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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Among All The Other Pictures and Posts That Lori Did Today On Anthony's Fakebook Page, Check Out Alice Mendenhall's Comments

It's been a long time since this picture was posted on this blog, but it was re-posted with a computer back date, today on Anthony Dabiere's Fakebook page.  A Fakebook page is a facebook page that Lori creates using our pictures and our friends with other fake accounts.

This picture was from our trip to Sedona, Arizona on the balcony where Anthony, Jonathan and I were harassed.  This was the very last time the three of us were together.  It is very sad to know that all of this could have been avoided if Jeffrey just gave a shit about anyone other than Missy and David.

You can see that this is from Anthony's page, but Jonathan's mom is on it saying, "Too soon. Too fast.  Not forgotten.  Thanks Anthony Happy Birthday and New Year."  Now I don't know about you, but that doesn't sound like a mom to me at all.  Especially when Jonathan is rumored to be alive.  In fact, what this is, is another attempt to make Anthony and Mrs. Mendenhall look responsible for Jonathan's faked death.  If Jonathan is alive, this is a definite attempt to make Jonathan's mom and Anthony look like they are involved in a fraudulent death.  How sad.

What I remember is going to Sedona to get away from Lori and Brian LaFond who followed us there.  I remember three friends in a really bad position with Jeffrey's employees living with Lori and trying to get us arrested.  This photo makes Jonathan look like he's sick or something.  I know what I agreed to.  Friends don't give up on each other.  Jeffrey isn't a friend.

Boy does this bitch have nerve.

So what's the deal with making Anthony look like he lives in Hollywood.  What is Lori suppose to be fucking him now?  Her "old drinking buddy" again.  No wonder they spent so much time in Sedona together.