Morally Conscious

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Friday, March 12, 2021

The Three Of Them Fucked Over The Entire Community For Money


Well, it's come to my attention that neither Anthony, Jonathan, nor Christopher, nor their parents were able to think of anyone but themselves.  The three of them took off from Palm Springs and decided to leave me for dead.  All the time and effort I put into those friendships wasn't really worth it.  Mr. and Mrs. Katzenberg couldn't get along with any of the other parents and those parents blamed me for it.  I have nothing to do with any of their families any longer.

Alice Mendenhall used the information that I sent to her to help ruin my life.  She apparently decided to bribe my boyfriend and his family into helping her and for free homes...under one condition.  Nobody helps Kevin at all.

Apparently Jonathan's mother buys his friends for him.  Probably the only way he can have friends while he's pretending to be dead.  

So rather than the three of them helping the gay community with the problem of electronic harassment, the three of them helped themselves.  They are a huge source of disappointment for me.  I hope that in the future I can make better friends with nicer parents.

I know where they live.  I know where to find Jonathan.  I know where Marie Monti lives...but at the same time, I no longer want to have anything to do with people that ignore child molesters and rapists because money is more important to them.  Jonathan used me and discarded my friendship so that he could steal my boyfriend and his family behind my back.   He's a really difficult person to get to do the right thing in the best of circumstances, but now he's got some vendetta against me because of Jeffrey Katzenberg and his wife.

I have absolutely no affiliation with the Katzenbergs whatsoever.  What I do have is a savings account that Jeffrey stole and won't give back for any reason.  He got the money by abusing my elderly mom at the early stages of Alzheimer's disease.  He brutalized her and caused a breakdown.  His wife decided to get between Christopher and myself.  Christopher chose Jonathan...obviously that was his biggest mistake.  He simply found it too difficult to get in the car and drive out here to do whatever he should have.  Mind you he drove out here from NYC but two hours was way too far for him to commit to.  Where do I find these guys?

At any rate Alice Mendenhall  decided to punish me for Jeffrey's actions as if I have any say in what he does.  I'm not happy with him and plan legal action against him, his wife and his son.  This will now put me in the position to go after the Erickson family, the Mendenhall's, the Monti's and Anthony Dabiere.  Barbara is also being considered in the lawsuit.  These individuals all conspired to cover up a rape, two attempted murders, and the death of my brother in law.

You can all look to Jonathan for his cowardice and lack of spine for the problems that he has now brought to all of these families.  Anthony and Jonathan aren't mature enough to handle the pressure of investigation and law and order.  They would rather hurt the entire community than help anyone but themselves.

Christopher is not helpful at all.  He ignored every single call for help that I made.  He chose Jonathan's mother's money over our relationship.  Jeffrey and Marilyn caused the entire relationship to falter again.  I want to see Jeffrey get a lethal injection.