all of you are watching her lie, for herself, for Jeffrey, for Missy, and worst of all for Lori LaFond.  She's not a friend, and you all shouldn't let my sister think that, but you will.

This is a crime of secret keepers slowly selling out the minds of Americans for their own benefit.  They use people and families like toilet paper to wipe their wealthy asses on.  People like me, we don't just not matter, we are an inconvenience for them.  In their way.  They have money and power and instead of using it to help people, they find some other tax write off and use us as some kind of excuse to legitimize when they hurt people that nobody knows about.  They are relentless in their pursuit of pain to cause, but feign concern when they are pressed for the truth about their actions.  Remember, in order for Jeffrey to succeed in hurting me, he had to ignore his own son's rape.  He ignored his son's best friend's rape.  Both hospitalized with infections of HIV and other STD's.  It is after all expected for a gay man to be raped in his own home, but a woman should be protected from it, even when she set up the former to get to the latter.   Jeffrey is behind so much of what went wrong but he had lots of help.

His iron grip on the public finding out about this crime says so much about who he is and what he believes in.  I once had the idea of putting this crime on a billboard, which was, at the time, very original and very well regarded by the peons that make up the majority of the victims.  Jeffrey scoffed, ridiculed, and turned down this suggestion knowing that if these went up in Palm Springs, California, that his own concubines, David, Missy, and Bessie, would fry along with Lori, Brian, Christian, and the others.  He literally spent hundreds of thousands of dollars keeping these criminals out of jail, off the radar, out of sight, until I saved enough money making minimum wage, to save myself.  That wasn't going to be he hatched a plan to steal it all and use his sister and mother to do it.  He's that kind of person.  A billboard was the cost...he simply poo pooed the idea with his smug way of discounting me and ordered everyone to forget about it.  

Now these billboards are all over the world, wanna see?

In Vancouver, Canada

In  Chicago, Illinois

In Pacific Pallisades, California

All my ideas, now all over the world.  I spent a weekend in Sonoma County working with the top doctors and FBI agents in the field who said that my idea was innovative and remarkable.  They work too because the gang stalkers in an area know that what they are doing seems off, but these signs keep them thinking, "Am I doing that for someone?"

Jeffrey was non-plussed and refused to ever shed light on this problem.  After all, he had a plan to take over my existing investigation into my own rape, so that he could help the rapists.  You see these rapes don't just happen, they are planned. Someone has to sit at a computer to keep the rapists from being caught.  That means forwarding the 911 phone system, turning off the victim's phone, and to keep an eye on Lori and Brian while they are out beating the shit out of another faggot so that Lori can implant and infect them.   People like Jonathan, sat there and watched me get raped and said nothing about it.  Then hid all the evidence that he knew would get Lori caught, even when he didn't have to.  You see, he is alive/dead, which means on paper he's dead, so is his father Ed, but in real life, still kicking and alive.  Unavailable and forgettable....because he is inconvenient for Jeffrey and Marilyn's friends, Bessie, Missy, and David.  Friends that have a history of sexual violence towards children, their own child and his best friend.

Rather than listen to anything that anyone had to say about Missy, Bessie and David, Jeffrey was intrigued...captivated....almost comatose over the nasty things that they did to me and my family.  Making themselves out to be some kind of victims of this crime.  When do victims become criminals?  The plots and plans included having people hired at my work.  Stalking my sister and having her home taken out from underneath her.  Moving his team of criminals close enough to her school where she teaches for Lori to get her perv on.  His plan was to have my sister in a home he owned so that she could be raped and implanted.  He knew that Lori had robbed that home...he knew she had access.  Still without a single warning Missy and David move into Lori's home and Bessie back into Benjamin's so that my sister would live there.  The girls got rid of her boyfriend, then targeted her for rape.

The sick feelings I get when I think of how much time and effort this man and his wife spent on hurting my relationship with both my father and sister is almost crippling...he did it with joy saying to his criminal friends, "Oh my wife won't care after I talk to her..."  And she didn't.  Not surprised, she's been covering his sickness for decades.  So do a lot of people.  I wonder how they would feel if they were in my position instead of being under Jeffrey's thumb in Hollywood?  Would you think what he did was okay?

