Morally Conscious

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This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Hey Chief Reyes, I Want You To See Something...From Buchenwald's Concentration Camp Circa 1945

I want you all to know that it was a fact that the Nazi party interned 650 homosexual men in the Buchenwald Concentration camp between 1937 and 1945.  In Palm Springs, between the years of 1987 and 2018, the same number of gay men were implanted and possibly infected with HIV, by the same girl your officers let implant them with RFID chips.  It is an historical fact that this was part of the Holocaust.  How can anyone say that there is a difference between what Lori LaFond and her friends did in Palm Springs than they did in Nazi Germany?

This is ridiculous to assume that what I call the Homo-caust, hasn't happened.  We have the names and "numbers" of the gay men that were implanted and infected into slavery enforced by some of the officers at the Palm Springs Police Department.  Many of those officers are still working there.  When the war ended and the Nazi's were ousted, those same Nazi officers fled to places in South America to avoid prosecution for their war crimes.   What is the difference?  These officers need to tell their stories or become one of history's most hated police departments of all time.

In Nazi, Germany, homosexual establishments and places where gay men and women congregated were spied upon, shut down, raided and eventually destroyed.  The patrons were sent off to prison, like so many of the Palm Springs victims have been.  Simply because one ideology suffocated the rights of all the others.  What's next Chief Reyes, are you going to start encouraging Lori to implant and infect the Jews too?

For the record, before the Jews were rounded up and sent off to the same camps for the same fate, it was the gay community that was trampled on first.  We were the easy target then and have become the easy target again because of the clandestine relationship that exists between Lori and Brian LaFond and the Palm Springs Police Department.  All of you gay men remember, we pledged never to forget...NEVER AGAIN.  WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS???

We weren't suppose to forget this lesson from the 1930's and 1940's.  Never again we said.  Certainly not in the United States of America, yet we stare into the City of Palm Springs and those of us that were implanted know that this is exactly what happened.  How many times did Nick Andre or another officer wait outside of Keith Muth's condo to arrest someone that Lori didn't approve of like Jonathan?  How many times have the gay resorts and the Gentlemen's Club on Perez get phoned into the police to have the establishments shut down because that is where the gays congregated?  How many times have we seen the bar in Cat City closed down during their busiest season?

This is definitely a Homo-caust, and we're going to show everyone how it happened.  Lori's opinions about gay men and their lifestyles and using police as a gestpo police force has turned her into our own 

Adolf Shitler
...we call her that because of her obsession with anal sex!!!

Doesn't she know what happens back there?  (This is something that she tells all of us while we are being harassed by her)

I'd like to remind the Police Chief that not all prisons have bars!