Let me tell you all a story about a little girl that couldn't make any friends.
There once was this little spoiled brat named Laurie. She came from Texas to California and thought she would become a movie star. Unfortunately for Laurie her sexuality and looks got in the way. In other words she gave it up to every single boy with a zipper in his pants and a joint in his pocket. By the time she was a sophomore in high school, Laurie's virginity and morals were long gone and so were her chances at ever being popular for anything more than a blowjob in the parking lot of the school. Nobody liked her. Nobody wanted her. Nobody wanted to be her friend. Instead of taking a look at herself, she decided it was time to look at others.
She saw me. I had friends. Lots of them. I had more friends from every single group on campus than she'd had sex with over the last four or so years. How could this be? I honestly believe that she thought if she gave up her vagina, she would be popular with everyone, instead, she just stunk. To make up for her lack of friends, Laurie thought she would steal mine by pushing me and calling me names. Awkward for a boy of 12 or 13, you just can't hit a girl. Though I am sure at times I wanted to. Eventually all the girls started telling me that she was a freak. They thought she was a lesbian, which I didn't think was all that freaky, so I didn't comment back. As her high school grades dropped like her panties on a first date, Laurie began to tell people that she wanted me beaten up. I hated high school. I was a popular, friendly misfit in a town that already had cost me my childhood.
Laurie was so evil she once thought she saw me driving a car with my friend Kelly in it. Instead of screaming at me or calling me a "Faggot", which was the norm, this time she shoved one of her boy friends in front of the moving car thinking that I would run him over. I, actually, wasn't the guy driving the car, but he did look like me. This is what I like to call a near miss. There were about to be hundreds more in my life including a bullet from a handgun wielded by her brother, a severe fag bashing in my then boyfriend's home, an intentional infection of HIV before I'd even had sex (guess that one wasn't such a near miss) and so many more. One thing that usually followed these near misses, was the exodus of all of my friends. One by one, she would contact each and every one of them and tell them the most horrible lies. It was what I like to call a "wave of negativity" that kept washing up upon my most calm shore. It started with my fraternity brothers, then with my coworkers, then with my friends in San Diego and finally in Palm Springs.
In Palm Springs, I met a bunch of friends that were all implanted and infected just like I was. My natural instinct was to fight for them thinking that they would be the first group of friends that wouldn't go along with Laurie's bullshit. Wrong! Instead, what I found was a group of friends that slowly but surely went to the darkest side of this harassment. One by one, each of them was told about this crime and enlisted by my producer. Laurie didn't need any help this time, she had an enemy built in. Now I want you to see if this makes any sense to all of you.
I had the perfect team to destroy this entire electronic harassment system. One by one, my producer and his attorney, decided that they would make each of my friends promise not to talk to me about anything. They couldn't even contact me. So, head broken, neck stuck out as far as I could for each of them, one by one they all agreed to be silent. As my producer and his lawyer collected up all of my evidence of rape and my record keeping the two of them decided whom I could and could not be friends with. So then this team of mine watched as Laurie put my boyfriend in jail. That would get him out of the way for a year and a half so that I had no support at all. One year turned into two. Two turned into five. Five turned into seven.
I haven't had a conversation with anyone that has lasted more than five minutes in over seven years thanks to this producer and his attorney, a woman that claimed to be my friend from San Diego. Now I want to ask all of you this. Does that seem like a friend to you? I also got completely sober during this time. Does anyone out there know what it is like to get sober without a single friend around? If you combine that with the burglaries at my home and apartment, I can tell you that it wasn't pleasant.
So, for about the seventh time in my life, I am left without a single solitary friend in this entire world only this time, it wasn't Laurie that did it, it was a selfish and self centered producer and a money hungry attorney that took and hid all of the witnesses in a case where both Christopher and I volunteered to be informants. None of the rest of these people had the courage to step in front when we did. They only tagged along when it got convenient.
