She's been attacking me all day long and the price she wants me to pay is friendship with all of my friends. Laurie has so many issued with her family: Mommy issues, Daddy issues, brother issues, sister issues, fuck even her issues have issues with their issues. She's embarked on a campaign of ruining my friendships now for about 38 years and you know what...she can have them all. Every last one of them.
I'm so tired of my friends sitting back and watching this nightmare unfold for me that I've decided on a new strategy...hand them all over to the loving care of Laurie. If you can't be a better friend than to sit and watch this thing do what she does to me, then you really aren't much of a friend to begin with. I've heard so many people go by the wayside I hardly glance to look and see whom it was. I'm over it.