Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

It's Time To Treat Lori's Hatred Like A Wildfire...Let's All Put It Out Together, As A Community!!!

If I could I would charter a plane and drop love from the sky.  I would have Christopher co-pilot and Brewster navigate.  For far too long the City of Palm Springs, California has been on fire with hate and we need to snuff it out wherever it lives.  From the tallest buildings to the smallest home, wherever hate lives, I want to cover it with a blanket of love and understanding.  We can all live together in harmony if we make love the priority.

Oh, I have heard all the negativity that Lori has to share with the world.  Now it is time to show her that she has no place in our lives.  If violence and hate aren't snuffed into smoke, we will continue to live our lives inside of her lie.  I don't choose to live there any longer.  I have a sweetheart that I love more than I hate her.  He has already extinguished that feeling of hate inside me for Lori, with his own love.  I can't feel hatred for someone I don't know or like.  I've learned that love feels better and I don't have the energy to put hate first.  In fact, I don't have any hate left inside of me.

What I do have is a goal.  That goal is to extinguish this crime of privacy invasion for everyone that Lori has touched without permission.  We owe it to so many people to stop her from living our's time that she start living her own life, thinking for herself and nobody else.  I don't need to feel her anger, I need to feel Christopher's love.  That's the best thing I've ever felt.

So to everyone starting your new year and your new chapter, let's say a prayer of thanks for still being here to do THAT job.  We can stop her any time we want to.

Enough is enough Lori, find some other way to make a living.  Get a job and, like your father told you, "Get a life, Lori!!! You aren't ever going to be a celebrity!!!"