Morally Conscious

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Sunday, August 12, 2018

She Forces Her Way Into Your Life and You Have To Be Subservient? Why?

You know if you want advice on a man, why do you think that Lori assumes that two lesbians would be the experts?  For my money, I'm probably going to have to go with a straight man, a heterosexual woman or a homosexual man for this kind of advice.  Wouldn't you?  I find it to be so annoying how Lori thinks she knows so much about people, yet her system eventually, takes Lori over and then it is all about imposing her will upon you.

One of those unfortunate things that that has happened is what the picture above depicts what the PSPD has learned about gay men because of Lori and Missy's meddling.   Of course, we're not talking about the gay couple that moved next to the police chief, those are "different gays", I'm talking about the oversexed Warm Sands kind of gays.  They all think with their dicks and use drugs...all have AIDS because they are unsafe and have too much sex.   Lori use to call it the "ultimate lifestyle" because of her jealousy and desire to be more sexually free to express herself, instead she bad mouthed our community so much, that she had to stay in the closet. So the PSPD's understanding of our community is based solely on what Lori has taught them.  Gay men are promiscuous and think with their dicks.

What I am proposing is that it isn't us thinking with our sexual organs, it's the girls.  Thinking with their vaginae.  Not that the gay men turn them on sexually, initially, but what we represent to them is money, drugs and power because of the way the PSPD protects Lori.  The sexual charge she gets out of it is one that she's been fascinated with since the early 1980's..."putting an innocent man in jail."  I should know, she put my father through a two and a half year court battle because of a lie she made up about one of his students.  Ever since that ended in an acquittal, she's been after me to "make up for it"!

While many people think that what I have to say about her puts me in a dangerous position, what they don't know is that if I don't say it, then I get to suffer in silence.  I don't like feeling like being held hostage like that.  For over thirty years, gay men in Palm Springs have suffered for too long in silence without someone coming along as telling the police, "Hey, I know what you are doing with Lori and it isn't legal.  Don't you understand what you are doing is spying on your citizens?"   For me this was a natural fit.

I worked with lots of criminal federal cases before, this one involves all the kinds of things that organized terror organizations exhibit.  The human experimentation factor alone will cause huge reverberations all across this country.  We are in the very fortunate position to have a large number of victims...largest in the United States, all found within a minority men.  All the men, if they have been hearing voices have heard from "the girl" that infuriates and harasses them.  Most of the men that she bothers, hate her, because she lies and makes shit up to get them arrested.  That's why my first blog "HateLisa" became so popular so quickly.  Gay men may not have known her by her new name "Lisa" but they all know the girl that I'm talking about.  Some call her "Jessica" others call her "Victoria" yet still more are calling her "Sheree".  It all just depends on the fake i.d. that she is using and the intelligence level of the police.

The thing that really gets me is that the police ONLY hear one voice when they use this's Lori...and she's the same person that harasses them and us.  I don't know how anyone could mistake that uneducated, hateful, oversexed conversation having, mind fucker.  Police officers get one benefit for working with Lori, they get the arrest and promotions.  For listening to the same voice and following the same kinds of instructions, gay men are given a jail sentence and a felony record.  You see, one group is thriving and the other is being suffocated.

I'm constantly amazed at how little responsibility Lori shows for her actions and when asked about why she did this to my friends, she says a variety of things that show Lori has a wide range of problems.  The first and most popular is, "They all deserved it.  They weren't nice to me."  The second is the one that most makes sense, she just hates gay men and is completely fascinated by them.  You know it is one of those situations where you hate some group so much that you spend all of your time hating it becomes normal for her.  "I guess I just felt like it," Lori would tell Jonathan after she and Brian were found to be putting our friends in danger again.  Lori doesn't need a reason and she still can't figure out why the police shouldn't just arrest everyone she has a problem with.

She has no patience for the police either.  If they aren't willing to drop everything that they are doing to respond to a call from Lori, then the police officer is warned that Lori will have to contact his supervisor.  It's all just one great big hoax.  Lori and Brian differ on their opinions about implanting police officers.  Brian isn't a big fan and Lori would like to see all of them implanted.  There was a time when Lori and Brian use to follow rules that were established by other domestic terrorist cells around the country.  They range in Do's and Don't's from "don't approach an attorney with this system"  to "don't approach celebrities" to "don't talk to police officers about this technology" and other time honored reasons for contacting who they do.

