Morally Conscious

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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Laurie's Porn, Addiction and the Computer

I think if I tried to list all of the things that Laurie "hates" it would literally be everything that I think and say, so I decided that I would tell you about the things that she "loves".  That's really simple, drugs, sex and the computer.  Now she will tell you that she "loves Missy" but we all know that it's just because of the drugs, computer and porn.  In fact, most of the things in Laurie life can be traced to those three things.  
Anyone that can sit in front of a computer day in and day out without moving or changing her panties, is spending too much time in front of the computer.  What she tells everyone is that she can't move because she is under investigation and she can't miss a thing, but THAT WOULD MAKE HER LISA, WOULDN'T IT?  She tells everyone that this system of torture is "protecting her family" or "defending herself", let me tell you again, that makes her Lisa.  If spending all day long harassing everyone from her home on the computer system that I am telling you about, then SHE IS LISA.

Methamphetamine is a huge problem for Laurie; we need a hair sample to show everyone just how long she has been using it.  If you could wash off her left arm, you'll see track marks from years of misuse and addiction.  She's really embarrassed by them and doesn't think that anyone notices that she's a full on addict.  Makeup and long sleeves doesn't make her sober, like she likes to tell everyone that she is.  Just like hair dye and bleach won't turn her into Missy.

Porn and meth users go together.   This is because they have an effect on a human beings sexual drive.  Most victims hear about it all day while she screams at them to do something sexual that she can act like she forced you to do.  For her, it is the closest that she can get to being a dominatrix.  Nobody is ever interested in her advances and her demands.  Christopher is really offended by it, he is a priest afterall.