Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Which Flunkie Is Your Child? Victims Of Electronic Harassment Want The Parent's of Lori's Friends To Pick Their Kid Out!!!

So who are these "chosen few" that the PSPD allowed to use and sell drugs in between sexual assaults?  We know their names range from Gerre Ring to Brian "Junior" Lafond, so my readers want to know which evil villain is your kid living with or helping Lori's terrorist regime?   These are but a few to choose apologies to Eartha Kitt and the movie villains, but let's face it, Lori's friends are, at best, a campy homoerotic television show from the 70's.

You know Adam West would not disagree.

Remember there are six in one house in Joshua Tree near the sheriff's station living in a house rented by Brian LaFond...Lori calls it her "family home".  Most of us think of it as Drugs-R-Us.  Unfortunately it is the home of tuberculosis and many other diseases passed among it's inhabitants.  Get some penicillin over there.\

Can you believe they are less than a quarter mile from a hospital that services the entire area...and they have TB???  Come on folks, let's cast a net out and catch some of these drug addicted flunkies!!!  Remember what Lori and Brian would have done to us?  This one isn't even illegal.

I want everyone to understand what Lori's flunkies do for her.  They steal bank accounts, they tell Lori where these victims are and where to send police, they monitor conversations between family members, they listen in to doctor's appointment, they leave doors unlocked, steal keys for easy robberies, they steal drugs from other drug dealers and basically they make Lori's life easier.  You ever see that film, "What's Eating Gilbert Grape"?  This of the mom, not so much in the obese category, quite the opposite, this is a toothpick of a small girl that is so addicted to meth that she can't get out of her own house and won't let anyone else leave either.  Lori's what we call a shut in...after 30 years in Palm Springs, she still can't locate any of the major attractions...not even the tram that runs up the side of the mountain.  Seriously...that's like not being able to identify the Eiffel Tower.