Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

I'm So Glad That I'm Not Jesse's Girl...Where Can We Find A Woman Like That? Check Lori LaFond's House

Well here we are again.  I woke up in another high speed car chase.  Lori's high on speed and I have to drive my car to work.  Every day I have to spend telling this "ghost" that she shouldn't keep threatening me of I'll have to find more people to tattle on her.  Someone sent me this picture...I think it's Lori's Instagram picture in Warhol format but it does illustrate what everyone already knows about her.  Multiple personalities but the same girl in a disguise.  The question always use to be, "Who is Lori pretending to be this week?"  There have been so many falsies, but I'm the person that went to high school with her so I know the tea.

Most of us are confused right now because anyone that knows Lori knows that for Halloween all she really needed was a broom.  That face is 100% witch...she Photoshops out the mole with the wiry hairs on it.  She's already jaundiced too...some blue make up should make that green complexion that witches are known for.  Those missing teeth aren't going to help either.  Okay, enough of the teasing, let's get to the meat of the matter...okay, one more picture for Lori's example:
"Hey porkchop," Alaska T.F., says to Lori Jean LaFond!!!

So someone wrote me and suggested that I would be able to find a lot more victims of this crime if I used Lori Jean's pseudonym, "Jessica" Christine as the identifier.  Lisa is the name that Lori chose to harass me with because she'd spent decades telling victims that I went to high school with her.  So when she decided to fuck around with me, she had to choose the name of someone that I am familiar with.  She picked Lisa because of my friendship with Lisa Baker.   One of the yearbooks that Lori stole from me shows me in sports pictures with Lisa Baker, cross country and track.  Co-incidentally, Lisa Baker is living right across the street from Lori's mom and dad.  The real Lisa Baker is totally sweet and really nice.  I don't know any "Jessica's" from high school so Lori's story had to mesh.  She picked Lisa, but most physical manifestations of Lori LaFond's person are named "Jessica"; she thinks that she's a doppelganger for her BFF's sister Jessica, a Sigma Kappa sorority girl from Long Beach.  Missy's sister.  Um, yeah, the REAL Jessica, is gorgeous, the REAL Lori, well, see for yourself.

Lori LaFond is the self proclaimed girlfriend of a four year relationship with Bryan Anderson..."they split amicably," according to Lori LaFond, in her sworn statement to the court for that bogus restraining order.  Um, I'm just wondering what Bryan's wife has to say about that?  I've also heard from police officers that Lori said she was "married to" Bryan and that "He couldn't keep his hands off of her."  He must have lost his eyesight or something.  Just to be clear, Bryan has told me that Lori Jean LaFond is his friend..."smoked marijuana with her once in high school."  Was he lying?  For his ex?  Who knows?

At any rate if there were billboards in Palm Springs that said, "Do you know Jessica?  Give us a call...1-800-fak-bich"  we'd be inundated with calls about all the things that SHE said she and Mikey did together.  Am I right?  Think so.

Interesting to note that Mikey, all his friends and all my friends got into trouble with the law, but the Lesbian Mafia never could find Jessica...wonder why?  If Lori LaFond thinks it is illegal to tell people that she is Jessica, she's wrong.  I have personal first hand knowledge about who this mysterious "Jessica" then "Lisa" is.  This whole crime revolves around the anonymity of Palm Springs' "Tokyo Rose".  We have the right to name her because we know her.  Maybe she should cut off her radio show of terror and leave us alone.