The problem, I am told came when Brian had fired a shot here in the Palm Springs area into Barbara's home.  This put him in a position to have to hide so Lori sent him to San Diego to begin the more aggressive of the street stalking until I was shot at down there.  While Brian was away, Lori informed way too many people about this system because she is lazy and would rather have people give her the "short version" of the kind of information that she wanted to put someone in jail.  Lori, in short, made a mess out of the system by telling too many people about it.  When, I left San Diego and Brian was allowed to return, Brian began, picking up where he left off by harassing Jackson, Steven Frey, myself, Jonathan, Anthony and others, but there were way too many people on screen as operators now.  Brian was mad at Lori for spreading the information about this system without consulting him.

I am still disturbed at hearing that Barbara, my other team leader, was badly raped and beaten just like I was.  Her head was similarly smashed and she too got bad MRI results from the Emergency.  It would seem that the Emergency Room protocol after one of these rapes is for Lori and Brian to do something with the hospital.  I don't know how much authority police have there, but she is somehow able to call off the police from taking a rape report and tell the E.R. to show us a false x-ray instead of the MRI that was ordered.  Whatever goes on here is time tested...this means that it has happened before.  "As a warning shot," Lori has explained, that Brian fired a small caliber handgun into the window and wall of Barbara's home in the Cat City Cove.

It is our theory that the same handgun used in the shooting at Barbara's home may be somehow connected to the same handgun in my San Diego shooting.  It was also suggested to me that the vehicle used in my drive by shooting may be owned or know by Barbara, who owns this GMC style truck, silver, with a camper shell, full window in back, tinted, that was involved in my shooting.  There is a witness to this shooting besides myself and the three people that were likely in that truck.  I think two Hispanic men in the front wearing gray hoodies and someone hiding in the back of the truck with a spot for a gun to take aim and shoot from the inside of the shell.

So I guess the two guys in the front of the truck that smiled at me were also witnesses.

You can clearly see, if you look at the long history of Lori involving herself with my family, that she would be extremely embarrassed if everyone found out that all kinds of stuff that happened was because of her.  My family may be surprised, but most of the people that we know wouldn't be.  We have friends that have been in many scrapes with Lori over the years.  Lori likes to centralize her hatred of gay men to me and my friends, but my family is different...but not much.  She likes to find out who my family members are around then starts asking questions about these people to her mother and sister or aunts.  This is one of the reasons I knew that Lori had gotten involved in the death of my brother in law.  She overheard conversations between me and my sister or my sister and my parents while I was there and she then exploited them.  It was a victory for her to have had anything to do with anything bad that happened to us.

I think that rather than listen to the "innocent rantings" of a girl that has a non-existent past with taxes or other viable work, a girl that has no long term friends to speak of and no co-workers that can verify her appearance at work, that police should probably listen to the witnesses that I've developed.  Steven Frey knows that Lori is a monster and her brother is one of his least favorite people.  I know that Lori sold drugs and I know that Steven Frey use to supply her.   Rather than believe someone with multiple multiple aliases, why not listen to Jonathan Mendenhall who was forced to spend time with Lori and saw all kinds of illegal activity between Lori and the PSPD.  Rather than believe that Lori lives alone and never sees her brother, why not listen to and watch the video taped introductions of Lori to various people that are friendly with me, including Anthony and Christopher Monti.  The encounters will give a much better idea of what Lori is really like when she is talking to victims.

I think it is about time that someone admit that this crime has disturbing ties to the military and Verizon wireless.  I want all of you to understand, I'm only asking the police not to lie about how they became implanted.  What they did after that is the subject of great debate, but one thing is for sure, they should not, can not and won't be able to deny this technology exists and they know about it.  That is a huge victory for the gay community of Palm Springs.

Why listen to a proven liar?  The only girl that consistently shows up at places where only gay men Lori LaFond.  When she goes there.