Once again, I am faced with life in a tiny town with the most horrible woman on the planet, Laurie and I have all of my friends to thank for it. It's what Laurie has been praying for her entire adult life. One more chance to show her mother and father that she can kill me right in front of them and get away with it. With all of my former friends watching and Laurie's odd and incompetent obsession, Missy looking on. How fun it must be for my so called friends to sit there and watch for seven long years while the immature bitch from junior high school tortures me with her three friends. All night long meth binges, drown with GHB and whatever else she can guzzle down her throat or shove in her arm. In the meantime, every single one of the parents of my friends all knew this would happen, but this producer extended his middle finger to me and said "fuck you Kevin".
Instead of the usual overthrowing of my friends, this time Laurie had help. Lots of it. She had a police officer friend of my family. She had one of my sister's best friends, which I am sure won't be the case once she finds out what else she withheld information on. She had two of my best friends. My own boyfriend. Two attorneys that use to be my friends. A whole host of people that didn't support me one single iota while I fought for their civil rights. Quitters with the hearts and souls of cowards.
I don't know how long a person is supposed to wait for friends to be friends or how long it takes a boyfriend to wake the fuck up and start insisting on better treatment for his partner, but I am fairly certain that seven fucking years is plenty long enough. You can't imagine how angry a person gets at a police department full of buffoons and a list of friends without a single speck of friendship inside of them. You won't believe the lengths I stuck my neck out for each and every one of them, risking my own safety only to have them shove it right back in my face. Not one single gesture of friendship since the day I got back from Sedona, Arizona. Oh yeah, I paid for that whole trip too.
This whole thing was bound to happen. The mistakes made by this attorney and her husband were many. The successes never materialized but the paychecks sure did. What I use to want to know was "FOR WHAT?" What in the Hell did she get paid to do? Stalk my friends and tell them not to talk to me? Steal my evidence and act like she was going to use it someday? This is a woman whom use to have some kind of moral fiber, now, she's just as horrible as Laurie. What she did do was watch as Laurie stalked and jailed my boyfriend. Saw the whole damn thing. Do you think that she did anything to get him out of jail? Nope...not one single thing. She just let an innocent man go to jail for a year and a half because she couldn't bother. Now the woman that I use to know would NEVER have let that happen. This one, couldn't care less.
One thing that led me to believe that this attorney would fuck me over in the long run was how she just sat and watched as my innocent boyfriend went to jail. She knew he was an informant for Bryan Anderson and she couldn't even be bothered to make that call. I couldn't, Bryan was the boyfriend of a woman that had me restrained and to this day he hasn't said one single word about not being her boyfriend, so to call him would have landed me, in jail. Bryan has chosen Laurie over me several times in the past including driving her home for a funeral so that she could gloat over the pain that she and her family put my sister and I through. What a fucking asshole.
I have one tremendous piece of advice for all of you still living in Palm Springs and implanted: DO NOT EVER TRUST BRYAN ANDERSON. HE'S THE BOYFRIEND OF LISA AND A COMPLETE IDIOT WHEN IT COMES TO FRIENDSHIP. HE WILL HELP COVER UP ANY KIND OF CRIME THAT LAURIE IS INVOLVED WITH AND WOULDN'T LIFT A FINGER TO HELP ANY OF YOU!!! He is in fact two faced as we have all seen with the Warm Sands situation when he said some of those men were "cocksuckers"; nice huh?
I short, which by now is pretty long, I want every single one of my former friends to know one thing, I NEVER LET YOU DOWN, NOT ONE SINGLE TIME AND YOU LET ME DOWN AT EVERY SINGLE TURN. That is not friendship, that's Laurie's kind of friendship dictated by a really horrible man that decided whom my friends and boyfriend could and could not be. I don't know whom he thinks he is, but one thing is for certain, he is not my kind of friend. Nobody on this Earth rides me like a roller coaster like this; I don't care how much money you have, you don't have enough to buy the kinds of friends that I deserve. These friends were desperate and you took full advantage of all of them. I hope you can live with yourself knowing what you did to me. So when Laurie starts telling police officer scum sucking public servants that all these friends of mine are now hers, she's right. She can have each and every one of them, they were bought and paid for by my best friend's father.
I also want you all to know one very important thing. Nobody, and I mean nobody, ever did anything to help me. This fucking police department should be gutted to the ground by the federal government and rebuilt. It is the biggest farce in the law enforcement community. They lie, they cover up and they jail innocent gay men for nothing more than the entertainment of a local drug dealer. I will never work for them again!!!