I have taken a long time to study the behavior of serial killers. There were times that I thought that studying these types of things was odd for me. I'm very interested in the psychology of what goes on with the extreme sexual deviants that believe in subduing their victims, torturing them, then leaving them for dead. What is it about someone like Dennis Rader that we can learn from to see the similarities between Lori Jean LaFond and the "BTK" Killer?
There are the obvious differences. Lori is a female and Dennis Rader a male. Dennis Rader believed that his reputation as a church worker made him less of a suspect; Lori is outwardly not a religious person. Dennis Rader worked alone, as do most serials. Lori is in a different category that isn't really all that uncommon. When there is more than one person involved, it usually is a dominant and a submissive or sub missives that follow her angry lead. Bianchi and Buono in the Hillside Strangler cases are a good example of two family members committing the crime of serial murderer. One strong member teaching the weaker member how to kill.
I'd like to make something abundantly clear here so that you all can understand. A serial rapist IS a serial killer in the making. They rarely stick with rape and don't move on to murder...in most cases their need to control their victims is on a scale of violent behavior. What starts out as peeping in on a stranger moves to going inside the stranger's home. Lori definitely has a thing for entering her victims' homes and pretending that she lives there. There are countless stories in Palm Springs about Lori moving into a victim's home while he is out of town. Usually the duo of Lori and Brian ransack the home and leave the place with some ominous message written in either marker, feces, or blood on the walls, floors, or somewhere else. In Lori's case she likes to defecate and urinate on the floor then she leaves a threatening message that says, "I was here," which I take to mean "I was here and there was nothing you could do about it."
This is where the really sick part of Lori LaFond takes over. Unlike most serial rapists or killers, Lori takes the extra measure of putting a microchip/tracking device inside of our bodies so that the horrible night of torture and rape doesn't end. No, Lori has what all serial rapists would love to have, the ability to stalk her past victims to terrorize them, terrorize their family members, and possibly rape them again if she can put herself close enough to that person to be able to "pop in and out" with relative ease. To make it even safer for her to rape, Lori uses the phone system to block all 911 calls from going to the emergency desk at the police department. You all realize that when you dial 9-1-1 on your phone that it is translated to a real phone number to your local police. That means that 9-1-1 translates to a 10 digit phone number in your area. Well, because Lori has spied on the police, she knows that phone number. So when Lori feels like raping, she simply turns off their 9-1-1 service by forwarding the 10 digit phone number associated with 9-1-1.
So nobody can call the police when she is out raping someone! Often times she is so overwhelmed by her ability to sexually assault and infect a target, she forgets to forward the 10 digit phone number back to the police. The result, nobody in the Palm Springs area can have the police respond to an emergency because Lori is controlling it. That means anyone that is having a heart attack, is being robbed, is involved in a current crime, is getting through to the police. The emergency call is sent to "voicemail" until Lori un-forwards their phone.
Just in case police were wondering...when I went to the emergency room at the local hospital following my rape, I could still hear Lori and her brother, Brian, the whole time that I was there. Most cops know that when someone comes to an emergency room for assistance with a rape, the E.R. doctor immediately calls the local police to have an officer dispatched to take the report. I can tell you this, there is a good chance that Lori forwarded that number too because I HEARD THE EMERGENCY ROOM DOCTOR CALL THE POLICE THAT NEVER SHOWED UP!!! This is how my broken skull never got seen by anyone until I uncovered it years later when my father was in the hospital. I can see the breaks in my skull from across the room, there is NO WAY the hospital missed that without someone causing a disruption. This tells me that this group that helps Lori, has done this before. It quite simply can not be the first time someone came in with a head injury and was sent home without any medical attention. I know that Steve Frey was with me the first time I was getting an MRI when the E.R. doctor showed both of us an x-ray, not an MRI, of someone's head, not mine. I have extensive dental work and you didn't see any of that in what the doctor showed us.
