Morally Conscious

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Sunday, November 29, 2020

"Keep It Going For ME," Lori LaFond Tells Everyone...This Is What It's Like Living Lori's Lies. I'm The Ball....Everyone Else Is A Plank!


Every individual, family, terrorist, and police officer that helps Lori maintain her freedom, is simply another plank put in place to keep me, the ball, from leaving the circle of fear, violence, and terrorism.  They all play a part, and each claims innocence, but they all serve a role.

Rather than perform the roles as they assigned themselves, the families and my friends have, decided on what path my life should take.  I have been doing this now since Sedona, Arizona, with this particular group going on 11 years.  If anyone thinks that there is someone that goes around talking to people that he shouldn't and telling them how to maintain this situation above, I would remind you that I am the victim of a horrible gay bashing, shooting, and my own brother in law was killed because of this system.  Listening to someone else tell you how to treat me or confront me, is only going to involve you further in the crimes committed against me...for instance, Bryan Anderson...remember, you are involved.

Not only are you her reference for this tech used in the private sector with law enforcement, you are also very well versed in what has transpired before, during and after my attack.  I want people to know that Bryan is one of my brother in laws friends...a good friend too.  Lori's involvement with that crime is a result of both Bryan and I being implanted and Lori listening in.  There isn't any excuse for him not telling the truth or coming forward.  He's involved.

This goes for other families too.  I didn't implant your sons, nor did I take advantage of any of them.  They did this to me and watched while I went through this torture using my family as a reference and my torture as a wall between them and Lori.  Now I know who is behind it, how it is done and who hasn't ponied up.  You all think that hiding is justice, but that's what criminals do.  Honest people tell the truth and they don't lie for other people.

Remember everyone, I didn't lie to any of you.  You've all lied to me though...most of the stuff isn't really bothering me but it has cost me a fortune and about a hot minute of my life.  Not really interested in specifics any longer, but what I've warned all of you about it still true.  When you do anything that looks helpful for Lori or Missy or Bessie, they will take advantage of you for as long as they can and tell stories about how you helped them.  Understand that you are helping girls that are suspected of murder and attempted murders...stalking, aggravation, and theft.  Co-conspiring still happens after the fact, remember who you are still forcing to deal with Lori and her friends.  These are the same people that Jeffrey says are "too dangerous" for his own son to be around...I agree.  That only extends to the wealthy though.  Poor people have to suffer through her.

On the blog header you will read about pushing snowmen before snowballs rolling down hills.  That is a reference to the "relationship" between Lori and her friends.  They all sit atop mountains of self righteousness looking down on the people and families that Lori has raped. Whenever one of them has a problem, the get out their snow blowers and throw snow from their snow covered  lives (meth pun intended) so that their sexual sadist friend, Lori, can push her snowball down the hill, run into their snow, and it ends up crushing some family below.  This is the real relationship between Lori and her friends.  It's a cycle that I've seen so many times now that when I visit my brother in law's grave, buried under snow, I thank him for warning me about Lori's sexual sadism towards me and my sister, and his kids, and their kids...and so on.

Whatever the ramifications are for Lori's published and pretended deaths for other people's families may be, I'm not the least bit impressed with the wisdom that says, "Go along with it and say nothing about it, because it's a crime, number one, and number two it's simply wrong to put other people in danger simply because you have a problem that you can't solve." I didn't do that either.  In fact I worked a minimum wage job for 8 years and saved $35,000, until someone decided that I shouldn't have the ability to hire my own lawyer to stop this crime.  It's a ridiculous situation and it shows the kind of control that people on snobby hilltops do to hurt hard working people.  This is only one example.  There have been many over the past 40 or so years but the last 13 have been the worst.  No group has ever hurt my mother or sister.  That took planning...same with my brother in law's death.  What looks like one thing, is actually something very different.  Does it make a difference that Lori and Brian LaFond sold my brother in law drugs?  Sure it does.  Does it make a difference that Lori would call my sister to tattle on me?  Sure it does.  All of it matters because it is just Lori packing a snowball that she is willing to roll down a mountain at any time she feels like it.  Only problem now is that I know it's her.  I have her caught.  The lies written in stone.

Do whatever you want friends...but remember...I may not share the same vision as you do.  I may completely disagree with what you did.  In a courtroom, I will have my say.  You won't be in charge any longer.