Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Changing My Middle Name To "Fucking Asshole" and Now I'm Human Excrement...Isn't That What Advocacy Work Is All About? Thanks Friends That Know I'm Telling The Truth #YearNumber8

Just a note to thank Mrs. Monti and Mrs. Mendenhall for all of their support...which I don't ever get...for fighting for your sons...this is the kind of love I do get.  Now that I've been called "mother fucker" for the eight millionth time today...I've decided to change my middle name to that.   Also, being called "human excrement" by some dyed red headed dork that thinks that I've posted some kind of nude photo of a dead person...without any specificity....I just want you all to know that this job has really been worth it for me.  Every single minute of the day.  Thanks Bryan Anderson, may some dork with red hair call your wife "human excrement"'s one of the more pleasant things a spouse can see.

#friendswouldntactlikethis, #YearNumber8, #HereComesAnotherSummer