Morally Conscious

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Sunday, March 25, 2018

What Is Keeping Jeffrey Katzenberg From Telling Truth? Who Is He Telling To Lie?

It takes an exceptional piece of garbage to have an AIDS Foundation and help Lori LaFond.  This is the latest piece of garbage to do it.  How in the world could two parents, supposedly friendly to the HIV community support the girl that gave everyone HIV in the Palm Springs gay community?  All it took was some cleavage and some blackmail.  This man is trying to kill me, won't someone step in and help that isn't afraid of his money?  Be a hero somebody, stop this monster before he strikes again.

It's been almost ten years since I told all of you about Lori's plan to hurt my friends.  All in all they were the people that helped me do this investigation.  One by one, this man talked to them and convinced them that he was the Messiah, using his promises of a "year long investigation" and the promise that Kevin and Christopher would be together.  It's amazing what some people will do to get their way.  One by one all of them either were sent to jail under extremely false circumstances or were made to look dead while a "ransom" letter was sent to my home.

His son never did face justice for his lies to all of us.  Instead he befriended my boyfriend and talked him into not speaking to me, ever again.  Benjamin Katzenberg is to blame for the ten year stall of this investigation into murder and mayhem.  He told everyone the story of the century about how Lori hurt him and his family.  Because Jeffrey is wealthy, we all though he would be the kind of father that would protect his son, but, instead, he turned out to be the exact opposite, helping the criminals steal, rob and commit more murders.  This man sat and watched while Lori and Brian moved here and tried out their criminal enterprises in this area of the desert.  Lori's greatest fantasy.

It wasn't that he was apathetic either, he literally got involved in schemes to move my family around, steal from us, put me in jail and hide evidence with his son doing nothing to stop him.  He's grown into a monster.  He refuses to give up his death grip on Christopher's throat.  "Don't talk to Kevin or else...", or else what Jeff?  What are you going to do that's worse than you have already engaged in?  Kill someone?  You've already assisted in that negligently.  Shawn Parrish died because he was a witness that couldn't be heard from again.  Did Jeffrey tell anyone about that?  Nope.

He lured Christopher to this area, according to Lori, with the promise of helping my family understand this crime.  Instead, what he did was get him here and tell him not to do anything like that.  What a plan.  Use love as a weapon.  Sounds like Lori, Missy and Bessie Smith to me.  I've seen this before from these three girls.  They are loveless old maids that think that every man is ruled by their penis.  I'm about to show you that isn't the case with me.  My penis isn't nearly as smart as my brain is.  Christopher can do whatever he wants, but I'm not buying it at all.

Benjamin has a boyfriend that I know very well.  Robert is being played just like the rest of the victims of this crime.  Oh Benjamin is allowed to call him and see him, but the truth is that Jeffrey wants him out of the picture.  He's one of THOSE kind of fathers that thinks he controls everything for everyone.  He's not my dad. He thinks he's going to ruin my life and help Christopher, but I've got other plans for Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg.  Big plans.  Non violent plans. He likes to meddle in my love life, well, I've got a good idea about how to stop that altogether.  This man is going to leave me alone...and in the end, he and his lovely wife will be responsible for years of torturing me and my family with Lori.

I'm afraid Jeffrey and his wife are trying to kill me.  If something happens to me or one of my family members, everyone should consider it extortion for telling you about what he's done.  This man is going to get me killed and say that Lori did everything.  It was him that masterminded this bullshit investigation...and he alone is going to be charged with the conspiracy to commit a crime against a police informant.  Do I hate Jeffrey?  Would you?  How I feel about what this man has done is irrelevant to write about.  What I do know is that when I tried to help his family, he said, "fuck off" and helped my rapists get away with an attempted murder.  He's guilty as sin.

Jeffrey has spent the last ten years or so putting my friends in jail for telling the truth about child porn, the police department and rape/infections.  His son isn't understanding how much this is effecting his freedom in the future.  Now that Jeffrey has spent all this time trying to find a way to put me in jail or a grave, it's time for his son to sit on the incarceration hot seat.  He isn't innocent. In fact, he's the most complicit of all in all of this.  We trusted him to be an honest person...and he's been anything but honest.

Ruining his son's reputation in the gay community will be my pleasure.  Let's start with his father's desire to make my boyfriend his son's.  As Jeffrey lavishes all the compliments he can on Christopher, he treats me like shit.  Grooming him to take over Robert's role as Benjamin's boyfriend.  If Robert is out there, you need to be aware that your boyfriend isn't working very hard to get back to you.  Neither is mine.  Both of these two are fucking around behind our backs and I'm over it.  If you ask Benjamin, "How much has Christopher done for you in the last two and a half years?"  His answer should be, "Everything I asked him to do."  You know what Christopher has done for!  Not one fucking thing has this guy ever done for me.  Why?  Jeffrey has insisted on a certain kind of behavior from of ignoring me and paying attention to his fucked up son.  How much has Benjamin done for Robert Baker?  Not one fucking thing.  He's not going to either.

The plan to groom Christopher for his own son is ridiculous.  It's so obvious that I'm vomiting with laughter.

Using this police wire as a way to stalk my family and hurt me wasn't what I agreed to at all with his lousy son.  He knows it and so do I.  What has transpired is a "friendship" between the two that doesn't allow me to be involved with Christopher.  I think that is so fucking sick it reminds me of Lori and Missy.  Christopher, however, went along with it and that shows you one thing, he's in it for the money Jeffrey has promised him.  Have you ever seen a father so unhappy with his son's choice of boyfriends that he would literally hire a new boyfriend for him to be around?  Not the first time, ask Jeffrey's twins what he is like.  He's the single most meddling father ever.  He's like a woman this way.  Gossiping, conniving, lying and treating me like shit while Christopher is exalted for not telling the truth.  Some priest.  I guess lying isn't a sin so he's good with it.

I'm assuming that he doesn't like Jonathan, Anthony or myself to be friends with his son and that's okay with me.  He'll buy him some new celebrity friends later, but first Jeffrey has to attend to the rest of his fucked up plan.  Stealing from my family and putting me in jail.  Fuck you Jeff, not everyone has such low morals as Christopher Monti.