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Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Police Chief's Secret Balls: Using A Drug Dealer To Terrorize His Own Least Favorite People

"You can say anything you want about our police department...," Chief Bryan Reyes said to me while covering up his drug dealer's rape.  I think I'll take him up on it.

You sir are the most hated police chief in the country.  I want you to know that other police chiefs have seen that DNA report and they all know what a lying piece of shit you and the rest of your cronies are.  Hitler didn't get this much support from the "SS" when he decided to cleanse Germany of the Jews and gays.  You sir are going to go down in history as the most sinister police chief of all time.  How could you possibly think that my friends would ever put up with a lousy bastard like you.

Not only has Lori Jean LaFond set up the Nichol's family to have their own finances stolen while working as police informants, now Lori and her friends have done the same thing again thanks to you and your, "Looking the other way" policy.  Oh I've heard from other victims of rape that know that "You are working on this problem," but we all know that is just another way of saying, "Let's let Lori and her brother rape their way through the gay community with our help."  You aren't a police chief, you are nothing more than Hitler's gestapo.

You do realize that you are using government equipment inside of your officers to commit the worst hate crime in this century don't you?  You do know that those RFID chips in their heads, including yours, are U.S. Military property don't you?  I can cruise past you and your department without ever having to talk to your threatening officers that think they have the community fooled.  You don't fool me, Bryan.  Hate is hate.  I want your fucking job and I want you to be made an example for other police departments.  I've heard from other police chiefs on this matter too.  You are their least favorite guy and I can tell you that when it all comes out, you will look like a savage.

I hope you realize that when they fire your fat ass that Lori and her friends will be watching you and your wife forever.  Of course they'll be watching the kiddie porn movies that they made right down the street from YOUR headquarters.  How interesting it must be to blame the homosexuals for all of the problems in your city when the girl you take orders from is raping little boys on films that you refuse to acknowledge.  What a fucking mess you are Bryan.  How you sleep at night knowing what you did for her is something that everyone should know about.  I want you to suffer for as long as the REAL law can make you.  I've been in prison now for so long that I want you to know how it is to hear Lori Jean LaFond day and night for 13 years.

If there is one man on this planet that I think should go to prison, it's this man right here.  The Police Chief of Palm Springs' heterosexual haven.  Hate all the gay men you want asshole, it was the lesbian mafia that did this to you...not the faggots.  It's a good thing Lori has balls, because you don't have any.  How could you possibly forget that you showed me that DNA report then called me on the phone to lie about it years later?  Are you that stupid?  You must be.  We have the report, Bryan...and we know what you did for this bitch.  You better not lose those jeans and bloody clothing, or the FBI is going to take your precious career and throw it in the garbage with your morality.

Can you believe that you were duped by the high school whore?  A drop out that couldn't do anything but push kids behind moving vehicles and rob the school's computers?  Chief Bryan Reyes is being controlled by a loser, so what does that make him?

I've got you trumped Chief, if it wasn't for Jeffrey Katzenberg, you'd be in prison right now.  You are going to have one Hell of a time with my friends.  They've been assaulted, jailed, imprisoned and forced into lives that reflect a Holocaust Concentration Camp and while you surround yourself with uppity gays that have no clue, the rest of us know your dirty little secrets.  Getting in bed with a whore gives you diseases, you've been more promiscuous with Lori Jean LaFond than any high school fantasy she's ever had.  Hail to the Chief...for now.

This chief has underestimated his girl friend, Lori.  The man thinks she can control every situation with terror and disease?  I think that sounds like Adolf Hitler.  What I am most thrilled about is how he honestly thinks he can tell me I'm right, show me the DNA report then completely turn around and fuck me with everyone listening.  We know what that is when we see it Chief.  You are so full of yourself that you think none of the rest of us matter.  You'll find out what all the other police chiefs found out before ain't shit.

It was an email from the Police Chief himself that invited me to the PSPD headquarters to look at the REAL DNA report and at that time it was enough to interview Steven Frey and Peter DiMartino...then something happened Chief.  What was it?  You found out it was Lori and Brian LaFond again, but unfortunately for you, my skull proves the rape and the STD's confirm it.  The photograph from the rape is in your possession.  You are the lousiest Chief of Police in history if you think I'm going to live with these injuries and not tell everyone what a farce you are.  I'll show the god damned world, asshole.

So if Lori sent me the email from the Chief of Police subject lined, "Your Disrespectful Email to Me," how did you know I was coming with my friend Anthony to see you that morning?  Someone talked to Lori and it must have been the Chief.  There is no other way that could have been accomplished.  The chief and the drug dealer.

YOU SHOWED ME THE REAL DNA REPORT CHIEF, THOSE DON'T DISAPPEAR.  You should also know that two of the victims, Steven Frey and Peter DiMartino are friends of mine to this day.  They know what you told them.  They have been victimized by your department too.  I want you all to know that this man talks out of so many sides of his face that you can't tell if it is Lori or the Chief.

650 victims now under the watchful command of the worst police chief in history.  Nobody could have handed you better evidence of a rape than I did.  Nobody could have had a better DNA report showing it either.  You pushed me the wrong way Bryan Reyes...I'm not one of those silly little faggots that you can push around.  You are a public servant....and you don't serve anyone but yourself.  Nice job pushing out the only cops that did the job there too.  Frank Browning should be imprisoned and so should your entire staff.  I want you to know that these last ten years with your bitch following me around it going to cost you everything.  Thanks for your help.

One thing though, I don't ever want you, Chief Reyes to say it was your department that cracked down on crime these last ten years.  That was all me.  You aren't having the rapes and infections any longer because of ME!!!  It has nothing to do with your abilities, it has to do with my patience.  I've run out of patience for a Police Chief that thinks a rapist should walk free because of the arrests she causes.  There is no doubt crime in Palm Springs is down, I lured her here.  Now we can see your stats, padded as they are.  You can commend your gestapo police department, but remember, there is a price to pay for your soul.  If you even have one after you sold it to Lori Jean LaFond.

By the way, Jeffrey stealing my saving's account by defrauding my own sister and mother isn't going to help you achieve your goals Chief.  Bessie Smith should go to prison for what she did with her friends.  More lesbian mafia.  The extortion of my family that has suffered through the set up shooting of my brother in law, the embarrassment of my father being accused of molestation and then there's my rape and shooting.  You think I'm feeling sorry for the Police Chief that lied to me?  Not one little bit.  I've lived with this complete loser now for all of my life.  It should be Chief Reyes' nightmare for the rest of his.

We all want to know what it was that Jeffrey Katzenberg and his wife promised my sister to get $30,000 from my account?  What was it Jeff?  I want to know...and so will my lawyer.  If I have to hear David the Chicken Hawk tell me again how "Kevin is too mean to Jeffrey and Marilyn," I'm going to stuff him down the Chief's throat with Coach Steve Fabian and that false allegation.  You should know Chief, my father is much closer with that man than you or Bryan Anderson.   Both falsely accused by a student because of Lori LaFond's need to say that teachers are having sex with students.  It's her life long fantasy.