Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

In The Middle of Nowhere, Finding Me Again

Numb.  That's the best way I can describe how I feel right now.  It's like I just was in a street fight.  Literally, I feel like I was in a three month long street fight inside my head.  I've been jumped and scrapping with people fighting with me night after night for months.  Throw in moving, selling a home, bills and a whole lot of Laurie being her usual bitch and you just get to this point of punch drunk and solitary.  Today is the first lull.  

Something that most of you don't know is that I don't really talk to people any more.  I have lots of friends.  This is true.  Tons of them.  The best kinds too.  I haven't had a phone call from anyone in years.  Also true.  I've really had to cut off communications with almost all of them.  That's not true.  The "almost all of them" part isn't true.  All of them is true.  Laurie's aggression is too great.  She's taken such an aggressive approach to hurting people that I can't risk any of their lives any longer.  If I talk to anyone, they are in danger.  She doesn't let up any longer.  I can't really make new friends or talk to old ones.  Her need to insert herself into their lives, financially and personally, has become too much of an obsession.  There is no off limits.  For example.  Last night I was talking about an attorney friend of mine last night.  His name is Ben.  I wanted Ben to talk with Christopher for some advice.  He's a great attorney and I think the relationship between the two would be good, personality wise.   Laurie started in.

You know, in order to fit personality between attorney and client, I have to think about Christopher's personality and needs with the abilities of my friends that are great attorneys.  The attorney's personality, qualities, abilities and how he or she would relate to Christopher.  Immediately, Laurie begins with, "Where does he live? What does he do?  Is he married?  What street does he live on?  Did he ever smoke pot?" So on and so forth.  It's a ridiculous barrage of interjections of questions about my friends and their personalities that nobody should have to suffer through simply because I am doing my job.  Laurie is a maniac.  She is a constant invasion.  He "need to know" is compounded by her need to obstruct.  She calls it her "defense of her family", but it is Christopher's right to defend himself that is what is necessary here.  It is a constant all day attack.  I can't live in a world with friends.  Consequently, I've had to retreat to a world without them.

It's not like I don't have friends.  The contrary is true.  I have more than I probably need.  I simply can't exist in their world without causing problems for them because of Laurie's need to hurt them, lie about them to their employers, financially ruin them or have them stalked and possibly shot at and killed.  It's happened to me and others.  She isn't the kind of person that doesn't defend her "family" with violence and lies.  There is a "bullet hole in my car door, too bad they missed" after all" right?   You see, what doesn't get attention on the surface are the scars that have healed that the hospital wouldn't tell anyone, that actually happened.  When the hospital told the world that my skull wasn't smashed after two MRI's, they gave Laurie a License to Kill.  It's something that people don't understand.  It's a free pass.  It says you can kill anyone you want to.  We'll help you get away with murder if you send them to us.

How many times did this happen?  How many times did the police find out about it and do nothing more than say, "Oh so this did happen, but we already said nothing happened so, we're good?"