Morally Conscious

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This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Protecting Our Sources: Telling The Police Chief? I Don't Think We'll Be Opening That Can Of Worms Again!!!

I would like to remind Lori LaFond of something that Police Chief Bryan Reyes asked me to do for him and what it was like when we provided him with the best information...

I was, personally, asked about the child pornography by Police Chief Bryan Reyes.  He told me, as a police informant, to find someone that "knew about these films and send him or her to him".  At that point, it wasn't long before Anthony Dabiere came to me and said something about the porn he'd witnessed at the LaPalme Complex in Palm Springs.  It was Anthony that told me he'd been approached to distribute these films depicting underaged males in what could be described as "kiddie porn" but even worse than what you'd expect.  Since Anthony has some experience in advertisement and promotions, he actually saw the films, knew the boys names, saw the horrific nature of the films and balked immediately.  When he told me about these films, I told him that I'd also seen was confirmation.

At that point I told him to sign and affidavit and then he needed to go and see the Police Chief.  This was the perfect situation that the Chief of Police asked me to provide for him.  It was a stroke of luck!  Finally, Lori and Brian LaFond would be looked at for something other than gay men being raped...which apparently isn't a priority for the Chief.  You would think that child "infection" porn with HIV would do the police department a favor when they could talk to someone that had seen the movies.  This did no good.

Anthony was intercepted by an officer who said that the Chief of Police, Bryan Reyes, asked this officer to take Anthony's report.    With all that information available, I got an email from the Chief saying that Anthony possessed "no valuable information" then he lied and said that Anthony was "in custody" when he was talked to.  Anthony, was there voluntarily and walked there of his own free will.  As an informant I like my people to report the crimes as they occur.   This is why I refuse to go back to the PSPD headquarters ever again.  If two witnesses to child porn aren't going to be believed, then this guy is working for someone other than God...and the people.

The porn, was created less than a block from police headquarters, just like the scene of my rape.  These cops can't get out of their cars to walk a block to look into something?  Ridiculous.

We won't be opening that can of worms again.

Now when we interview, the information will be decided upon by the interviewee and Anthony as to who will see it or not at all.  We don't trust the PSPD, we have good reason not to.  We know what they've been doing for Lori when it comes to Anthony, Jonathan, Christopher, me, Benjamin Katzenberg and a whole lot of other people.  Lori's "small problems" are known to all of us.

The truth is that witnesses to the crime of electronic harassment are not safe going to the Palm Springs Police Department.  Those jokers listen to everything that Lori tells them to do until they do something that gets them fired.  They go way out of their way to hurt us...I should know.  They turned my rape case into "arrest Kevin for anything" for a period of six months.  I'm the victim of a crime, they treated me like the rapist!!!  And the rapist they let go follow me to Arizona and harass my family with her friends.  Who turns a rapist loose on their victims?  The Chief of Police in Palm Springs does...and he knew I would be telling you all this because the evidence he ignored is a criminal act.