A wise man once told me when I resigned my position at the U.S. District Court, Southern District of California that I was, "a young man built for good things in my life"...something that I will never forget. This is Hon. Larry A. Burns, District Court Judge for the Southern District of California. A man I have tremendous respect for and whom I've admired as both a prosecutor, magistrate judge and district court judge. He's an amazing man whom once asked me to work for him...I turned him down but managed to get my friend hired for a position in his courtroom. That friend still works for him...and I've been proud ever since.
Now that the case of Myron Mays has hit the newspapers and I have decades of experience with this crime of electronic harassment, I am looking forward to showing him that he was correct. It took a long time to be able to tell my story correctly, but now that there are others in the news and now that my friends have joined in on the fight, the challenge of showing this technology to the world is no longer an issue. It's just a matter of when.
I think it is important to note that Myron was a prosecutor with all of the powers that a prosecuting attorney has, even he couldn't do what my team can. My attorneys are now scratching their heads at what they know is a problem that even they couldn't have explained if this had happened to them without seeing the technology first hand...now they know that what was once a conspiracy theory is an absolute reality. Even better is knowing that I'm justified in my resignation under serious circumstances due to the shooting and rumors that this kind of crime can cause.
I couldn't explain my situation then because of the circumstances...so rather than put men like Hon. Larry Burns at risk, I resigned. That will prove to be a huge decision in the future. Protecting our legal system and the people that promote justice for the country was of primary concern when I made my decision...now I know it was the correct one. I am so happy that finally there will be justice for the years that I suffered in San Diego and before. What a relief...for all of us.
I once warned Laurie that if she didn't stop harassing me with police and threats that I would bring my friends to Palm Springs, California...and now I have. They are here. They are angry. They are appalled. They know I was right. Most of all they can explain so much more than I ever could have tried to on my own....that is a really good feeling. Police officers should know that I can even show you that I warned Laurie about this happening long before now in my diaries....she just wouldn't stop for anything.