She was never a real beauty in the first place, in my opinion, but now that we are fairly certain that Lori LaFond is mixing meth with testosterone, she's just enhanced the ugly person she already was. She's more aggressive, less attractive, less healthy, and definitely less in control of the emotions that dictate her entire existence. She's turned herself into the cavewoman that I always knew she was. A real knuckle dragger that pretty much clobbers people with her mouth, and when she can, with a blunt object, like a bottle or a club.
I can tell you that she's always walked around like she had something swinging down there, but she also thinks that she is tougher than she really is. Oh, she talks big shit and has taken advantage of people when they let their guard down, but when a person is ready to deal with's a whole different confrontation. I'm looking forward to the next time she decides to use my thinking to follow me somewhere. I'm not the kind of person that doesn't prepare to defend myself. I won't be verbally assaulted again by this person without defending myself at an appropriate level that the law allows.
The other concern that people should have is the amount of help that Lori gets from her friends that live with her. Her number one mantra is, "Since I have the biggest problems, you have to help me!" The problem is that it creates a cycle of blackmail and backstabbing in that home. As soon as you look helpful to Lori, she will try to take full advantage of you. She doesn't even wait. Now it's a matter of who she thinks she can manipulate into doing something she can blackmail them for later. If the problems get too big, then she blackmails them into helping her by saying, "This could be a major problem for you if you don't help me!"
Some friendships aren't worth having. Watch out for any friendships with a cavewoman.