Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Lori's Back and She's Bringing Her Full Staph! The World's Worst Self Proclaimed "Personal Assistant" Has Been Stabbing Herself In The Back!!!

If only the staph infection on Lori's back looked this good.

Jonathan Mendenhall has had lots of stories about Lori and Brian, but none better than what she is afflicted with when you see her without her shirt on.  She refuses to go to a doctor for treatment for a chronic staph infection that she continues to grow inside of her body and outside on her skin.  According to Jonathan, she has them all over her body but most visible on her buttocks and back.  I am only telling you all this because this staph has allegedly been used to infect other gay men intentionally.

I have once been a victim of this when Lori paid a visit to my home while I was away and rubbed herself all over my bath towel and bathroom.  Toothbrushes, shampoo, toilet seats and everywhere were infected...I got a nasty infection on my shoulder because of this.  Of course, I went and got treatment at the clinic, but Lori has yet to visit the doctor because, according to Jonathan, she is afraid they will know that she has HIV.  She is deathly afraid of that coming out.  This is what my informant source told me.  Normally I wouldn't give out that kind of information, but the truth is that she likes giving this kind of infection to victims of electronic harassment SO THAT THEY will get medicine that she steals to treat herself.

It's sad to think that in this day and age anyone would intentionally give HIV patients this kind of infection...but this is how she self medicates: using other people's prescriptions.  My skin is crawling just thinking about it.

If you have had one of these infections, you need to see your doctor for extra antibiotics that fight this staph.  It is imperative that you get a few months of treatment for this.  If left in the blood stream, you can continue to get these infections that are stronger inside of someone when they don't kill it all the way.  Lori gets these infections because she hasn't killed the staph in her blood stream.  It is a bacterial staph that needs months of treatment to kill.  Curing your skin eruption is NOT ENOUGH!  You have to have blood tests to make sure the entire infection is gone.

Please be careful.  Victims of this staph with HIV is the leading killer of our victims here in Palm Springs.  They develop a bacterial staph pneumonia that liquefies the lungs if untreated.  This is not pneumocisis, it is a staph infection of the lung linings that will kill you without proper attention.

Tell your doctor that Isoniazid is what most of us have taken to kill this bacterial staph in our systems over 3-5 months...taken once daily it can cure this bacterial staph in your bloodstream!!!