This time, it's going to take a whole lot more than some slathered on make up, a fake id, a great big unverified lie, and a wig. Lori, I heard what you said to me this morning and I think it's time for you to get some perspective on what is real and what isn't. You aren't anyone's victim. Not your mother's. Not your father's. Not mine. The only person that keeps victimizing yourself, is you!
I've never understood Lori's "make my fantasy come true" lifestyle and up until she had my brother in law killed, I never tried. It simply didn't enter my brain. You made it very clear how much you hated me way back then and I wrote you off, like anyone else would do that saw your behavior. With me, that is okay because someone as violent and delusional as you clearly still are, isn't someone that I need to be around. You aren't the person you've pretended to be, and, once again, that would be fine with me, except you've included me in your "untrue fantasy". I'm not the person that hurt you and I won't let you tell people that I was.
I've heard for many many years about your supposed "friendship" with my sister. That's not real either. You find out something, make up a lie, then call my sister like she is my boss. She's not. All you ever try to do is become someone more important to people that don't know you than you are. It's called a mental illness, and you have gone way out of your way to tell a story that is complete fiction.
You've told people that you went to college with me, were involved in my fraternity, knew I was gay, gave you AIDS, and all kinds of weird shit that could never be true. I've weren't there. There are records you know? What there really is, is proof that you were stalking me, which kinda makes all those outlandish things you did in high school look like mental illness. It was a very long time ago and my memory is very good and very long. We have absolutely no past with each other. We grew up in the same town. That's about it. You tried so hard to imagine yourself as a part of my life, that you actually think it's true, it isn't.
Your continued attempts to hurt me and my sister is a criminal act. You blame your brother. You blame your friends. You blame your parents. In the end, you have yourself to blame. In the meantime, your violent threats are being recorded and I don't choose to listen to them any longer. Oh, don't get me wrong, I am prepared for your usual ambush, but I'm prepared to stop you. You should know that. I don't seek you out. The one time I tried to find you was to eliminate you as a suspect in a violent crime against me...and again your response was a great big lie that you used your family to promulgate. I don't think that's very nice. In fact, the details that you give about people that I know are also a lie. Just because you can cover yourself with fake texts and fake emails doesn't make it true either. These are human beings that you think of as dolls. We're not amused and you are making a huge fool out of yourself.
Ruining my sister's second marriage just shows how you can't seem to understand that you aren't welcome in our lives, but that doesn't mean you can't have a life of your own without us in it. Trust me when I say, there is nothing less appealing to me or my sister than being involved in your imaginary love life. We have no interest.
The next time you try to hurt me or my sister or my mom and dad, will be your last. I will never allow you to hurt them again. You have such a lousy way of promoting your own self through the lives and stories of others. It's like a coloring book that gives you the outlines of a real life without any of the makes you look like an idiot. You can't possibly think that the people that we have real life memories with are going to include you as someone that was there...because you weren't.
Photographs that you've stolen from our homes proves one thing, you stole them. It doesn't prove you were there. It proves you were somewhere you shouldn't have been and gives a ton of credence to the fact that you are a thief that stalks members of my family and my friends. You have a very big family that knows your past, I suggest that you try to recall the truth instead of all the lies because they aren't going to remember you into my life the way you think.
Get some help Jan, there is a very good chance that you are still in there somewhere, you just don't know which person you are. You're the one in the mirror. Not the one in the picture. Starting there might help you to realize that nothing you say is as it seems.
Take a break from your syringes and testosterone because you are fantasizing things that could get you or your brother seriously hurt. I believe in peace and non-violence. I know you don't. I'm prepared for that eventuality. Just remember, I warned you not to come around me again.