Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

All Jacked Up: This One Is For The Victim's Parents

I've been meaning to write this one for quite some time now and tonight I've got the opportunity to help some of the victims explain why it is that they got to Palm Springs and all of a sudden they stopped working.  It's something, I think, that most parents don't understand, but the victims know all too well.  The problem with employment of the victims of this crime isn't a drug problem, it's a Lisa problem.

Parents, whether you know it or not, you've probably heard from Lori or Brian at some point in the past.  It probably was some kind of innocuous phone call explaining that she or he were working for the police and they had information about your son.  The information is never good and it makes the victim look like someone they are not.  I should know, I've met many of them.  I've met some of the brightest and most intelligent men in Palm Springs, but none of them are ever working.  It's not because they are rich, it's because of electronic surveillance and rumor mongering by Lori and Brian.  They want your kid to look like he's some kind of dirt bag drug addict.  We all know now that Lori has a rule, "They (the victims) can't be employed!"

The first thing that I want to address is this.  Lori and Brian feel that their success with this system of surveillance is based on the failure of their victims to survive.  That means some very basic things.  Food, shelter and clothing...but mostly it means that they can't be working or they will be able to provide these things for themselves.  You will recall that at one point during this investigation I lived in 29 Palms, but I paid for an apartment in Cathedral City so that my friends would ALWAYS have a place to stay if Lori kicked them out in the middle of the night.  This is one of her favorite things to do...evict someone from a home so they have no place to go.

Anthony, Christopher and Jonathan had, what we called, "the Annex".  It was a place that I got through Section 8 that was very nice and easily could sleep two or three people if necessary.  This pissed Lori off so she had someone put flyers up all over the complex and shopping center talking about me and saying that I was some kind of psychopath that was "documenting everyone's lives."  The reality was that I was working on this project and using online to put forth evidence of crime.  At that time, I'd uncovered about a half million dollars in mortgage fraud committed under the name of the suspect in this investigation: Steven Frey.  Basically, "the Annex", named by Anthony Dabiere, was suppose to be a safe place to lay down and get away from Lori so that you wouldn't be illegally arrested.  The concept was good, the execution not so much.

Lori had someone throw a chair through a window.  She made Christopher crazy while he stayed there.  There wasn't anything like drugs, one of my rules, going on there and the only people with keys were Anthony and Christopher.  My instructions were clear...use the apartment if you need to.  Eventually, Lori and Brian came to my parent's home while I was out to dinner and stole the keys to my new car and this apartment.  It was a bad idea to leave them in the trailer where she could get to them.  The car key would later be a problem in Sedona and the apartment key put the lives of my friends in danger.  She would call my apartment manager and lie about me too.  She'd say something like I was selling drugs or the people coming by were using or something.  I had a strong enough relationship with her so that she knew that it wasn't true.

That's not what this post is about though.

You all know that my success is Lori's failure.  The victims of the crime of electronic harassment are suppose to have problems caused by other people.  This is how the terrorists measure their success.   How much money can they steal without the victim knowing it and how bad can they make the life of the victim so that nobody believes them?   The answer is a scary fact...they can do a lot of damage without having much success.  As I have told you before, most of us come to town with a vehicle, but it soon experiences a lot of problems.  You see if Lori and Brian wreck your car, you can't get anywhere very easily.  Work, the doctor, social services, Desert AIDS Project and many places that these people need to go.  The most important place you can't get to is the Larson Justice Center in Indio which is about a two hour bus ride, one direction, to make it to an 8:00 court hearing.  These hearings are caused by whatever arrest the victim has suffered at the hands of the PSPD.  If you miss a court date, you have a warrant, then you might as well have handed your life over to Lori.

Living with a warrant for your arrest is one of the surest ways to have Lori blackmail you into doing something for her.  Do it once and you'll never ever be free.  If you help her, she will use you until you decide not to, then you will get arrested.  She use to call the police to have a warrant executed on someone that missed a court date the second you tell her, "No."  This is not legal.  It's like Lori has appointed herself guardian of the gays and you are at her mercy if you don't do what you have to at court.

Absent a warrant for your arrest, Lori's first priority is to take your job away from you.  I still deal with this one.  There is a clear advantage to stalking one of these victims at work.  The things that Lori, Brian and their friends learn using this system about your employment is undeniably an advantage.  Think about this.

