You have to give it to good old Marilyn Katzenberg and her husband Jeff, boy can they tell a story, although their movies are a bit cookie cutter these days. You can't believe the level of indignity that the pair has now sunk to, to try to find funding for Laurie's terrorism and Missy's vibrator battery collection. This time Jeff and Marilyn have taken to sending me on a Wild Goose Chase with all the fixins. How cute Marilyn, you know how to use AIDS as weapon of mass terrorism. You're such a good mother.
Hope your son doesn't get sick.
At any rate, today's little story is about money. Money that my mom allegedly put away in the bank for me and didn't tell me about. This one is good because I actually thought that she had. I'd tried to save money for a long time while I worked my ass off out here thinking Jeffrey was working on this investigation. We all know now that he wasn't. He was just finger fucking the lesbian living with him the whole time, allegedly. Apparently he needs to ice his fingers after a long day of counting all his money. So, Jeffrey, knowing that my mom has been stressed out and forgetting stuff all the time lately, was used as bait. Acting like she'd forgotten about this account, I was sent off to the bank to look for it. A nice ruse to humiliate and embarrass me again. One thing Jeffrey loves to do more than anything in this universe is hurt me and show everyone that he can. So does his wife. The fucking bitch from HELL. You might think she's nice, but I know better.
So after going to the bank and checking and finding nothing, of course, I look like the idiot again. Now I'm the asshole that is reminded that doom is pending while my dickless boyfriend sits there and prays that Jeffrey will become a "better person" overnight. Isn't he amazing? Maybe he can pray for some medical insurance for me too or perhaps he can pray for some HIV meds to fall out of the sky. Meanwhile he can pray for a money tree to grow in my front yard. After that he can pray for a new boyfriend...because that's about the only way he's gonna have one.
I solved my problems and Jeffrey and Marilyn came here to find my solution and dug a deep hole and buried the solution as deep as they could. They hid witnesses, they lied to the police, they hid evidence and they sought to derail justice. It's funny how he wants me to solve all of my problems when I ALREADY DID DO THAT THEN HE CREATED ALL NEW PROBLEMS FOR ME WITH HIS WIFE. The other funny thing is that he doesn't have Missy or Bessie solving any of their own problems he just pays for everything of their and everyone elses...while doing nothing for anyone else. He's a lying, cheating bastard. He's a hypocritical lying bullshiting piece of garbage...he deserves no respect from anyone and what he's doing now is acting like he had nothing to do with any of it. What I am telling all of you is that this man is a crazy old tired piece of garbage and a complete drain on society. He is using HIV as a weapon and is using our community to steal money for his girlfriends that have tortured and stolen from us for many decades. What a narcissistic hypocrite you are Jeffrey. You are everything that people say about you. You are a mean spirited hateful little man and your mother would be every bit ashamed of who you have become.
I wish you the very worst of luck finding you soul because you don't have one any longer.