Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

He's Hunting Me...That's All There Is To It! He Bailed Out Two People That Have Tried To Kill Me On Numerous Occasions...Why?

Don't you just hate those motherfuckers that are so rich that they go "big game hunting" in a fishbowl and act like they've done something courageous when they kill some wild animal that their guide has already drugged and wounded for them?  An endangered species or some zoo animal that a zoo wanted to get rid of?  I just hate those fucking assholes.  That's the kind of thing a small minded jerk like Jeffrey Katzenberg would be like.  A 5'3" midget that thinks he's more of a man when he kills something that has no chance against him a a sub machine gun.

This MF piece of garbage bails out two people that he damn well knew were stalking me and knew were following me on vacation as a police informant...he literally paid for them to get out of jail when they got caught.  For seven and a half years afterwards he funneled as much money into their drug dealing operation as he could through a woman, that he claims doesn't work for him but still uses a phone he pays for and a computer connection he pays for and lives with the drug dealers.  Now you can say that he's some kind of odd thinker, but the fact remains that the two people that he bailed out of jail have made multiple attempts on my life.  His own child suffers from HIV because of them.  I've been shot at, beaten, infected, raped and so many other things by these two that he's literally picked them to hunt me down.  Now they are trying to use me to extort money from him. Like some billionaire could be extorted if he hadn't done something this stupid.
I want all of you to know what this man has cost me...EVERYTHING.  His wife and son cost me EVERYTHING and he wants more.  His fucking lessie girlfriend is still trying to bleed more money out of him with a smile and a hair flip. I am over it.  That bitch needs to go to a psychiatrist and a prison.