Morally Conscious

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Friday, April 12, 2019

And While He Slept, Evil Was Coming Through The Door...

There really was no warning sign except for Lori and Brian's increasing need to sound more violent and make bigger threats on this system.  Oh, they'd been inside Steven Frey's home before, but I wasn't on the premises.  I guess the thought of two victims in one spot, both males, was too much for Brian to fathom, but when Lori managed to have Brian's friend Edgar pretend he was in need of an airport ride, she cleared the way for a rape that would linger for a decade or more.  Mine.

Now that I've delved into the world of true crime for over two decades as a courtroom deputy clerk then as a police informant, I'm finding that there is a lot of bravado and safety felt by Lori and Brian as they hold the City of Palm Springs hostage by forwarding 911 calls during their rapes.  What more hopeless situation could there be?  Nobody can get ahold of the police when witnesses were available to have them show up during the rape.  It's a free pass and the police are none the wiser.  That's a whole lot of control over the situation but when you consider that the Palm Springs Police station was about a block away from the rape scene, you can smell the bravado.  It's risky to say the least...they must have a system?

Most victims of future crimes don't have to listen to their attacker leading up to the event.  This is very unique to Lori and Brian, they like to let you know that they want you dead.  They like to tell you every day what you've done to them, lies and all, then they attack when you least expect it.  I don't eat food at home or drinks that have been opened for that very reason.  I think it is a really sad aspect of this crime that we can't go to the police to tell them that this is what Lori said to us on this system and that she needs to be stopped.  They know who she is.  They, too, are implanted and hear from her.  What's the problem?  I think the police should put that out there to protect everyone.  They should warn the community at large, "If you hear anything like this in your head, report it immediately to the police."  Unfortunately, this kind of admission hasn't been good for the victims of this crime, it seems to have been used as a way to single out victims for Lori to target even harder.  The Chief of Police knows that I am like this, but what he never understood is that I never volunteered for this implantation...Lori has been after my family with this since I was 11 years old.  She raped me and now I have to live with her constant threats.

While I slept down the street from police headquarters, evil crept in...and I'll never be the same again.