This group has done this before. Apparently being hospitalized causes problems for Lori. The police get involved and then the stories start flying. There was far too much organization at the hospital level for this to be the first time. I will remind you that both of Lori's roommates, Leah and Missy, studied to be nurses at that hospital. They have specific knowledge of procedures in radiology. So it is no surprise that a reviewing doctor wasn't sent a copy of my MRI's. In fact that original MRI and the second one, ended up at Lori's place where she looked at them and talked to me about them. I wasn't admitted to the hospital but my rapist ended up with my MRI's, how?
Remember too, that Lori requires all people to be online watching her every instruction on an illegally accessed website where you can watch victims' thinking. On that same website are military personnel. People that are working for the government on the same screen as rape victims. I can't believe that someone hasn't looked into the conversations that Lori has had over the years with her victims. It's the ultimate for a rapist to not only know what her victims are thinking, but she can also circumvent any attempts by that victim to receive help. Remember, a cop never showed to the emergency room when I asked for one. The police completely bungled the assigning of a district attorney to my rape case. The Riverside County Lab provided the police with a set of perpetrators and the police chief covered up that report. It's not something that he should be proud of and when he called me he assumed I would be mad. In actuality, I wasn't surprised, the police had that report for over a year before they contacted me, clearly showing that their services aren't for the victims but in finding out how to cover the perpetrator. How do you wait for a year to tell a rape victim that there are suspect and that they are going to catch them? Then how do you call the same rape victim about a year after that and recant what you already said? He even told me, "I know you are going to be mad..." Well fuck yes I'm mad, he totally lied to me.
This situation is a perfect environment for a serial killer with links to the police department. She accesses their emails, she sends requests for information from one officer to another, she deletes emails from informants to their police contact and she spends the rest of her time trying to make her "problem victim", disappear.
Lori has always been this kind of person. She always has used drugs as a way to barter for violence. She has also always used drugs as a way of threatening her friends into a position to help her or be exposed. Lori learned at an early age what drugs could do for her, but what they were doing to her was even more damaging. Imagine a sick brain like Lori's opened up to the prospect of knowing what other people were thinking. Not only that but this system gave her access to other families...a hot button issue for a little girl that is always searching for a "sucker family" that thinks she's nice to take her in so she can rob them or worse.
Lately, as early as this morning, Lori was plotting on paying a visit to my mother who has early onset Alzheimer's. Lori sees her as an easy target. That's called elderly abuse. To me that is the sickest part of what Lori does. I've even seen Jackson Velin's elderly mother talking to Lori and talking to Jackson about it. She must be 100 years old!!! Yes, folks, she will implant anyone from a child to an elderly adult...and infections are often done as well. The victim goes to sleep a perfectly normal healthy person but by the time they wake up they are given HIV and they are hooked into her system for future torture. Lori wants to know "How did the rape feel?" She even asks us what it was like and how painful it was. She's addicted to pain and torture.
Binding is another facet of Lori's life. She just loves to tie up her victims and photograph them. BTK, did this to himself. He would have a rape and torture fantasy so strong that he would actually bind and tape himself then take pictures of himself as his future victim. Those are the pictures you see above. Yes, that is BTK and he is fantasizing about another victim. Sick huh?
Lori is also quite the "freelance photographer" as she calls herself. She likes to memorialize her "kills" with photographs from the rape. Make no mistake about it, Lori doesn't mess around with a drop of her blood any longer, she likes to load a victim up with her tainted blood so that they don't just convert to HIV positive, they now die from the initial infection within a month. She isn't playing around with someone like me coming around again after thirty five years. Her acts are that of a sadist. She likes the feeling of superiority over men. She likes paying them back for not having sex with her when she demanded it. Lori also takes out her lesbian frustration on us too. She can't find a willing participant of the female persuasion, so she takes out her anger with Missy on all of us. Since Missy Erickson won't have sex with her, Lori blames me, for example and then charges like a bulldyke in a vagina shop. Seriously, her anger and rage is famous with my high school friends. Nobody I know is going to be surprised that Lori Jean LaFond is a serial killer...that makes the Chief of Police look like an idiot.
