Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Learning To Walk: What Can We Learn From The Interviews of Electronic Harassment Victims in Palm Springs, California

There are so many gay men in Palm Springs that didn't know there was a gender war being fought inside of their thoughts.  So many men were infected and implanted then jailed that generations of gay men in Palm Springs are missing.  What could they have become and what is to become of them if we don't stop this crime?

As a community of gay men, what can we do for each other?  We need to find the victims, each and every one, then we need to know what happened to them?  One of the key elements of this investigation are the memories of the victims that were recorded on disc.   When you learn about what was happening behind the scenes it was a complete holocaust of gay men in favor of some imaginary gender war that Lori has in her head.  Men are the root of all evil according to Lori and gay men are the root of that root.

To illustrate my point, the sheer number of men that were implanted in Palm Springs represents 99.99% of the men probably 96% if you count the police department, which I will remind all of you, is still mostly men.  It wasn't that this crime was the gays vs. the police.  This was Lori vs. the police vs. the gays.  It was a complete male domination crime where the men would be held down and raped.  In addition, they were knocked unconscious and given HIV.  To further the stereotype, the men were tattle taled on by Lori directly to the minds of the police officers...if you were a rapist, wouldn't you want the police to believe you instead of your victim?

It's nuts.

The number one resource that the gay men of Palm Springs have is each other.  Our stories are completely unknown to each other, but our experience is one!  How can all these gay men experience the mind boggling crime of "voice to skull" communication, no know each other, and share similar stories.  We didn't have a homo convention and tell each other to do's a thing!!!  Gay men all over this city for thirty years have bee kept quiet about this's time for it to stop.

Sharing our the best way to show the world that we were more than what these women operators wanted us to be.  We are the men that were stronger, worked harder and proved a crime of invisibility.  We can do this together.