When you are a new hire, you are taught what the rules of work are.  You know what you can do and what you can't.  Lori and Brian learn all of the policies and procedures of the job you are doing.  In the hands of a good employee, that is something necessary, but if you have a stalker, this kind of information only teaches them one thing, "How I can get this person fired!"  Brian and Lori know what a person is thinking, so when you are working you think, "I have to lock this gate or something bad could happen, it's a rule!"  The first thing that Lori would do is have her brother cut the lock off and call the boss and tell them, "This gate wasn't locked."  Instantly she is causing employees a problem.  If she isn't satisfied with the manager's response, which she thinks is "immediate termination", she calls corporate or someone higher up the food chain.  You have to understand, Lori is fixated on one person at a time.

Whatever she can fantasize, she will make come true.  There are many pitfalls to what she does and how she does it though.  I've learned many ways to protect yourself.  The first is to let your employer know that you have a stalker.  Tell them that it is Lori LaFond.  She calls, emails and makes up lies.  Show them her picture.  I'm just trying to keep you employed.

The second thing I know about is the privacy of the clients that you work for.  Never ever tell her about them.  She will make shit up like stealing a credit card number if you have to repeat it.  She will use the card and act like she has nothing to do with it.  Whenever possible, slide cards or use the microchip.  Give her nothing about the people that you serve or your co-worker's names.  If she follows you long enough, she will eventually try to use them against you.

I've had two situations where Lori has literally had someone hired at my work that was there solely to try to get me fired.  The first was not Jacqueline Smith at my old job in 29 Palms.  Before she even started working, she was overheard by another employee that she was getting ready to work with me and that she was told I was some kind of  "asshole" or something.  I was pre-warned about her...and she lived up to her commitment to Lori.  How do I know that...well, let's just say Lori got her hands on some workplace videos starring her own mole, where a fight happened on the premises right after my shift.  When Lori got ahold of the video, she allegedly sent it to other people saying, "See what I can do?"   The video shows this girl's friends beating up one of the guests at the hotel.  This was Lori's bravado moment of machismo saying, "Look what a powerful drug dealer I am."  The employee was immediately fired and I never heard from her again.

This was not the first time Lori went to the lengths of having people hired to cause problems for me.

I'm the kind of person that makes the best out of whatever situation comes along.

At one point, about two months after my skull was smashed in.

My friend Mark Finley, after I told him to try, landed a great job working for a new Marriott property in Palm Desert.  He wasn't 100% confident that he could get this job as a foreman for the pools and fountains.  He's one of the best workers I know.  He starts early and works all day long.  He is one of my best friends and a victim of this crime.  Now I don't know about you, but a job jackhammering with a broken skull right before Christmas was the only job I could find.  I'd never done it before, but I promised Mark that if he would hire me, I would work my ass off.  That I did! The very first day, the supervisor saw me working so hard that he instantly offered me a raise for the job of jackhammering out an old pool so that they could put in a new one.  This was brutal work, but I soon learned how to do it.

This was during the period that Junior, Lori's brother Brian, was pretending to be Peter DiMartino.  I had already been arrested and raped, so I needed the money for Christmas really bad.  Literally, I worked the first day with Marky, got a raise, had the next day off for an appointment, and when I went back, the third day Lori had some Mexican workers that jackhammered almost 90% of the pool out!!!  Literally a job that should have taken two weeks, was done!

It was also at this time that Mark and I had moved all of my things into the garage of a place that he told me was owned by his ex boyfriend on the corner of Racquet Club and Sunrise.  This was "Lisa's" old hangout.  It looked like a crack house on the inside with shit in the bath tub and broken glass pipes everywhere.  I didn't like the looks of the place but the garage was locked and clean.   The next time I went back all of my stuff was gone but it had been put in a storage unit all the way over on Dinah Shore.  From there, the unit was emptied and I ended up losing everything I owned because Lori and Brian were the ones that set the whole thing up.  This is how everything I owned was stolen by the siblings.

