Click on Myron May's picture above for more about this man.
This is Myron May. He died and killed for the cause that this blog is trying to tell you all about. He knew it was wrong to do what he did, but he did it to teach you all about electronic harassment...right or wrong, his message is clear. A good man can be put in such a tremendous state of disrepair that he can be driven to kill for attention to this crime. That's a sad state of affairs. Apparently he was a very Christian man and he sent his story out before he decided to kill for attention to this crime.
How many more of these shootings will have to occur before our police department decides that their role in this crime is one of utter hatred toward good people?
I've been telling you about electronic harassment for years now...who's next?
Commit no acts of violence because of this blog or this crime...use your mouth to spread the word about what Laurie and Brian and this police department have done to you!!! Myron May gave his life and took the lives of two others so that people like Jonathan Mendenhall and Christopher Monti could be free from this harassment.
#NoMoreKillings, #StopThePSPD