My entire problem with this is the disloyalty shown by people that I helped.  Not just kind of helped, I HELPED THEM AND THEIR FAMILIES.  There isn't any logical explanation for what they did to me and my family by allowing this system to be installed here in a LaFond Family owned home so that she could be next to the girls she proclaims to want to rape (my brother in law's children), my sister, who Lori has lied to for decades, and me, the person she's tried to kill, literally for decades since 1987 and likely before.  Jeffrey chose them.  The girls whose slogan was "We're here to help Kevin's family" that two days later turned into, "Never help Kevin's family" a promise that Jeffrey made with Missy Erickson and the only one he ever kept with anyone this whole time.  Why?  Here is a woman with a long and historical reputation for ruining marriages, hurting the children of those marriages, stealing, and selling crystal meth in between snorting it until her eyes bug out.

Oh make no mistake about it, she was behind the theft of Benjamin's $150,000 heist as she used that money to buy bucket loads of meth from my then boyfriend who will say this is what she did.  She isn't someone you want in your home.  She isn't someone you make a promise to.  She's the bitch whose hair you grab a fist full of and pull her out the door.  She's packaged like a feminist, but she's more of a serial killer's best friend than lesbian community member.  She even had her own girlfriend, a doctor friend of her sister's, stalked for years and years after this woman had the good sense to drop her ass like a hot potato.  How would I even know something like this?  Oh, she used me to fix her condo across from the Living Desert for $100, while she paid Niko, thousands of dollars for work he never did.

Another scam.  Another snow job.  Another Lesbian Mafia stunt.

There really isn't any good in this investigation any longer because Jonathan and Barbara went silent, over ten years ago.  Silent why?  I guess it's because they aren't in danger any longer so why would they want to help anyone out.  Others helped them for decades, but that pay it forward thing, doesn't exist in the minds of the rich.  It's just one of those things that poor people say to get money from the rich, right?  Not for me.  It's a concept of care and concern for a community that I love, that apparently is fooled by Christopher, Jonathan and Anthony.  They used us, then shoved us into a trash can hoping that Lori would finish all of us off.

There is evidence that will show that Jonathan's family's place in LaJolla was used to rape Christopher Monti.  He went there with a "heterosexual married man", David Beach, whose kids were also raped allegedly, and was raped.  Does anyone think that possibly Jonathan helped to set that up?  It is possible you know.  The next thing I know is that he was having sex with Christopher right before I was supposed to come over to talk to Christopher who was an informant at the time.  He introduced Christopher to Lori, he never mentioned it to me, co-informant, and allowed her to continue to follow me to Arizona where I was supposed to meet up with her, David, Missy, Junior, and the rest of the players, including David Beach...and Jonathan thinks that's a coincidence?  Not something I think is very minimal...but David knows everything and still won't tell on Lori for raping his kids.  He's literally pimping his kids out to Lori for drugs...over a state line.  Did he do anything about it?  He knows where she lives.  He knows what Jeffrey did.  He knows what Marilyn did.  Not one single word to anyone...just like Christopher.

So what gives?

Who is behind all this secrecy and silence.  It's pretty clear whose power is endless like his bank accounts.  I know what he did to my mother and sister.  I know that he still has my money and won't let me have it to fight my own rape investigation and the lack of law enforcement.

From what I can tell, when David Beach shows up, someone gets raped.  I wouldn't bring my kids to some place where drugs were being made to a home where Lori is just waiting to rape them.  She's a monster and everyone knows that.  Instead, from what I've heard, she was there to "make porn movies with Jeffrey Katzenberg".  She told my friends that took her there that very story minus the porn.  You see, there is a definite theme to this covering up of evidence and it always smells like a Katzenberg.

Really, what is a married man doing with Christopher there anyway?  I'm concerned that he pimped his own kids out in Sedona, hoping for a bribe to come later from Jeffrey.  Why else would you keep silent about something like what Lori is alleged to have done there.  I've heard there are pictures of "Bound and gagged Billy"; Jonathan wrote that himself.  Uncle Phil's dildo shoved up there private parts...what exactly is Jonathan in to?  Secrets and lies apparently.  They got an X-Box out of it too...and all the games that these pedophiles could hand over.

Interestingly enough, Christopher is living with the Mendenhall's now, and so is his family.  I guess the price he had to pay for his enlightenment and for a huge bribe was his own rear end.  Not the first time Jonathan's used Christopher, certainly not the last.  You don't see him filing a rape report for the home that he was in.  Lori is still living with the items she stole from that home.  He traded his own ass, for his new living circumstances.  It makes me sick to my stomach.  I can't believe that I cared about him.  How many more people will be killed or infected because Mrs. Mendenhall and family refuse to prosecute the woman and man that raped Christopher?  They know it's Lori.  Jonathan knows it's Lori and Brian.  Why not say something about it?  They are both cowards is why and neither cares about anything that happens to anyone but them.