Back to the jackhammering.  I'd worked two full days and they were taking off for Christmas and I needed the money I'd earned to buy gifts for my family.  I was at my sober living place and could not get ahold of Mark.  I called and called but nobody every answered.  I couldn't get paid.   My check, though issued, was missing and I couldn't get ahold of Mark.  He no longer picked me up for work and I called the supervisor....I ended up getting fired because I made a big deal out of not getting paid until way after everyone else did, after Christmas.  I spent Christmas alone on a couch.  Bryan Anderson was also sent to that home to break up a "fight" between two of my roommates.  Lori was literally sending the police into that home so that they could look for drugs...they searched my room.  The fight had nothing to do with me.  As it turns out, the two people that were in that fight ended up living at LaPalme, where Lori and Brian allowed them to live.

What you don't understand is that it was at this time that the "Perspectives" post card with my face being punched out was sent to that home.  So all of this chaos was happening then comes this postcard.  So remember, I have the police coming into my home, someone has stolen my paycheck, all of my belongings are stolen, I've reported my rape and been arrested twice...then comes these pictures FROM MY RAPE!

Both of these photographs were taken on the morning of my rape and bludgeoning.  I took them to the police too.  They did nothing.  You can imagine what it feels like to have been arrested for reporting my rape, twice, then having a postcard showing what I like to call, "gay bashing art" as a way for the rapist to claim more control over her victim.  This is the kind of bravado that I am telling you Lori and Brian have.  They think that they can do anything that they want to one of their victims and get away with it.  Clearly this top picture was not something that I posed for and neither was this bottom one.  They are morphed intentionally so that it isn't clearly my face, but it is my face.  Two months after the rape and the rapist is sending out post cards with my face on it from the rape.  If you aren't getting chills down your spine then check your heartbeat.

I want parents to know that this is the kind of people that Lori and Brian are.  They spend so much time focusing on one person that their best thinking was to print up and distribute pictures from the crime scene.  This is how much confidence they have and had in the police covering up the rape for them.

It is at the heart of this investigation that I ask you how many rape victims have their rapists sending out photos of the crime on postcards?  Sound like someone that would or might be into other illegal activities?  Maybe child pornography or something like a rape video?

Parents need to understand that Lori and Brian feel invincible.  The fact is that I can catch both of them at any moment thanks to that illegal restraining order.  By statute, the petitioner has committed a crime as well as the Commissioner that issued it then the warrant.  Remember what I told you above...a warrant is all she needs, but is it in this case?  Not really.  Lori would usually use that warrant to create a stink, but this time, if she does it, she will be calling herself to the stand because it is issued off of the restraining order bearing her own name: Lori LaFond, "employee of the City of La Quinta."   This time a warrant is NOT her best friend or insurance policy.  It is her own noose.

If your kid couldn't work in Palm Springs and is a victim of this crime, you probably don't know the whole story behind it.  There is a girl that rapes gay men, then follows them around like they are her property.

As a side note.  I knew that Lori and Brian had stolen all of my things.  They'd been nit picking from me since college.  After all of my stuff had been stolen, Jonathan smartly showed up with one of my pieces of furniture.  I knew it was mine because I'd broken and fixed it myself.  This was how he showed me that he was "in" on this investigation.

I didn't report my stuff stolen to the police for one very good reason.  When I reported the rape, as I was told to do by Bryan Anderson, I was immediately arrested two times the very next day.  This was a punishment for having reported whoever raped me to the police.  You don't report a rape if you are gay in Palm Springs or the police make you pay for it.  I decided that if I reported this stuff stolen, there would be more arrests...there were anyway.  Five more times I would be arrested until May of 2008 without a single conviction.  I could not walk outside without being arrested or stopped by the police that seemed to be waiting for me everywhere I went.  You would think I was on some kind of police Lojack system, which you are when Lori and Brian are stalking you.

I'm telling you this system of crime and punishment of gay rape victims has been in place for almost thirty or so years.  When I began writing about this urban legend of the "snitch girl drug dealer in Palm Springs", I found a way to get my story out there and Lori tried to have this blog taken down.  She filed that restraining order as a way to keep me from telling you what you just read.  She even put her name on it.

I want to remind all of you parents that this is a very serious crime of taking away the basics from a victim. There were two nights that I had no place to go so I literally walked over to the police station and stood outside all night long.  Of course I wasn't using drugs, I just figured that they were going to arrest me anyway so I went there and stood outside until morning.  Oh they tried to have me arrested.  Lori sent out two police officers to harass me, but I told them, I wasn't using drugs and I had no place to go.  There isn't any law about staying awake all night and standing there was a way for me to stand up for myself.  I wasn't arrested either time.