Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Meanwhile Back In Long Beach...Lori and Missy Are Playing The "Missy Doesn't Live Here Anymore" Game! Why?


You know, I don't know who Lori Jean LaFond and Missy Erickson are trying to fool, but let's face it, Missy and Lori are still living together in Joshua Tree, across from the Morongo Sheriff, using drugs and acting like they are still working, in some capacity, for Jeffrey Katzenberg.  It's just something that two tweaker girls do to pass the time.  I wouldn't be surprised if, when the police do finally knock on that door that they find Missy and Leah Fauntleroy living in the cabinets of the kitchen.  This is tweaker central and Lori is freaking out on a minute by minute basis.

One minute Lori is working in LaQuinta, the next she's selling drugs to whomever she can find living in her apartment complex, made up of 8 small houses.  It's really not hard to figure out here.  Missy and Lori have a very long history of making people miserable, because they are two miserable girls.  Living together has turned them into worse versions of their old selves.  I'm sure that there are members of my team that can easily shed some light on this "fake story".

A few weeks ago Lori was lying to someone about Leah and Missy living with someone named Elezabeth...emphasis on the LEZ.  You know Lori, if it isn't provoking a gender situation it's provoking a sexuality questions.  Two totally different things, as far as I've learned.  Lori has problems with people regardless of their gender or sexual preferences.  I find this to be overcompensating for the feelings she has about her own sexuality...whatever it is.  It explains a whole lot about the attacks she made against me in public back in school, but even more so, against my own father and a student before that...Lori has a thing about anal sex between's a huge issue for her.  I don't really talk about stuff like that.  She's just really immature.

This is yet another lie.  These six people all live in one house and the neighbors rarely see them.  Lori says it's to keep people from associating them all, but I think it is simply Lori's way of keeping slaves to feed, clothe, and take care of her.  Lori has always dreamed of being "taken care of".  She can't even wipe her own ass from what Jonathan Mendenhall used to tell me.

Let's all face it.  Too many drugs.  Too much estrogen.  Too much testosterone.  Not enough brains.  This home is a disease waiting to turn into a new pandemic.  Needle users and tuberculosis always cause a problem.

When will the local sheriff come over and remove this nightmare from our area?

Also, Lori is now pretending that Missy's real sister, Jessica Christine Erickson, is involved in this whole mess.  We all know that Lori just loves to call herself, "your sister", but in this case, she wanted to become Missy Erickson's sister so badly that she actually got several driver's licenses with Jessica's name on it.  I think one is Jessica Christine EK...the EK is a symbol for "Sigma Kappa", a Greek Sorority, that Lori LaFond was never involved with.  She never went to college so there was no chance that Lori was ever in a sorority.  I know the Greeks, Lori could never have handled it.  She's just not pretty enough!!!