Morally Conscious

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Friday, April 3, 2020

Harassing Lori's Rape Victims While Extorting Their Families For Money

So what is it between Bryan Anderson, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and Lori Jean LaFond?  What do the three have in common and why is it that thirteen years of investigation have yielded lots of information but not a sniff of an arrest?  I think that the problem rests between cop and rapist.  We already know that Lori characterizes that Bryan and she had a "four-year relationship" during his marriage to someone else.  That's something that isn't really what I believe in, but I also know that he's brought up Lori's name every time I've seen him and it seems like the pair may not be "over each other".  I've never brought up Lori's name with Bryan because I think she is a no-brain slut that has nothing more to offer than a pussy with a disease.

It comes as no surprise that year after year working for him as an informant was more of a punishment than it was a solution.  Is it possible that the two have a really horrible scam against the homosexual community of Palm Springs?  Seems like.  I've told everyone before that they could trust Bryan, but truthfully, I don't know if anyone can.  His relationship with Lori is something that he feels he needs to bring up to me when I see him.  I couldn't be more specific, I don't like her so I say nothing.  There isn't one tiny bit of me that thinks she is a good person.  I know that the pair are both involved in electronic harassment.  I know that his department and in particular the unit he led let her go when I was raped by Lori LaFond.  He was in charge of that unit and the report from the rape was clear.  A brother and sister raped me and beat my skull in.  They both have HIV and were on drugs when they did it.

Bryan has a huge problem with me now.  My sister once trusted him and now her husband is dead.  It was Lori's uncle that shot and killed him in self-defense with a gun that Bryan told him to carry.  Did the pair set up this killing?  I know one thing is for sure, Bryan did nothing for me when I was raped.  He threw the case away and did nothing.  This is because he and Lori had a relationship that I can now prove.

I have Lori's own admission to that affair and she characterizes that friendship as amicable.   These two may have been the masterminds of ruining the gay community in Palm Springs since the late 1980s, Bryan rose in the ranks and Lori was cut loose on more cases than any criminal in history.  I don't care to know either of them.

Right now I've heard Lori screaming and yelling at me for two days because I think that Bryan Anderson was involved in the Steve Fabian, high school teacher and coach, that was arrested for allegedly having sex with a student that Lori set up to make a false accusation.  It's no wonder that Steve was arrested and went through what he did.  Lori has done this countless times to more than four boys that I've known since high school.  Then there is Jeffrey's involvement.  He refused to do anything to have Lori arrested when she molested two boys in Sedona, Arizona.  Is this some kind of pedophile ring?  Are the cops and Hollywood involved in the trafficking of little boys for porn movies?  You might feel differently if you read the transcript from Lori's arrest in Sedona, where Jeffrey and Marilyn allowed Lori and Brian LaFond to post bail in a sex crime using their own kids' names without any prosecution for that.  

Pedophiles and cops make strange do Lori and Bryan.  Is Lori trading kids for trafficking for crimes reported against the gays.  Kids for crimes?  Bryan Anderson should have his head examined.  He's busted hundreds of drug dealers yet he can't seem to catch this one girl that he fucked in the 1980s. She's an idiot and she is a violent predator that is a fugitive from the State of Arizona.  Bryan knows who she is because he calls her a "friend".  I've heard him say that with his own voice in front of my own parents.  Sleazy police should go to prison.

Jeffrey and lots of parents are looking at a huge lawsuit right now because none of them is willing to tell the truth, but I'm not the kind of person that lets children get exploited, even though these parents all exploit me to the hilt.

Now, more than ever, the money that Jeffrey's employees stole from me is important.  We are all living with the possibility of losing our jobs and lives because of this coronavirus.  The extortion is huge with Lori and the Katzenbergs, and I want it back.  I won't continue to be as easy to get along with while this man and his family lean back and watch what Lori can do.  I will protect my family in every single way possible if Lori comes near my home or work. I am not joking.