You see, Lori has been trying to kill me since I was a little kid. I don't know why she thinks it will help her to become a member of my real family. She's obsessed with getting closer to a family that has a member that has been raped and is on her system. She's had success with her own family in this regard. Now that she's used them all up to the point where none of them will talk to her, she's on the lookout for another family to torture. My friend Brian and his mother are a good example of what kind of unmitigated gall this girl has. She hates our parents and tells us that all of the time. She threatens to kill them all the time. She threatens to kill anyone we love if we talk about her mind reading system. The attempts on my life were all made before I ever said a word about this crime so you can imagine what the police chief did when he lied about my case...he set loose the girl that kills people to stalk me out of his jurisdiction. That's criminal activity and he should be held accountable.
Lori needs money and the most simple way for her to get it is to kill and look for the leftovers. Just like with my current situation. I know Lori and her friends stole my money, so if she can kill me, nobody will know the difference. She's already stolen the insurance money from my nieces that was left to them by their father whom Lori provided drugs to. Killing for insurance money is a cliché. When people start to recognize the signs of Lori's depravity they will understand that what Lori does is stalk people with her friends. She calls it "investigating them" but she has absolutely no authority to investigate anyone. What she is doing is illegal and highly dangerous. Her need to kill is not superseded by monetary reasons either. She loves the kill and torture, the money is secondary most of the time. She loves to think that her victims are afraid of her, and even says so. That means she is highly aware that she is threatening people on this system.
I think that the most serious problem we have is in not taking care of this situation swiftly and as soon as we knew Lori was breaking the law. She can be arrested for so many things and yet we still haven't put her in the icebox because of a previous situation where Missy thought she was working with Jeffrey. Now that we have seen no progress and Lori is still out of control, we can only assume that the murderous monster will return. I want to make sure that I do everything I am capable of to stop her. It's important to note that every single prediction I had came true. I said she would try to get away with this and she did. I said if she did she would go after my friends and she did. I said she would put them all in jail and she did. Jonathan and his father now appear to be dead online. These are all the manipulation of a serial killer that likes to use the phone system to lure her victims into a bad place. Someone needs to take this seriously. I am certain that I am not over reacting because I've been shot at and raped...and forgotten. That chief must think he is so much smarter than I am. I assure you I'm not stupid.
I wouldn't feel safe if I was living in Palm Springs, California as an implanted gay man. I've already done that and I can assure you that the police and Lori are involved with one another. Now they may or may not still do things for her, but MY EXPERIENCE, as well as many many others, is that the police don't do anything when Lori is involved. That has given rise to the monster we face now. I've faced her my whole life, long before there was ever a police department. She used to use drugs to sell then call parents about....she's moved on to much bigger crimes.
Rapists don't get less violent, Chief Reyes.
I will remind police that catching Lori is very simple. Dennis Rader made the mistake of sending a computer disc to police with information that linked to an IP Address at his church. Lori has a certain trust with the police, she will let her guard down. She thinks that they set her free every time to hunt down her victims. She's done it with kids she's abused. She's gotten away with multiple rapes. She'd gotten away with telling police officers what to tell the media. She has done all kinds of interrupting of the police department's work; not that they would have done any.
We have a BTK type rapist in our midst. Just because the police don't recognize it doesn't prevent us from telling others about it in gay magazines, the news, and other media outlets. I mean really what kind of news organization won't like a picture from the rape and two MRI's of a smashed skull with the caption that says, "There is nothing more our department can do for you." It's not a good idea to have Chief Reyes in office, he's a homophobic sympathizer when it comes to Lori LaFond. What a shame, he started out wanting to catch her...I have a witness.