Morally Conscious

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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Two Years AFTER I Was Intentionally Infected This WAS The Face Of AIDS!!!

Just so most of you can understand what it was like for me, HIV positive, with no idea how I could possibly have gotten this disease, to see what my future was.  This was my future.  My mom and dad, already hurt by what Lori did to our family  in the early 1980's with false accusations against my father, would eventually be at my bed side with my sister during the last stages of death.  There was no treatment only "magical cures" that amounted to nothing more than tea made from a rare mushroom or AZT that destroyed everything inside your body.

Think I am exaggerating?  This was the ad used by United Colors of Bennetton on billboards of David Kirby, AIDS activist, on he last day alive.  People were shown this on billboards...and I had it inside me already.  Lori, using her surveillance chip inside me, reveled at the sounds of the nurse telling me I had HIV, then my mother, then my father.  Lori just loved hearing how she'd turned me into someone like her.

I wasn't like her.  I just want to remind all of you that when Lori goes around telling people that I had HIV or AIDS and didn't tell anyone, that this was what people thought of the disease at that time.  It isn't like it is now...this was what AIDS was.  It was death. So Lori, who still can't bring herself to tell anyone she has HIV or AIDS and doesn't receive treatment, can fuck off.  I remember Ryan White and Magic Johnson.  I remember the stigma and the hatred towards these people.  I remember the fear and the death because I saw it.  I was friends with so many that died and now Lori wants to make me out to be someone that didn't "discuss this disease with anyone".  Well, I can tell you this...I was no more sexually involved with anyone than the mother, sister and father in this picture....and I think they all managed to keep from getting the disease.  Unfortunately for Lori, that needle of her own blood isn't as effective as abstinence or safe sex.  I knew the discrimination...Lori raced to tell everyone I know that I had HIV.  I never told her, yet she knew from day one where it came from.

God bless your soul David were a brave man.

Lori revels in the fact that she has a disease that can kill other people.  It's her "secret weapon".  What she doesn't seem to understand is that everyone that she infected has this "power" which is simply just a deadly disease for those that don't know they have it.  I was extremely careful not to infect anyone, knowing that, Lori then took it upon herself to contact everyone I know to tell them I had HIV or as she says it, "AIDS!"  She acts as if she doesn't.  She's the one that doesn't seek treatment or counseling.  As far as you all know, she's as healthy as a horse, right?

The point I am making here is one of disclosure back in the mid to late 80's about this disease.  Lori, herself, took to using this disease as a weapon to hurt people with both physically and emotionally.  I didn't want to disclose to everyone that I had this...for this very reason.  It wasn't to fool anyone.  It was because when she infected me, intentionally, this was the face of AIDS.  Nobody in their right mind was saying to people that they had AIDS...even Rock Hudson shows us that.  For those that did have the courage, like David, here, I fight on.  Someone has to stop Lori, and I am the person that wants to do it.