Interestingly, Jonathan became his best behind the back buddy from then on.  Never telling the truth.  Never informing.  Nothing.  Just best buddies for life, all based on the lie that nothing happened in that home where Christopher told me he was raped.  I guess that was a lie too.  There's a lot of that going around.

Honestly, Christopher's whole family is alleged to be living there and working for the Mendenhall's...they are literally living off his rape.  Sick and sad, but completely understandable when you don't have a conscience.  Marie thinks that's okay?  Alice thinks that's okay?  Barbara thinks that's okay?  That's the price you have to pay to be Jonathan's friend, but wait, I've paid that one at least five times....and he's said nothing.  Barbara nothing.  Alice nothing.  Marie nothing, well sort.  There was the "kiss off" letter from someone named Dave on behalf of the Monti's and of course there was the "Death Notice" from Pastor Mendenhall and his wife.  There's more crime going on here than in NYC.

I can't imagine the kind of morality it takes to be a priest that would absolutely use his own rape to further his own family's prosperity under the promise that he not ever talk to me again.  That's not exactly the kind of priest I'm going to see for Easter, are you?  Could you live there? It makes me wonder just how far people will go to take advantage of other people.  I helped Christopher because he was raped by Lori, he used that rape to put my family in danger because she is the rapist.  His family, safe and snug.  My family, in more danger than ever because of Jeffrey's plan to insert Bessie Smith any time that I get too close to stopping him.  I'm telling you right now, if that bitch ever comes near my family when I'm there...she won't be walking out on her own.

What you are seeing is a complete whitewashing of rape, infections, implantations, and bullshit friendship making all based on Jonathan's need to hurt me.  I guess he was jealous of me having feelings for Christopher, they don't exist any longer.  You see, as much as I wanted to be in a loving relationship, there isn't one.  There is Christopher's relationship with Jonathan, Anthony's relationship with Jonathan, and all the other people that Jonathan fucked over to get them to be quiet for Lori.

Like I said before, there are people that see a problem and take on that responsibility an there ARE OTHERS THAT SEE A PROBLEM AND TRY TO LIMIT THEIR LIABILITY.   Poor people are the first kind, rich people are the second.  There is such little respect for people that try to effect change through the right methods when someone like Jeffrey has gone way out of his way to hide the fact that children were raped, drugs were made, his security was inept, his motives were filthy and his tactics since were all about keeping people from knowing what he did....and then he met my sister who he robbed.  This isn't the movie producer you all think has that nice wife that everyone loves.  No this is the guy that robs people and then tries to hush it up so that his precious career doesn't stumble.  His wife...non existent.  A zero factor.  Silent on the matter.  All to limit their liability for a horribly bad mistake that Jeffrey made happen in Sedona, Arizona.

Forget that they were all there in violation of a court order.  Forget that they were making drugs that ended up in Marilyn's home.  Forget that kids were raped.  Forget that Lori's already shot at me and beat my brains out.  No.  It was more important for Jeffrey to tell these people not to be my friends any longer which is an echo of the same exact words that Lori and Missy used for decades...exactly the same words!  He wanted my life in danger and boy did he go out of his way to do just that.  There have been fights at my work.  There have been crypto thieves stealing from my work.  I've been accosted by casino guards.  My mom was threatened.  My sister was threatened both on Jeffrey's behalf.  He didn't actually do the threatening, but he knew it happened and let it slide.  The man has a death wish he wants to fulfill and he's putting my family in all the slots for target practice.  Not one drop of the truth has ever come out...because rich people protect each other.  It's like some kind of moral-less code.  Remember Weinstein?  Remember Jeffrey Epstein?  All got away with their bullshit for decades.  Guess who knew all about it and said nothing....well that was Jeffrey Katzenberg!  Everybody's best friend.


There is hope out there you guys, but as far as I'm concerned, Jeffrey will kill me before I can ever get to it for you.  Don't count on Barbara, Jonathan, Anthony, Christopher or any of those people, they were bribed for their silence; no matter what.  There are others working on this case and many others across this country, but Jeffrey would rather see me dead than let that happen....just ask him.  Then ask him why he tells Lori and Missy to stop doing what they are doing, but won't let someone like me stop them for good.  It's pretty clear that this man is part of a domestic terrorist cell with no good intentions for this country.

"I had a dream...

I got everything I wanted...

Not what it seems...

And if I'm being honest...

It might have been a nightmare..."

Billie (I kinda thought they might care too.)